Okay, I'm now trying my best to get these results ready. Let's say I'm approximatly 85% done, I will complete the rest tomorrow and post the results.
But jeez, the work is much bigger than I thought and my thumb and little finger now really hurt of pressing Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. I would appreciate a small applause a soon as I get this ready =D
Here are the DoomRL Poll results! After this post, this topic will only be used to discuss the results; New forms will not be valid anymore.
1/2) F/S weapon?
A) Fists: ------------------------- 0%
B) Combat knife: ------------------------- 0%
C) Pistol: ###---------------------- 13.34%
D) Shotgun: ------------------------- 0%
E) Combat shotgun: #------------------------ 6.67%
F) Double shotgun: #####-------------------- 20%
G) Chaingun: ##########--------------- 40%
H) Rocket launcher: #------------------------ 6.67%
I) Plasma rifle: #------------------------ 6.67%
J) BFG 9000: ------------------------- 0%
K) Chainsaw: ------------------------- 0%
0) No Opinion: #------------------------ 6.67%
A) Fists: #####-------------------- 20%
B) Combat knife: #------------------------ 6.67%
C) Pistol: #------------------------ 6.67%
D) Shotgun: ########----------------- 33.33%
E) Combat shotgun: ------------------------- 0%
F) Double shotgun: #------------------------ 6.67%
G) Chaingun: ------------------------- 0%
H) Rocket launcher: #------------------------ 6.67%
I) Plasma rifle: ###---------------------- 13.34%
J) BFG 9000: ------------------------- 0%
K) Chainsaw: #------------------------ 6.67%
0) No Opinion: ------------------------- 0%
- Chaingun seems to be the most loved weapon. Logic, because if you want to do game without any self-challenging intentions, this is your primary weapon for, like, 75% of the game.
The suckiest weapon is definatly the shotgun. Weak damage, unless shot from REALLY close, and you have to reload after every shot... The shotgun should need less damage loss with range!
3/4) F/S item?
A) Small medpack: ------------------------- 0%
B) Large medpack: ##########--------------- 40%
C) Phase device: ------------------------- 0%
D) Homing phase device: ######------------------- 26.68%
E) Envirosuit: ------------------------- 0%
F) Thermonuclear bomb: ######------------------- 26.68%
0) No Opinion: #------------------------ 6.67%
A) Small medpack: #####-------------------- 20%
B) Large medpack: ------------------------- 0%
C) Phase device: ######------------------- 26.68%
D) Homing phase device: ------------------------- 0%
E) Envirosuit: ########----------------- 33.33%
F) Thermonuclear bomb: ------------------------- 0%
0) No Opinion: #####-------------------- 20%
- Competing with Homing phase device and Thermonuclear bomb, the Large Medpack is the best item. There is no better life saver!
Envirosuit is the most useless item. No sane player would just take an acid/lava bath, he will always try to find a way around. It's only really useful in The Lava Pits. Someone also did a good suggestion
that it should protect the player from acid ball attacks from monsters.
5/6) F/S weapon mod?
A) Damage: #######################-- 93.33%
B) Reload: ------------------------- 0%
C) Speed: #------------------------ 6.67%
D) Magazine: ------------------------- 0%
E) Accuracy: ------------------------- 0%
0) No Opinion: ------------------------- 0%
A) Damage: ------------------------- 0%
B) Reload: #####-------------------- 20%
C) Speed: ------------------------- 0%
D) Magazine: ##########--------------- 40%
E) Accuracy: ######------------------- 26.68%
0) No Opinion: ###---------------------- 13.34%
- Well, I think this is pretty clear! If you think of the word "Weapon Mod", automatically your first thought would be a damage improver. Same goes for DoomRL it seems!
The most useless mods are Magazine and Reload. Reloading takes a fairly short time in DoomRL, so seriously, who really needs those? Magazine is only useful for the BFG9K, during the Cybie battle.
7/8) F/S armor mod?
A) Durability: #############------------ 53.36%
B) Protection: ########----------------- 33.33%
C) Mobility: #------------------------ 6.67%
0) No Opinion: #------------------------ 6.67%
A) Durability: #####-------------------- 20%
B) Protection: ------------------------- 0%
C) Mobility: ################--------- 66.66%
0) No Opinion: ###---------------------- 13.34%
- Durability is the most loved one. Because we all feel really sad if our Red Armor gets destroyed =)
Mobility, really, who the hell needs that? The improvement you get from is even hardly noteable...
