DoomRL > Discussion

Difference in colors

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I noticed that some people see different colors in the game than others. For example, i see rockets as red |'s, but somebody on the wiki mentioned they are yellow. Same goes for the imp.

Can this be due to different OS's?

I always thought they were brown...

I wouldn't know a thing about this though, can't help, can only give evidence that the colours do indeed change.

There is a difference when playing in window and fullscreen mode.

Malek Deneith:
Like I said in the wiki it's OS issue - for example dark red is almost impossible to see for me on Win XP - didn't had that problem on Win 98

Kornel Kisielewicz:
I know a way to change the console colors by the program -- I don't know if it works in XP tough (it worked in W2K).


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