
You reload the pistol with 10mm ammo. You reload the pistol with 10mm ammo.
The arch-vile loses blood. The arch-vile raises his arms! Game saved. [more]
?•?O?cB?•%An unhandled exception occurred at $0046430
1 : ????c?%??•??????•••?•
ERangeError : Range check error??%?%%%???%??%%?
$00464301 TLEVEL__VISIBLE, line 407 of dflevel.pas
$004599E9 TBEING__VISIBLE, line 247 of dfbeing.pas
$0045D8C2 TBEING__RESSURECT, line 837 of dfbeing.pas
$0045C005 TBEING__AISCAN, line 626 of dfbeing.pas
$0045CF5A TBEING__ACTION, line 776 of dfbeing.pas
$0045D0E3 TBEING__CALL, line 788 of dfbeing.pas (85%) The Mortuary
$0046640D TLEVEL__TICK, line 744 of dflevel.pas (2d4) [0/8] (R1S2M1)
$00410646 TDOOM__RUN, line 374 of doombase.pas
$00401920 main, line 21 of doomrl.pas
Abnormal program termination! Please write down the above
to help get rid DoomRL of all those bugs! You only need
to write down the filenames and linenumbers.
Attempting to save game.... Press <Enter>