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Author Topic: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!  (Read 24051 times)

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
« on: November 18, 2007, 20:50 »

It is taking so long, I know. There's a graphical version in the works, but I don't know how much time it will take. To ease the wait, I release a halfway-to-0.9 version of Berserk!. Head to the downloads section and check it out!

Balance may be off in this one, for there were no beta versions, I just decided I need to break my silence and release something.

List of changes:
-- [add] Save and Load for non-Massacre modes
-- [add] freezing condition (lowers speed and defense)
-- [add] Snow, River and Bridge arenas
-- [add] three snow-specific monsters with new skills
-- [add] hapless townpeople in towns
-- [add] Demons!
-- [add] random quotes for every night
-- [mod] lowered whirlwind cost
-- [mod] move cost differs depending on terrain for player only
-- [mod] additional 50% miss chance for firing at running characters
-- [mod] Berserking re- and degeneration dependant on killing stuff

The new monsters are fun, but may not be balanced enough. Also the new berserker gauge may be a bit underpowered.

Warning -- the replays WON'T work with saves AT ALL (best case you'll get a wierd try of play :P).

I don't know wether the score file is compatible. I guess it is, but don't hold be by my word here -_-.
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2007, 20:51 »

Oh, and I really need you all to playtest it -- I'm quite sure to do a 0.8.6 (stable) release before I start work on 0.9.

BTW, Derek, are you still with me on this one? :)
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2007, 04:50 »

Wooot new Berserk! The new arenas sound interesting.
* Malek Deneith downloads
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Malek Deneith

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Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2007, 05:13 »

Doublepost for the glory of Emperor!

Okay, I did a quick playthrough. I didn't manage to see the new maps but I have other questions:

-Was the monster generation upped or something? The first night I got literally *swarmed* by Imps and Bulldemons - and while the presenc of the former was probably Ian's fault the number of the later wa frightening.

-Also regarding "-- [mod] Berserking re- and degeneration dependant on killing stuff" - I hope this doesn't mean further dimnish of Willpower's usability? (And yes Berserk seems weaker now - it seems to load very slowly - even taking in account my rusty player skills - usually it started so late that I had to Fairydust almost immidetly due to low HP)
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Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2007, 05:18 »

I don't think the generation was upped. At least not on purpose. Might have been a slip :P

Berserking now re- and de-charges only if you are killing stuff. Willpower *should* help. But I don't worry much about Willpower being useless, because once classes are in, it will have a very natural use for the Witch.
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2007, 10:58 »


I'm downloading and compiling it right now. I hope to get some free time to play it, though, since I'm up to the neck with work from the university this term :-/.

Thank you for the release!
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Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2007, 11:05 »

For all people compiling from source -- remember that you need Valkyrie from the SVN!
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2007, 15:37 »

+ Woooot! :D

Can’t thank you enough for the adding the in-game help! I tried Berserk! earlier but I just couldn’t figure out what was going on so I left it, but now – now I see why everyone raves about it :). And I’d be more then happy to play-test Berserk! for you (I’ll start posting as soon as I sift through all the post that seem relevant on the forum). Is there anything you want us to screw around with in particular?

Anyway, love the new Berserk :D (not that I would be able to tell what’s new or not but still :p)!

Edit: Oohh... this is embarrassing.

Just downloaded Berserk 0.8 so I can see what’s new and so on. Turns out there already was an in-game help. Conclusion - I am plain retarded. Never mind.

*Hides under the table*
« Last Edit: November 20, 2007, 09:21 by tisiphone »
I want my games for entertainment and escapism, not ethics education, thank you very much.

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2007, 11:37 »


You have the exact list of changes listed :). In-game help was since 0.8 thanks to Fingerzam (damn, I forgot to credit him properly).

As for testing -- I especialy need feedback on the new monsters (snow monsters and demons).
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2007, 12:48 »

Running through it right now! Yay, new Berserk! version! ^_^x

The in-game text refers to your character alternately as "Gatsu" and "Guts". I know they're the same one-maniac-army, but someone else might get confused.

The messages displayed for the unique demons (Ian, AbDa, TurIan, and the others I probably haven't run into yet) should read "You hit [demon's name]!" instead of "You hit the [demon's name]!". Same thing for when they die- use "[demon's name] dies!" instead of "The [demon's name] dies!"

The Ice Devils give a new status effect (Freezing), but i can't really tell any difference while I'm affected by it. Does it affect damage?

Hoe noes, Yetis (or is it the Ice Devils?) create Blizzards! The Blizzards seem like useless sword fodder to me- easily killed in two or three hits.

More to come as I delve further into Endless/Massacre mode.
Well, excuse me while I defy all laws of logic and science and do it anyway!


