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Author Topic: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!  (Read 21936 times)

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2007, 16:45 »

    I found a bit of a bug to do with the missile weapons. Basically, sometimes ranged attacks get blocked by terrain similar to what happens in DooMRL when you aim through a wall.
    Code: [Select]
      So when I try to fire my crossbow at the imp all my bolts hit the stone :( which isn’t cool. Especially as in Berserk! you can’t get more ammo nearly as easily as you could in DooMRL. I guess that this isn’t easy to fix so I got some suggestions for alternative solutions:
    *sigh* One of these days I'll write a new targeting code for my roguelikes, and stop reusing the same old one -_-. But I guess now I might just tweak the "forgivingness" of the los calculation during shooting.

    Also I’ve experimented with the frozen levels a bit and I like what the icy water does. I think it adds nice bit of variation in terrain. I’m not entirely sure what the Frozen points mean or how they differ from Pain, if at all, but it seems, balance-wise, reasonable enough.  A question though, does it affect enemies as well? It could make for some interesting tactics if it does, though I could see why you wouldn’t want that. I’m not a fan of Ice though. It just seems to be a bit annoying and not much else... Maybe instead of throwing you from one space to another it could increase the effect of knock-back? So it could be used tactically in combination with the cannon or just to keep slow monsters like Yeti at bay for longer. Just an idea.
    As for frozen, see post above. I'll make it stronger though :P. It doesn't affect enemies, because I assumed they are deamons, and used to this kind of environment (especialy the ice ones).

    On a more minor point: when told to move in to a helpless townsfolk you get a message saying “Let them live… a little longer”. Now, I only know Berserk through a gore-maniac of a friend and you mentioned a rich story when describing Berserk soo I guess I’m not the wisest on this subject but isn’t that a bit unlike Guts? I mean, I remember him going through some *huge* beatings just to make sure some random passer-by’s doesn’t die. Thought I’d bring that up.
    * Kornel Kisielewicz laughs maniacaly.

    Well, let me pull out some quotes by Guts :

    "If you're always worried about crushing the ants beneath won't be able to walk."
    "Do whatever you want now. But if you disturb me, I'll kill you."

    And maybe the piece of dialogue directly from the manga that almost directly answers your question:
    Puck : "You mean you're planning to drag all the townspeople into this?!"
    Guts : "I don't care. All I wanna do is find that bastard and kill him. I don't care about anything else. Anyone who dies because they get caught up in someone else's fight is a small fry who doesn't have the strength to survive in the first place."

    Yeah, and he acts on this. To me it's one of the beauties of Berserk -- the main character is no goody-goody evil, but almost as mad and evil as the evil he fights with. "For who fights with monsters must watch, not to become a monster himself" as Nietzsche wrote. Guts is driven to survive only by his hate and need of revenge, he looses sight of everything else. That's why it's Berserk after all...

    ... sure, somewhere deep down in his soul there are still compassion and other values, but they are just a faint light compared to the darkness within him. And the moments that he shows those feelings are really rare. Watching him fight most people would see no difference between him and the demons ;].

    Overall it seems pretty stable to me so far. Much liking Berserk! :)

    I much recommend you give the anime, and then the manga a chance :)[/list]
    at your service,
    Kornel Kisielewicz


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    Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
    « Reply #16 on: November 22, 2007, 18:03 »

    Hey Kornel,

    I'd just like to say thanks for this awesome Roguelike. You actually got me started on watching the Berserk anime. It's really cool. :)


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    Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
    « Reply #17 on: November 25, 2007, 10:47 »

    Sorry for a slow reply, silly real life got in the way :p.

    Quote from: Kornel Kisielewicz
    As for frozen, see post above. I'll make it stronger though :P. It doesn't affect enemies, because I assumed they are deamons, and used to this kind of environment (especialy the ice ones).

    Thanks for the info :). And I think your right in buffing the freeze effect a bit although I’m not sure if ice daemons need it but, hey, we’ll see. Oh and the bit about the enemies not being effected by cold does make a lot of sense now come to think about it. Anyway, if you did change it, it would probably encourage camping as water doesn’t get destroyed so it’s probably for the best (although you could counter camping by making every turn spent waiting freezing you but whatever).

    Something else I noticed about frozen arenas is that freezing doesn’t effect you while berserking. I’m a bit curious if that’s intended or not as it seems a bit strange to me. Basically, I see freezing as a case of armour being physically frozen together making it hard to move rather then a psychological pain that stops you from concentrating. Then again I’m a n00b at Berserk! knowledge (see below).

    Quote from: Kornel Kisielewicz
    * Kornel Kisielewicz laughs maniacaly.

    Well, let me pull out some quotes by Guts :

    "If you're always worried about crushing the ants beneath won't be able to walk."
    "Do whatever you want now. But if you disturb me, I'll kill you."

    And maybe the piece of dialogue directly from the manga that almost directly answers your question:
    Puck : "You mean you're planning to drag all the townspeople into this?!"
    Guts : "I don't care. All I wanna do is find that bastard and kill him. I don't care about anything else. Anyone who dies because they get caught up in someone else's fight is a small fry who doesn't have the strength to survive in the first place."

    Yeah, and he acts on this. To me it's one of the beauties of Berserk -- the main character is no goody-goody evil, but almost as mad and evil as the evil he fights with. "For who fights with monsters must watch, not to become a monster himself" as Nietzsche wrote. Guts is driven to survive only by his hate and need of revenge, he looses sight of everything else. That's why it's Berserk after all...

