* Kornel Kisielewicz was hit with a wall of text for full damage!
First of all thanks for the kind words about AliensRL, I'm sure to continue working on it :). All support and comments are welcome!
About the damage -- the word "scratch" is just a way to convey the information that the shot wasn't a dead-eye. Compared to many other games AliensRL has a very realistic damage/shot mechanic, and works similarily to what you described. But it's true, that there is no chance to do a critical shot from a distance with low skill. Why does it work like that? A question of balance. The game is much more tactical and less random that way.
There will be several missions planned and ways to escape implemented. The main point will be that leaving the tower is simply suicide, because there's no food and no other life on the planet. So the only way to escape will be either by activating the comm array distress signal at the comm-center at the top of the civilian tower, or running away using a shuttle from the hangar (top of the military tower). All other missions will be bonus (blowing up the complex, or killing the queen).
As for the word "missions" -- I used it mainly because it sounds more Sci-Fi then quests :P. Also "quests" sounds very uplifted, the word "tasks" would be much more suited than quests. I'd prefer to stick to "missions" however.
Realistic mode? *giggles* You mean "SUICIDE" mode :P
Armors don't have durability because there is no item system in the game yet, so the game can't tell wether an armor on the floor is broken or not.
All your graphics suggestions assume more than 16 colors, what in the current situation is not planned.
Technical's bonus is temporary -- it's a placeholder until I implement the technical tasks.
I like the aimed shot idea!
As for the sounds -- I do not make sounds myself -- they're all free stuff found on the web -- so if you find anything good, then please post a link here or send it to me :) (GenTechJ found all the current sounds except for the abta.mod and the ATT voice).
Movement detector is planned. However it's a big PITA implementation and design-wise :P. For example the "every few turns" thing is bad, because it would encourage lighthouse movement -- blip, one step, wait, blip...
Facehuggers *are* planned as well as computer terminals ;]
Thanks for all the great ideas, i wzajemne pozdrowienia xP.