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Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2007, 08:50 »

Still with you, of course! ;)

Just mailed you... send me a list of new graphics you need and I'll get on it asap.


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Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2007, 09:34 »

That sounds cool! I'll try it... =D
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Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2007, 09:39 »

That sounds cool! I'll try it... =D

Oh and I know something that you should adjust, Kornel. You see, when playing the game fullscreen and you have to choose between "endless" and "massacre", it's not very clear what mode you have selected. So you'll either have to make the unselected text a little more grey, or the selected text a little more white.

BTW, it's my birthday today ^_^
« Last Edit: November 21, 2007, 09:41 by Mrazerty »
[18|7|3|0|0|0] [MED:13/43] [SPE:36/67] [ASM:11/40]

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Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2007, 16:09 »

Strange, I don’t have this problem... It’s pretty easy to tell the difference on my pc.
BTW, it's my birthday today ^_^

Happy Birthday! :)

On to my play-testing results so far*:

  • I found a bit of a bug to do with the missile weapons. Basically, sometimes ranged attacks get blocked by terrain similar to what happens in DooMRL when you aim through a wall.
Code: [Select]
    So when I try to fire my crossbow at the imp all my bolts hit the stone :( which isn’t cool. Especially as in Berserk! you can’t get more ammo nearly as easily as you could in DooMRL. I guess that this isn’t easy to fix so I got some suggestions for alternative solutions:
    a) Make the intended path of the shot known to the player by drawing a line with * before she/he shoots like in DooMRL or
    b) If possible change the X to a different colour or letter when the path is blocked.
    Not sure if that’s any help.

    • Also I’ve experimented with the frozen levels a bit and I like what the icy water does. I think it adds nice bit of variation in terrain. I’m not entirely sure what the Frozen points mean or how they differ from Pain, if at all, but it seems, balance-wise, reasonable enough.  A question though, does it affect enemies as well? It could make for some interesting tactics if it does, though I could see why you wouldn’t want that. I’m not a fan of Ice though. It just seems to be a bit annoying and not much else... Maybe instead of throwing you from one space to another it could increase the effect of knock-back? So it could be used tactically in combination with the cannon or just to keep slow monsters like Yeti at bay for longer. Just an idea.

    • On a more minor point: when told to move in to a helpless townsfolk you get a message saying “Let them live… a little longer”. Now, I only know Berserk through a gore-maniac of a friend and you mentioned a rich story when describing Berserk soo I guess I’m not the wisest on this subject but isn’t that a bit unlike Guts? I mean, I remember him going through some *huge* beatings just to make sure some random passer-by’s doesn’t die. Thought I’d bring that up.

    Overall it seems pretty stable to me so far. Much liking Berserk! :)

    *I haven’t got through all the posts on the Berserk! forum yet so I’m really sorry if I end up embarrassing my self again. Just ignore if it's nonsense.
I want my games for entertainment and escapism, not ethics education, thank you very much.

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Berserk! 0.8.5 (unstable) Released!
« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2007, 16:28 »

The in-game text refers to your character alternately as "Gatsu" and "Guts". I know they're the same one-maniac-army, but someone else might get confused.
The official Dark Horse translation is Guts, and I guess I will stick to it.

The messages displayed for the unique demons (Ian, AbDa, TurIan, and the others I probably haven't run into yet) should read "You hit [demon's name]!" instead of "You hit the [demon's name]!". Same thing for when they die- use "[demon's name] dies!" instead of "The [demon's name] dies!"
Yeah, I know, I forgot to implement that properly :).

The Ice Devils give a new status effect (Freezing), but i can't really tell any difference while I'm affected by it. Does it affect damage?
Nope. It affects defense, and more importantly it directly affects speed (Freezing -50 means -50% speed). I nerfed it just before release, because two blizzards could kill you easily, but it seems I nerfed it too much :P.

Hoe noes, Yetis (or is it the Ice Devils?) create Blizzards! The Blizzards seem like useless sword fodder to me- easily killed in two or three hits.
Blizzards create themselves. These monsters are created single, but split in two if they have enough HP. But it seems I nerfed them too much before release :).

Oh and I know something that you should adjust, Kornel. You see, when playing the game fullscreen and you have to choose between "endless" and "massacre", it's not very clear what mode you have selected. So you'll either have to make the unselected text a little more grey, or the selected text a little more white.
*sigh* that unfortunately depends on the settings of your console :/. I may provide a preloader for windows to fix the colors.

BTW, it's my birthday today ^_^
Happy birthday!

Still with you, of course! ;)
Just mailed you... send me a list of new graphics you need and I'll get on it asap.
Okay, I'll reply ASAP -- I need some sleep right now xP.
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz
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