Until literally 30 seconds ago, I was doing an AoB run. I had accidentally skipped the Chained Court.
By dint of dumb luck and unprecedented acts of cowardice tactical prowess, I made it to Hell.
I thought it was all over when I saw this. You hear the scream of a freed soul!
You open the door.
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Guts Man Armor : red armor [4/4] (100%)
Health: 73% Exp: 5/44% Weapon: combat knife (2d5)
cautious Phobos Hell Lev7
Note the stairs, then note the arch-vile.
Result: I stabbed an arch-vile to death. Later, (as I was attempting to write this very post, actually) I was here. Run - direction...
Run - direction...
############# #################################
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################################### ############
Guts Man Armor : blue armor [2/2] (100%)
Health: 2% Exp: 5/64% Weapon: combat knife (2d5)
tired Phobos Arena
I arrived here with several sets of armor, one large medpack, three phase devices, and the knife that had brought me all this way. Dodging between the Cyberdemon's rockets, I met him toe to toe. Long story short, I'm behind the red block, with just the armor on my back, 2% health, and my quarry just three steps away.
There is a weird AI bug. I sat behind that block and I waited. And waited. And waited. He just sat there, mooing at me. I moved around behind the block a little bit. I could hear him stomping around, matching my steps, but he made no move to close the distance. He just. Kept. Mooing. MOOOOOOOOOO
Just as I was steeling my resolve for the final descent into oblivion, a severe thunderstorm restarted my computer.
The Random Number God giveth, and he taketh away. The powers that be chose not to show us this brave marine's final fate, but whatever it was, let it be known: he had Guts.