I can't see myself ever doing a Scavenger build... the trait locks just really gimp the potential of any character who takes it. Moreover, I think Scavenger is even *less* useful on Ao100 in compared to My last run I got 2 nanos, 2 firestorms, 2 onyxs, and a sniper. If I had taken Scavenger I would have felt pretty stupid. In addition, many assemblies have been reworked to require fewer rare mods.
Honestly, the only real use for a "tons more mods" perk is dualgunning pistols when you need twice the mods to for twice the weapons... but with dualgunner explicitly banned this just leaves the trait without a natural build.
Intuition just has to be removed. In the hands of a skilled player it is total immunity to damage -- fun for badges, bad for the game. An alternate idea is to reduce it to vision-area only, meaning you can see behind walls but not spot enemies beyond sight range.