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ZZT ( (Yayayayay retro 16-color EGA ANSi graphics!), and RPG Maker 2003 ( are the only two GCSes I really use. Once upon a dream, I knew a little in VB6, but that knowledge kinda faded. Should crack open that college text and relearn what I knew back in '04 =p
Oh, and I've made a game in OHRRPGCE, if you can call that programming.
By the way, OHRRPGCE is an acronym for:
Hamster (don't ask me)
Igor Savin:
I am FreePascal fanboy ;). I'm afraid that Kornel had a bad influence on me, hence the strong passion towards impossible projects and vapourware-look-alikes.
I've lost count to unfinished, unstarted and untouched projects I had - maybe up to hundred (yep, I'm serious. There was ASCII scroll-shooter, tetris, Lain-inspired cyberquest, few IF's, LOTS of rpgs, strategies, simulators... "all dead, all dead"). I'm awful at finishing stuff, and I am ashamed to admit I have maybe three or four finished games, all of them are very, very simple, and none of which are really interesting :).
Current projects: "MooRL", "MercRL", "The Prince" and rlRL which is in fact "MyADoM II" :).
I have my school-farewell exams this year, so my time is rather limited lately :(. Still I hope third and fourth projects will be finished soon... First and second ones are more long-termed and vapour-flavoured, I'm afraid...
so are all those 4 rougelikes? Whats MooRL???? And yet another question comes up......Whaddya got in "MyADoM II"?
Igor Savin:
Quoting: jimmyjso are all those 4 rougelikes?
Strictly saying, none of them is :). MooRL stands for "Master of Orion RL", while it's actually a mix of MOO, Elite and BattleCruiser ;). RL stands for ASCII and style here.
"MercRL" is squad-based tactical RPG-strategy (think Warlords Battlecry 3 mixed with Final Fantasy Tactics). This one is closer to roguelike :).
"The Prince" is a medieval family sim (similar to strategical part of Rome: Total War, and maybe Crusader Kings).
I wonder, if you had seen the first MyADoM ;))). The second one will be bigger, prettier (in ASCII way) and generally more fun. And yeah, sourcecode won't be AS bad (you can generally use sc of first one as an example of the way you should never, never ever, not under any circumstances, write ANYTHING ;)) ).
Today I have a free day... Good time to get some hacking done ;).
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