DoomRL > Discussion
original quotes?
Why DoomRL does not use the famous quotes from the original, like "You got the BFG9000! Oh, yes." or "A chainsaw! Find some meat!"?
They're copyrighted by ID! lol
but seriously, i dunno.. I like the messages in DoomRL though.
Quoting: TurgorI like the messages in DoomRL though.
And please do not name them, because I still haven't found the BFG.
One quote or the other doesn't realy matter, I don't even bother to look at the text.
Malek Deneith:
Quoting: packratWhy DoomRL does not use the famous quotes from the original, like "You got the BFG9000! Oh, yes." or "A chainsaw! Find some meat!"?
IMO DoomRL quotes sound MUCH better
I have nothing against DoomRL quotes, they are great too (at least what BFG9000 says is great, I don't remember what chainsaw says). I think I would most like a quote chosen randomly, or maybe DoomRL quote for the first BFG9000 you find and Doom quote if you find another one.
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