    ... sure, somewhere deep down in his soul there are still compassion and other values, but they are just a faint light compared to the darkness within him. And the moments that he shows those feelings are really rare. Watching him fight most people would see no difference between him and the demons ;].

    Wow, I didn’t really think Guts was *that* much of a crazy bastard... as I said, I don’t really know that much about Berserk! but, wow. I mean, I remember him impaling some poor kid to a wall but even then he seemed reasonably upset about it... wow.

    *starts being afraid of the @*

    P.S. there seems to be some forum bug because I can’t see the “I much recommend you give the anime, and then the manga a chance :)“ bit unless I try to scroll down with my mouse wheel. Plus there is a horizontal slide bar but nothing to extra when I use it :S.

    P.P.S. I probably will take a better look at the manga Berserk! at some point, the Roguelike has certainly sparked my interest in it :).
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    Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
    « Reply #18 on: December 01, 2007, 15:36 »

    More thoughts after playing some:
    -I keep my statement about Berserking beeing underpowered. Before it was there when needed most - now it's hard to get, and rarely is in time. I'd realy prefer having it old way
    -I tried out Bridge and River maps in Massacre and I'm underwhelmed - those levels are plain b o r i n g visually. What we could use is some kind of swamp level - perhaps swamp would slow down AND have a chance to immobilize if your unlucky... and I'm thinking skeletons should spawn on swamp from the start even without wraiths (this could lead to some NASTY surprises)... maby diffrent kind of skeletons too?
    -Frozen maps are quite cool (pun intended). Only thing I'm unsure about are Yetis - they seem like toned-down mandragoras. Perhaps someone could come up with more unique ability for them..
    -Talents! I think that it is time to remove dust from our lurkers and force them into labor - we need more, more, MORE traits: right now we habe only 2 paths available (sweep/whirlwind way or impale/jump way) and sweep/whirlwind one is *far* superior
    -How about special levels in endless? Let's say that every X days player would have a chocie - follow to next day normally OR venture to special place and take challenge (think of it as exploring some old ruins or something). The risks should be high (map with every square inch covered with beasts, map with lots of bodies and several wraiths, map with several demons) but so should be the reward (extra stat point, extra items of some kind, possibly going over the normal maximum, maby extra random trait)

    Hmm... that seems all that I had in mind for the post... :)
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    Kornel Kisielewicz

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    Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
    « Reply #19 on: December 01, 2007, 16:36 »

    More thoughts after playing some:
    -I keep my statement about Berserking beeing underpowered. Before it was there when needed most - now it's hard to get, and rarely is in time. I'd realy prefer having it old way
    I know, but remember that once classes come in, Berserking will be only for the Berserker, so I can't have it being something that's completely essential for gameplay. Treat it as a bonus, not a granted thing. But I'd like to hear others comment on it too.

    -I tried out Bridge and River maps in Massacre and I'm underwhelmed - those levels are plain b o r i n g visually. What we could use is some kind of swamp level - perhaps swamp would slow down AND have a chance to immobilize if your unlucky... and I'm thinking skeletons should spawn on swamp from the start even without wraiths (this could lead to some NASTY surprises)... maby diffrent kind of skeletons too?
    Not much more boring than Plains I guess. But they'll probably be merged with plains once I add more arenas. Yeah, a swamp would be neat, but that'd mean more sprites for Derek to draw :P.

    -Frozen maps are quite cool (pun intended). Only thing I'm unsure about are Yetis - they seem like toned-down mandragoras. Perhaps someone could come up with more unique ability for them..
    If someone has an idea for yetis, bring it on! Maybe their hits should also induce freezing? (Freezing will be enpowered!)

    -Talents! I think that it is time to remove dust from our lurkers and force them into labor - we need more, more, MORE traits: right now we habe only 2 paths available (sweep/whirlwind way or impale/jump way) and sweep/whirlwind one is *far* superior
    Oh yeah, we need those, lurkers come out!

    -How about special levels in endless? Let's say that every X days player would have a chocie - follow to next day normally OR venture to special place and take challenge (think of it as exploring some old ruins or something). The risks should be high (map with every square inch covered with beasts, map with lots of bodies and several wraiths, map with several demons) but so should be the reward (extra stat point, extra items of some kind, possibly going over the normal maximum, maby extra random trait)

    This will happen, but in the future -- my current aim is the campaign mode, and some features added to the campaign mode will make it into endless.
    at your service,
    Kornel Kisielewicz

    Malek Deneith

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    Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
    « Reply #20 on: December 01, 2007, 17:04 »

    Posting request reminder on demand:
    -remove "paper walls" effect - i.e. bulldemons, mandragoras and such should be able to punch through walss... imps and beasts shouldn't or at least shouldn't do it so easy.
    -pain gets carried over between nights albiet lessened it seems (was about -7 at the end of night before, had -3 at beggining of next night)
    -after killing spore in 3rd stage of "growing" an wall-square appeared in place of it ('l'ooking yealded "stones" description. the map was one of "forest" ones, so no such tiles should be there)
    -default target procedure is flawed - when trying to fire an knife from 3 targets one of which was tile away, second was two tiles away and third was  to 8 tiles away, the last one was chosen as default target
    « Last Edit: December 03, 2007, 18:05 by Malek Deneith »
    Inquisition - saving your soul, one bolter shell at a time.
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    Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
    « Reply #21 on: December 05, 2007, 19:13 »

    I am so happy for you Kornel :*.


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    Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
    « Reply #22 on: December 21, 2007, 15:57 »

    Lol, I should really check here more often. I had a lot going on with final exams and such though the past two weeks.

    Anyway, this is great news, I really love Berserk!
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