Coding > FPC Valkyrie

"Destroy" method override in Vnode?..

<< < (3/5) > >>

Igor Savin:
Yep, my Berserk! sources are rather outdated. I'll check the latest ones.

You mean ASCII-based GUI? When is the expected date of release (with half a year precision :-P)?

--- Quote from: Kornel Kisielewicz on January 04, 2008, 17:02 ---As for license, my friend, I give you the right to relicense it under what you want :P.

--- End quote ---

Wow, thanks. Does this include relicensing rights to whatever moment I finally start using complete Valkyrie, or only to current transitional stage?

Kornel Kisielewicz:
with a half year precision? In half a year :P.

Seriously though -- I need a simple GUI to start working on S anyway. :P

Whenever you like. The FP version of Valkyrie I may release under a BSD license anyway.

Igor Savin:
Latest Berserk sources are beautiful :).

What does the "class function\procedure" mean?

"class procedure Skill;"
in TBerserkCharGen (bruichar)

Kornel Kisielewicz:
a class procedure/function is not tied to the instance. That is -- you don't have to create such a object, you can call that function/procedure directly.

Igor Savin:
Looks like this time I'll migrate completely :).

You are using AnsiStrings everywhere (e. g. default Output.DrawString). Aren't those time\resource-wasting overkill?


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