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Author Topic: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.  (Read 188220 times)


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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #300 on: June 21, 2012, 07:19 »

Sorry guys, have to go again. Be back around 6.


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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #301 on: June 21, 2012, 23:18 »

...and starts to climb down the fastened rope, wheezing.

Looks like I misread the posts: I was under the impression that the rope was down there with the others, which is the only reason I jumped. But screw it, done is done, we'll see how many broken bones I end up with.
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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #302 on: June 21, 2012, 23:51 »

Failure happens :P
Also, oh righto, I have 100 xp now. Can get something cool.

Awareness roll, result 11. Booyeah.

EDIT: since there isn't much cool stuff at Conscript rank, I'm taking Sound Constitution.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2012, 00:06 by HexaDoken »
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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #303 on: June 22, 2012, 05:01 »

Since there isn't much cool stuff at Conscript rank, I'm taking Sound Constitution.

Don't forget you can also spend it on stat increases. For me, there's little useful at Dreg rank as well, so I guess I'm saving up 250 for the second BS increase instead.
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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #304 on: June 23, 2012, 07:31 »

Guys and guyettes, I'd like you to send me your character sheets on PM. I'd like to have them in one place, apart from all the discussion. Thank you.


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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #305 on: June 23, 2012, 07:40 »

Sent. I was gonna do that, but I wanted to wait for the shopping trip. That was back when I though it will be easy to reach a shop, though =)
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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #306 on: June 23, 2012, 07:41 »

Is anybody in need for shortened combat rules?


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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #307 on: June 23, 2012, 07:47 »

As a hive-born individual, MkLear is Wary, so gets +1 on all initiative rolls. Not that it changes anything in this instance (except maybe he gets to move before Xilla, unless she's hive-born too)
Arch-Vile Mjr General [24/19/18/8/2] (

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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #308 on: June 23, 2012, 07:48 »

Ha! Right. Forgot. Let me fix that.


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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #309 on: June 23, 2012, 07:54 »

Yeah, I could make use of shortened combat rules.
Character sheet will arive in next minute or so.
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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #310 on: June 23, 2012, 08:57 »

First we have initiative rolls. It is 1d10 + Ag bonus (tens digit) + any of your initiative bonuses. Whoever has the highest value, goes first, then in a descending order.

During your turn, you do actions. We divide them into categories - free, half and full actions. You don't have to know them all, but if you do, it's good for you. You can always come back and check if you don't know something.

Free actions can be made in a split-second. Do bear in mind, though, that amassing ten of them in one turn can't. For example:
- Dodge (one dodge per turn! you can dodge ranged attacks as well);
- Shout something quickly;
- Parry (one parry per turn, no parrying the gunfire);
- Dropping an item held in your hand;
- Pressing the explosive collar's trigger;
- Attacking an enemy that is running next to you;

Half actions take half your turn time. Half actions described in the rulebook are:
- Regular attack (only one "attack" action per turn!);
- Feint (you and your enemy roll WS - if you succeed, your next melee attack in quick succession after the feint against this enemy can't be dodged or parried);
- Aim (+10 to your next BS roll if you attack right after aiming. If you aim two times in a row, the bonus is raised to +20);
- Manoeuvre (if you succeed against your enemy in opposed WS check, you can push him one metre backwards);
- Delay (you wait to execute your second action later this turn);
- Half Move (one "move" action per turn, metres equal to your agility bonus);
- Stand up (if somebody knocks you down);
- Knock down (You hurl your body against your opponent, in hopes to bring him down. Opposed Str test with your enemy. If you win, you put him to the ground. If you fail badly, he puts you down instead. You get +10 if you moved before pushing him);

Full actions take the whole turn to execute.
- Disengage (lets you move away from the enemy without provoking additional attacks);
- Jump/leap ('nuff said);
- Full Move (move equally to twice your Ag bonus in meters);
- Run (a move action, you dash six times your Ag bonus in metres. Anyone trying to hit you gets +20 to WS, but -20 to BS);
- Tactical advance (you may move twice your Ag bonus in metres from a piece of cover to another piece of cover without losing any profit from it);
- All-out attack (+20 to WS, but you can't dodge or parry until your next turn);
- Charge (must dash 4 meters at least to a maximum Ag bonus*3, gives +10 to WS roll);
- Defensive stance (don't attack, but enemies trying to hit you get -20);
- Multiple attacks (if your traits let you do so, you can attack twice or thrice with this action);
- Guarded strike (-10 to hit, but +10 to dodge/parry);
- Grapple (normal WS test, but instead you catch your opponent and may choke him afterwards with a well-placed Str opposite roll. Grappled foes can't parry or dodge and are easier to hit by +20)
- Stun (lots of explaining there. Basically a Called Attack to the head, so -20. If you succeed, 1d10+Strength Bonus against the enemy's 1d10 + head armor. If you beat him, you send his mind to space for a number of rounds equal to the difference.)
- Burst fire (either semi-auto, giving +10 to hit, full-auto, giving +20 to hit or supressing fire, which only has to pin the foe to the ground);

