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Author Topic: Ideas from obscure yet official Doom sources  (Read 9713 times)

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Ideas from obscure yet official Doom sources
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2006, 23:10 »

Quoting: sn0rb
Long-time lurker, first time poster (^^;

Welcome ^_^

Quoting: sn0rb
the assault rifle was a good alternative to the chaingun

An assault rifle would have it's place in DoomRL if it were to have a tactical explanation. The Combat Shotgun made it into the game because it had a cool tactical value. If somebody would propose something equally cool for a Assault Rifle then I would consider it.

Quoting: sn0rb
I think grenades might also work

Nah, throwing stuff is kind'a undoomish for me ;-). But the one-use idea is the best proposed yet...

The spiderdemon will be in once I upgrade the plot ;-)
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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Ideas from obscure yet official Doom sources
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2006, 01:44 »

Quoting: Almafeta
From Doom 64:

*Arachnotrons were upgraded, having twin plasma rifles instead of a chaingun. (A doomrl 'Arachnotron Mark II'?)

I'll make this clearer. The Doom 64 Arachnotron had dual plasma guns, both at the front. However, unlike the original Doom Arachnotron, it fired in 8 round bursts (4 from each gun) instead of full auto fire.

*Rottweilers. Undead, demonic dogs; they are to pinky demons what pistol soldiers are to chaingunners.

I didn't see this in Doom64 at all. :\

*The Unmaker. The damage done by this weapon varies based on how 'demonic' the target is; former humans take little damage, normal demons (the lost soul, the demon, the knight and baron) take full damage, partially robotic demons (the Cyberdemon and Arachnotron) take mild damage. Powered by corpses of humans.

This is the Doom bible version. The Doom 64 version was just a laser gun powered up by demonic keys.


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Ideas from obscure yet official Doom sources
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2006, 16:34 »

Quoting: Almafeta
*Air canister: Some areas have toxic air...

Imagine that in ASCII O.o

Actually, that should be rather easy to do. Unless you want to do only genuinely original code you could simply look at Angband, or any roguelike featuring damage-over-time area effect spells. Noxious Cloud from ToME is a nice example of this.
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