I know that this idea, at actual state of the code, will be hard to implement, but it could be useful if someone try the 7-days-RL. The *crazy* idea is:
- You shoot to your enemies with the pistol, then you get experience in "son of a gun".
- You reload your shotgun with enemies in your LoV, then you get experience in "reloader".
- You run when there are enemies in your LoV, then you get experience in "hellrunner".
- You carry so much mods in your inventory, then you get experience in "whizkid".
- And so on.
Between levels, the experience screen is show and then you see:
- Son of a gun: 120%
- Reloader: 100%
- Hellrunner: 10%
- Whizkid: 0%
- Etc.
So you know you can level up "son of a gun" or "reloader", but only one trait (or nothing).