I've been trying the new version of DoomRL. Great job. Came across a little snag though.
I was playing an Angel of Darkness game and was in The Mortuary, trying to escape from the Arch-Viles towards the SE corner when I got this message:
# An unhandled exception occurred at....
ERangeError : Range Check Error
TLEVEL_VISIBLE, line 407 of dflevel.pas
TBEING_VISIBLE, line 247 of dfbeing.pas
TBEING_RESURRECT, line 837 of dfbeing.pas
TBEING_AISCAN, line 626 of dfbeing.pas
TBEING_ACTION, line 776 of dfbeing.pas
TBEING_CALL, line 788 of dfbeing.pas
TLEVEL_TICK, line 744 of doombase.pas
TDOOM_RUN, line 376 of doombase.pas
main, line 21 of doomrl.pas
The game attempted to create a savegame and said it succeeded, but I haven't tried it yet to find out. Then it dumped me back into WinXP. Hope this helps squash this bug...if it hasn't already been squished.