When people say "pascal is a toy" they usual refer to Turbo Pascal and other such relics from 80s.
Just 'cause Turbo Pascal is old doesn't make it a toy. But I guess many programmers were introduced to programming through Pascal, and all they remember is the toy programs they wrote in it when they were noobs. Then again, Turbo Pascal never did have a standard library to speak of, which made it extremely time-consuming to create anything non-trivial in it. I don't know anything about compiler construction, but as far as I remember Borland's implementation was supposed to be decent enough in its day (as well as their C/C++ compilers).
Damn stoned junkie programmers, I DO NOT WANT.
You don't want... what, exactly? The hallucinogenics must be blocking my ability to read your mind. ;)
Carefully written, hand-crafted output library, which rocks. It's part of Valkyrie - give it a shot; input-processing libraries are good too.
FreePascal still implements the good old CRT unit, but I've been browsing parts of Valkyrie and it has a lot to offer. I think using Valkyrie could cut a roguelike's development time in half. Unfortunately, half the fun of writing a roguelike is creating my own field of view code, input processing, and display routines, and then abandoning the project for two years, because I can't come up with solid content for the life of me. ;)