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Author Topic: Balance - The Boss(es) are too easy on harder difficulties (Spoilers, obviously)  (Read 1741 times)


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So after I finally succeeded at Ultra-Violence, I managed to defeat the cyberdemon without taking a single hit. Partially this is because of the fact that I have a decent dodging strategy going, but it's also because I had such a huge cocktail of traits that I easily ripped through him in roughly 60 ticks (That's 6 in-game seconds, if you don't know)

Contrast "Hey, Not Too Rough", which has the hardest cybie fight. You'd be lucky to hit level 9 (Unless you YAAM it like I do occaisionally) and the fight is made a lot harder as it lasts roughly twice as long, giving him double the chances to peg you with a rocket.

The AoD doesn't suffer from this as much, because if you manage to get more kills in a UV melee than you do in a HNTR melee then you are a crazily-good meleer. As such, you'll have roughly the same stuff in both difficulties and a buff of UV AoD isn't neccesary.

JC, the final super-duper megaboss is something that I've only faced on ITYTD so I wouldn't really know how he feels on UV or even HMP, but I'm going to go ahead and assume that he isn't buffed.

So how do we make the Cybie and JC fights more of an actual challenge on UV, instead of a "You beat the first 24 levels then win"? I'm up for more suggestions, but here's a few of mine, with suggested values for each difficulty.

-Cybie AND JC: Decrease their firing and reload times (+10%, 0, -5%, -10%, -25%)
-JC: Make him immune to his own rocket launcher. (0, 0, Somewhat resistant, Immune, Immune to all NPC damage)
-Cybie: Give him more HP (0, 0, +20%, +40%, +80%)
-JC: Make him spawn better things (Knight/Baron mix, Barons, Baron/Arach Mix, Arachs, Arachs)

Arch-Vile Chaos Major Thomas
Medals: 35/43 Specials: 69/67 Assemblies: 36/40
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