It's alright, but how do I hit somebody?
It's nice of you that you ask.
You roll for WS (if melee) or BS (if gunfighting). If you roll below your characteristic, you managed to hit, congrats and stuff.
Then there is a damage roll. How much damage? Check your weapon stat. That much.
Fists are like 1d5-3 damage, if you went really desperate or ran out of ammo.
The number you rolled has the target's Toughness Bonus and armor subtracted from it, then it applies into his body and takes as many Wounds.
If Wounds collapse to zero, the guy is heavily wounded and each subsequent strike that deals damage is a Critical Hit - our word for "finisher". It does bad things depending on how much damage you stick into the target.
Results may vary from stunning, through flying limbs, to total vaporization, which also depends on the weapon. Leave the description of the effects to me, though. I've got eight pages of charts for it.

Other modifiers
- If you fire your gun at enemy 3 metres apart, you get +30 to hit (point-blank range);
- If you melee your opponent two or more to one, each of you gets +10 to hit for each participant beyond the first, to a maximum of +20;
- If you call the shot into a particular body part (if you don't, we pick it randomly), you get -20 to BS roll;
- If you knocked your enemy to the ground, he is +10 to hit in melee, but -10 to shoot. Also, he has -20 to dodge.
- It's harder by -20 to hit somebody engaged in melee. Also, there's a risk of you hitting your friend instead if you fail really badly.
- A stunned bastard is easier to whack by +20, so go for the head.
- Backstabbing an unaware target is easier by +30. Hi, Xilla.
- If you try to apply your fist to the face of somebody armed with a melee weapon, you get -20.
- If somebody is helpless (like, tied up, blinded or unconscious - or stuck in a monstrous web!), attacks succeed immediately, plus you roll twice and get the higher bonus. Go for the eyes, boys and girls.
- Off-hand attacks for non-ambidextrous people get -20.
- Firing at somebody from the higher ground is also a way to go, for if you stand higher than your enemy, you get +10 against him!

If you rolled a natural 10 in your damage roll, roll again. If you succeed, you roll another d10 and add it to the rest! Roll again if the 10 shows up one more time and repeat it until you stop rolling tens, lucky bastard.

Fine. How do I reload my gun?
It takes as many actions as described in the weapon's description, in the Reload (Rld) section. A Man-Portable Lascannon? Sucks to be you, brother.

How do we post our actions?
You post them in an initiative order, of course. First you describe what you do, and then you post the mechanical action in the spoiler tag along with all the rolls required for this.

What if I die?
You stay dead!

No, not really. Heh.
If you still have Fate Points left, you delete one forever and come back to life.

Fate Points?
Yeah, Fate Points are your bucket'o'luck that tends to run out way too quickly.
They regenerate once per day when you take a good rest and can be used in several ways:
- Use one to heal immediately for 1d5 Wounds.
- Pay me one and you can reroll a failed test.
- You may gain an additional degree of success. Cost: one point.
- If you want to move before the random bastard does, you give me one point and I give you an additional Initiative Roll Die. This one is added to the rest.
- If something shitty occurs to you - like, your hand flying away from you, your eyes melting or your heart ceasing to beat - you give me one Fate Point and I fix you. Of course, this time you never get your one point back. Small note - you can give me one point you already used up to heal yourself, roll again or else. Doesn't matter. What matters is that it is lost forever to you.

What if I lose them all?
Well, you're screwed.
Unless you do something truly heroic!, for this is when I can award you with one more life to live.


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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #311 on: June 23, 2012, 09:08 »

Can I magically swap my shotgun with my lasgun in a 0.0s time pretending that "I have wielded that lasgun before the battle started, I don't know anything!"

If no, then I guess I'm just going to deliberately aim and... deliberately aim again.
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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #312 on: June 23, 2012, 09:11 »

I'm actually thinking about getting this.

"You talkin' to me?"
Arch-Vile Mjr General [24/19/18/8/2] (

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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #313 on: June 23, 2012, 09:13 »

Dangit, sharing files used to be real easy with Orbitfiles. Now it's seemingly impossible...

Sil, if you PM me your e-mail address, I'll send you the file that way instead.

I won't be around this evening btw, so it might be late tonight/tomorrow morning before I can take my first turn...
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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #314 on: June 23, 2012, 09:16 »

Mediafire is pretty solid.

Also, I hate that die that rolled 1 on my initiative =(
Arch-Vile Mjr General [24/19/18/8/2] (

Quote from: thelaptop
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