DoomRL > Discussion

Sorry, could not resist...

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Kornel Kisielewicz:
Looking at the wiki I saw that Turgor, Thomas and others try to find out the stats for the enemies... Well, I could not resist: here's one (don't count on more ;-)) data constructor for a DoomRL monster - the former human:

Races.Add(IDFormer,'former human','former humans', NewPic('h',lightgray),
9, 6,10, 7,   10, 90, 21, 0,12, ID_Pistol,2,0,0,'former');

Yup, the sources are very poorly documented :-(. Now let's see how much of what is what you can figure out of it ^_^.

uh... hehe... ^_^

Totaly useless for me, too lazy to figure out everything ;)

Well I am pretty sure that the Races.Add line defines a new race, The IDFormer line defines the name of it and the plural form and the Newpic line determines what you see.

Then after that I would say that the rest is stats, I am pretty sure the 90 is the accuracy score but the ID_Pistol is obvious..

The 0 perhaps could be the "difficulty rating" (I.E how far into the game does it take to spawn) and I think that either one if the first 3 numbers or the last one is its experience value, The rest are move values, health, reload, etc.

So how far off am I?

21 is the xp value
one of the 10s is the health
the other 10 is the turns it takes for a former human to move maybe?
90 for accuracy is my guess too.
the 0 for difficulty rating sounds likely
12 could indeed be reload time
9 is the sight range
6 is the distance at which a non-agrod former human becomes agro?

7: no idea
the 2,0,0 at the end: no idea

0:  First level encountered.
12:  Last level encountered.
ID_Pistol:  Base weapon.
2: Reloads?
0: Bonus to hit?
0: Bonus to damage?


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