DoomRL > Discussion
Poll: What difficulty do you think you can take on in v0.9.9?
By "take on" I mean, a difficulty you think you could get past level 12, or somthing that you wouldn't find ridiculously easy, or incredibly hard. pollID=2
Kornel Kisielewicz:
Hey, that's an interesting poll :]. I hope people will vote ^_^
I was (arrogantly) going to vote nightmare, but i hope that mode will be ridiculously hard :)
so i voted ultra violence.. i noticed that my melee practice allows me to stay alive in situations i would have died horribly before when playing normally, so i think getting past level 12 should be possible. Now, if you had defined "take on" as actually finishing the game, i might have opted for Hurt me plenty instead.
Kornel Kisielewicz:
Quoting: TurgorI was (arrogantly) going to vote nightmare, but i hope that mode will be ridiculously hard :)
Don't worry, Ultra-Violence is going to give you enough of a challenge :-P. Actually I planned making "Not too rough" the current difficulty level...
Kornel Kisielewicz:
Duh, sorry, I see you've taken that into account :-). Allow me not to vote, cause seriously my vote here is useless ^_^
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