DoomRL > Discussion



Yet Another Poll!

right here about wether you think your requests will be in v0.9.9

i figured it should be along any moment now <_< >_>
i can't wait! :D

i seriously don't know if i made any suggestion even worthy of being added, and in any case i forgot most of them and was too lazy to read back

Kornel Kisielewicz:
I voted for "Of course" -- I'm quite positive my ideas will make it into 0.9.9 ^_^

As for "any moment" -- I'm not so optimistic - exam session is getting closer and closer and I see I have a helluva-lot things that I should have completed already :-(

aww.. well i guess that means i can put of re-writing my strategy guide for a bit longer too :)

anyway, RL (i mean real life) before anything else Kornel, Good luck at your exams!

Unfortunately, I doubt 'Angel of D&D' or 'Angel of Angst' will be in the game.

I think at least one of my features will make it. Taking in to account the thumbs up I got from Kornel thanks to my angel of melee idea. :P

EDIT: Posted at dead midnight! Ha ha ha!


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