What sort of articles have you had to back up, Zaimoni?
I'm backing up anything I may need to refer to in bootstrapping my second business. [Strictly, an LLC I'm a founding member of; ....]
In practice, this means any page with substantive content in:
* Thermodynamics
* Kinetic gas theory/statistical mechanics
** At least three useful concrete-example pages are nominated for later deletion here, apparently because they require background equivalent to a higher degree in one of mathematics, physics, or chemistry to immediately understand. I formally have this background (Master's in mathematics).
* Chemical reaction kinetics
* Chemical equilibria
In these domains, there currently is no other equivalently competent central website. The next best contender for chemical equilibria is IUPAC, but they don't have sketched derivations. (Which is a critical problem, as I need to understand the models well enough to rederive them correctly. I've already found a fundamental example where the standard construction is formally wrong.)
For the other domains mentioned, there is no "next best contender".