9/10) F/S boots mod?
A) Durability: #------------------------ 6.67%
B) Protection: ########----------------- 33.33%
C) Mobility: ###############---------- 60%
0) No Opinion: ------------------------- 0%
A) Durability: ##########--------------- 40%
B) Protection: ###########-------------- 46.64%
C) Mobility: ------------------------- 0%
0) No Opinion: ###---------------------- 13.34%
- For Boots, however, mobility is the greatest mod! Because standard boots have no real profit, unless you like walking into hazardous terrain types, and they can only slow you down. So why not make them more
The suckiest boot mods are Durability and Protection. Boots are rarely damaged a lot, most player always keep them at about 90%, so SERIOUSLY, Durability can only waste your mobility slot...
11/12) F/S powerup?
A) Small health globe: ------------------------- 0%
B) Large health globe: ------------------------- 0%
C) Invunerability globe: ########----------------- 33.33%
D) Supercharge: ------------------------- 0%
E) Megasphere: #####-------------------- 20%
F) Berserk pack: ###---------------------- 13.34%
G) Armor shard: ------------------------- 0%
H) Computer map: #####-------------------- 20%
I) Backpack: ###---------------------- 13.34%
0) No Opinion: ------------------------- 0%
A) Small health globe: #------------------------ 6.67%
B) Large health globe: ###---------------------- 13.34%
C) Invunerability globe: ------------------------- 0%
D) Supercharge: ------------------------- 0%
E) Megasphere: ------------------------- 0%
F) Berserk pack: #------------------------ 6.67%
G) Armor shard: ###---------------------- 13.34%
H) Computer map: ###---------------------- 13.34%
I) Backpack: ###---------------------- 13.34%
0) No Opinion: ########----------------- 33.33%
- The invunarability globe rocks! It gives you the opportunity to escape from crappy situations, or score some melee kills even when you aren't trained for it.
Most people seem to have no opinion on the suckiest powerup.
13/14) F/S enemy?
A) Former human: #------------------------ 6.67%
B) Former sergeant: ------------------------- 0%
C) Imp: ------------------------- 0%
D) Demon: #------------------------ 6.67%
E) Lost soul: ------------------------- 0%
F) Former captain: ########----------------- 33.33%
G) Cacodemon: ------------------------- 0%
H) Hell knight: ------------------------- 0%
I) Former commando: #####-------------------- 20%
J) Baron of hell: ------------------------- 0%
K) Arachnotron: #------------------------ 6.67%
L) Arch-vile: ------------------------- 0%
M) Pain elemental: ------------------------- 0%
N) Mancubus: ------------------------- 0%
O) Revenant: ------------------------- 0%
P) Cyberdemon: ###---------------------- 13.34%
Q) Angel of Death: ------------------------- 0%
R) John Carmack: ------------------------- 0%
0) No Opinion: #------------------------ 6.67%
A) Former human: ------------------------- 0%
B) Former sergeant: ------------------------- 0%
C) Imp: ------------------------- 0%
D) Demon: ------------------------- 0%
E) Lost soul: ------------------------- 0%
F) Former captain: ------------------------- 0%
G) Cacodemon: ###---------------------- 13.34%
H) Hell knight: ------------------------- 0%
I) Former commando: ------------------------- 0%
J) Baron of hell: ------------------------- 0%
K) Arachnotron: ------------------------- 0%
L) Arch-vile: ###########-------------- 46.64%
M) Pain elemental: ------------------------- 0%
N) Mancubus: ------------------------- 0%
O) Revenant: #####-------------------- 20%
P) Cyberdemon: ------------------------- 0%
Q) Angel of Death: #------------------------ 6.67%
R) John Carmack: ------------------------- 0%
0) No Opinion: ------------------------- 0%
- The favourite enemy is the former captain; Naturally because if you kill one, you are rewarded with the favourite weapon!
And the suckiest: ARGH IT'S THE ARCH VILE! Pretty obvious, I assume? ;)
15/16) F/S unique/artifact?
