New Idea:
Angel of UAC(what's this?)
You're the last chance of UAC. And they understand this.They do not send you in battle armless, they support you. At the beginning of each level, they drop you cargo, which contains UAC best developments. Demons are jealious to you and so they're mean mean mean. They do not give you a single 10mm ammo from former human,not saying about plasma cell.
Adv: you have endless ammo and weapons suitable for current level.(No advantages in hell, optional)
Disadv: demons do not drop anything, no items on the level.
The drop maybe:
HNTR:5 meds(small or large), Z ammo(for current weapon), weapon from Combat shotgun to Rocket launcher, every 4 levels a unique(optional), armor.
HMP: 3meds,Z*2 ammo, weapon, every 6 levels unique, every 2 lvl armor
UV: 2 small meds, Z*4 ammo, every 12 levels unique, every 4 lvl armor
N!: simular to UV but drop every 2 lvl(not including ammo)
Z is value which I don't know, could be from 100 to 500. 2 10mm = 1 12g = 0,1 rocket
Remember,that UAC could drop only HUMAN weapons, pistols,shotguns(every) or Rcket Launchers. Uniques too(blaster not included).
This angel could have variatives, like Angel of Mean, where disadv are the same, except weapons on the floor, and adv is that formers couldn't use or get human weapons(you're mean!).
That's all