A) Anti-freak jackal: #------------------------ 6.67%
B) Assault shotgun: ###---------------------- 13.34%
C) Baron armor: ------------------------- 0%
D) BFG 10000: ------------------------- 0%
E) Blaster: ------------------------- 0%
F) Butcher's cleaver: ------------------------- 0%
G) Dragonslayer: #------------------------ 6.67%
H) Gothic armor: ------------------------- 0%
I) Gothic boots: ------------------------- 0%
J) Grammaton beretta: #------------------------ 6.67%
K) Hell staff: ------------------------- 0%
L) Malek's armor: #####-------------------- 20%
M) Minigun: ------------------------- 0%
N) Missile launcher: ------------------------- 0%
O) Necroarmor: ------------------------- 0%
P) Nuclear BFG 9000: ------------------------- 0%
Q) Nuclear plasma rifle: ------------------------- 0%
R) Pancor jackhammer: ###---------------------- 13.34%
S) Phaseshift armor: ------------------------- 0%
T) Phaseshift boots: ------------------------- 0%
U) Railgun: ------------------------- 0%
V) Revenant's launcher: ------------------------- 0%
W) Trigun: ------------------------- 0%
X) Angelic armor: #------------------------ 6.67%
Y) Longinus Spear: #------------------------ 6.67%
0) No Opinion: #------------------------ 6.67%
A) Anti-freak jackal: -------------------------- 0%
B) Assault shotgun: ------------------------- 0%
C) Baron armor: ------------------------- 0%
D) BFG 10000: ------------------------- 0%
E) Blaster: ------------------------- 0%
F) Butcher's cleaver: #####-------------------- 20%
G) Dragonslayer: ------------------------- 0%
H) Gothic armor: ------------------------- 0%
I) Gothic boots: ###---------------------- 13.34%
J) Grammaton beretta: ------------------------- 0%
K) Hell staff: #------------------------ 6.67%
L) Malek's armor: ------------------------- 0%
M) Minigun: ######------------------- 26.68%
N) Missile launcher: ------------------------- 0%
O) Necroarmor: #------------------------ 6.67%
P) Nuclear BFG 9000: ------------------------- 0%
Q) Nuclear plasma rifle: ------------------------- 0%
R) Pancor jackhammer: ------------------------- 0%
S) Phaseshift armor: ------------------------- 0%
T) Phaseshift boots: #------------------------ 6.67%
U) Railgun: ------------------------- 0%
V) Revenant's launcher: #------------------------ 6.67%
W) Trigun: ------------------------- 0%
X) Angelic armor: ------------------------- 0%
Y) Longinus Spear: ------------------------- 0%
0) No Opinion: ###---------------------- 13.34%
- Best unique seems to be the holy, super rare Malek's Armor. You can praise your self happy when you find this one!
The suckiest unique are the Butchers Cleaver(Gah, it's just... an improved knife) and the minigun(Which can't hit the broad side of a barn!).
17/18) F/S special level?
A) Phobos surface: ------------------------- 0%
B) Hell's arena: ######------------------- 26.68%
C) Chained court: ------------------------- 0%
D) The Wall: #------------------------ 6.67%
E) Halls of Carnage: ------------------------- 0%
F) Hell's armoury: ##########--------------- 40%
G) Unholy Cathedral: ------------------------- 0%
H) City of skulls: ------------------------- 0%
I) The vaults: ###---------------------- 13.34%
J) Spider's liar: ------------------------- 0%
K) The lava pits: ------------------------- 0%
L) The mortuary: #------------------------ 6.67%
M) Phobos Arena: #------------------------ 6.67%
N) Hell Fortress: ------------------------- 0%
0) No Opinion: ------------------------- 0%
A) Phobos surface: ###---------------------- 13.34%
B) Hell's arena: #------------------------ 6.67%
C) Chained court: #------------------------ 6.67%
D) The Wall: #####-------------------- 20%
E) Halls of Carnage: #------------------------ 6.67%
F) Hell's armoury: ------------------------- 0%
G) Unholy Cathedral: ------------------------- 0%
H) City of skulls: ------------------------- 0%
I) The vaults: #------------------------ 6.67%
J) Spider's liar: #------------------------ 6.67%
K) The lava pits: #####-------------------- 20%
L) The mortuary: #------------------------ 6.67%
M) Phobos Arena: ------------------------- 0%
N) Hell Fortress: ------------------------- 0%
0) No Opinion: #------------------------ 6.67%
- Hell's Armoury rocks! THE ideal shopping mall for useful stuff that you didn't fetch (enough) on normal levels.
The most dreaded levels are The Wall and The Lava Pits. The Wall is for people with a death wish, The Lava Pits... just... suck. Surprisingly, the mortuary seems not to be hated at all!
EDIT: Forgot to comment the Suckiest Enemy. It's now fixed.