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Author Topic: [M|100%|StdWin|YAAM] Video-Mortem!  (Read 2893 times)


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[M|100%|StdWin|YAAM] Video-Mortem!
« on: December 08, 2008, 22:47 »

Watch, in amazement, as you see the life of a doomed marine, from start to finish as he spends more time showing off stupid things and trying to achieve a mancubus rank than actually working towards the goal of destroying the cyberdemon!

So basically, I recorded a HNTR game from start to finish, visiting most red stairs, killing everything, using all weapons at least once (Not including combat knife) and showing off some silly things that I do to enhance my gaming experience. I also point out some of the more OCDeeeelicious things that I do for no aparant reason and the countless stupid things that would've gotten me killed if I didn't take 3 trait levels of "Weasel: +5 to getting out of stupid situations"

EDIT: Oh phew, I just remembered: You'll need DOSrecorder (And, more specifically, the player that comes with it) to view my character's life. I'm sure you can just google it or find a link on the forum somewhere.

As you watch, you can read these extended comments to see exactly what I was thinking half the time, and maybe get some ideas yourself. But no matter how bored you get, WATCH THE WALL AND THE MORT. I'm reasonably proud with both of those runs, as you can see by my little dance at the end of both of them.

Just showing off some stats.

Level 1:
I choose TaN. EE isn't necessary until you get chainguns.
I always run diagonally. Get used to it.
A decent level 1 run. I don't like it how I got hit by the shotgun though.

Level 2:
I play this level pretty poorly.
Ugh, that imp hit me TWICE in that corridor.
Like Blade, I use green for various shooting messages. I also use blue for "You just killed something" and yellow for "Watch out, a lever in this level does something you don't want"
TaN again. Not like EE or SoaB's gonna help.
And I finish on 12% HP. Not very flattering.

Level 3:
Ooooooooooooh shit.
Okay, with shotguns, running is basically "Combat mode". As you can see, I tear up everything without taking too much damage.
I'm proud with the way I handled that, actually.
Yay, a monster spawner!
As you can see, I charge right in to an imp because of my impatient movement style. You'll see a fair bit of that :/
I decide that hell's arena would be a wise venture, what with my squillion shells and HP packs.

Hell's Arena:
Some snappy shotgun tactics in the first round. I run when I fight the caco for obvious reasons.
I know I'll get a chaingun before I hit level 4, so I get EE.
Hey, no damage until round two! Thomas likey.
I try to fire in between enemies when I have a shotgun. And sometimes it screws me over.
I use HP packs fairly regularly, as they're the only way to start running again.
Priority in round 3 is to find the fucking chaingun.
From where I'm shooting, I don't think they can shoot back. It's just one of those things you learn after playing for years.
I decide that I was going to give shotguns a break until I found a Dshotty.

Level 4:
A pretty average level. I horde up on armor in here because there's really nothing better to get for a while.
Green armor > Damaged Blue armor. It just makes sense. I keep it anyway so I can repair it later (If I remember to)
Showing off my blue "You killed something" message. It does come in handy sometimes, people!

Level 5:
A cave! Caves are notoriously easy in my book. Even the arachnocaves.
Oh sweet, level up. I choose SoaB, obviously.
I don't need a reload mod. (Well, I do, but I don't figure it out until later)

Chained Court:
very very easy level. You'll notice I take off my armor. This is because berserk gives you +6 armor, so I don't want to get my regular armor damaged while I can rely on that bonus.
I shoot out the doors to spend one less turn in the lava.
"I'm full already? Oh, too many medpacks and armor."
Chainsaw is the best weapon to use on these guys.
I decide not to take my chances this time and get 2 packs instead of 1.
150 cells spare is more than enough for the rest of the game, unless I want to go to the mort.
Moar pro blind killz? Yes plz!
"Oh wait, I have a rocket launcher! Now I remember!"

Level 6:
Oh hey, a double shotgun!
I drop some medpacks (I was seriously carrying too many) for a double shotgun and 50 shells.
Other than that, boring easy level.
Until I remember that shotguns like speed mods.

Level 7:
Heh. What a great place for a pack to spawn.
I quickly fiddle around with my weapons until I manage to get a reload mod on to my rocket launcher.
What the hell? Did I hit a barrel!?
Oh haha, I did. Mop up the survivors and I think it's a wrap.
Whenever I remember that I'm lugging around a shotgun, I open doorways while carrying it. You never know when you'll get the drop on some poor lost soul.

Level 8:
Another SoaB, obviously.
Now THAT'S how you use a shotgun.
I try to kill them without the barrel, then get sick of it and just blow it up.
With shotguns, it will kill anything that is next to the line. As such, I keep trying to put the line right through the middle of them.
Magazine mods are okay. You can stick them on plamsa weapons and such.
I'm sure by blowing up that wall instead of walking around it I saved a little time.

Level 9:
OOOH YELLOW WEAPON oh wait it's just a combat shotgun.
I spend 2 seconds trying to think up a good strategy for the hell knight.
My brain's failsafe then breaks and defaults to "Use running you moron"
Other than the hell knights, it's a pretty boring level. Good music though.

Level 10:
Another cave. This one has cacos in it, which are the worst types of enemies to find in a cave.
Yeeaaaah, cacos are the exceptions to my "Caves are easy" rule.
I don't focus on dodging them that much when I see the invincibility globe.
Yay hard level made easy.

Level 11:
Haha, more shotgun fodder.
Oh wait, a yellow weapon!
Whatever. I'm sure I'll find more mods.
Boring inventory management sequence GO!
Hm. I think I WONT fight next to a wall and a barrel.
Shotgun makes this fight reasonably easy.
I decide to get close.
Then I realise that reloading costs me 22% HP.
Large HP pack #1: I desperately needed a running command, this is the only way to get one.
Hey! Another levelup! More SoaB, of course.
Checking my inventory. Seems like everything's in order.
Oh wait, I already checked up there.

The Wall:
Everyone should watch this, even if you're bored to death already.
Some epic shotgun ownage. I have to fight like a chicken and stay near the wall though.
Large HP pack #2: Yeah, like I was going to do this without healing.
Dance #2: I just like clearing the wall. It makes me feel like a big man.
Note that I skip the advanced rocket launcher. It would eat too many mods and I don't need it.

Level 12:
Holy lots of demons at once batman.
Luckily I brought a shotgun down with me. But I can't help but notice that it's running out of ammo...
Oh hay dere red armor
I go for TaN 3, just to finish the set. I think it saves my life once or twice too.
Inventory management ftw m i rite guys
Easy level, but it was reasonably interesting, what with all of the demons and imps.

Level 13:
Oh no, another caco cave.
Luckily I'm pretty tanked up at this point so they aren't too hard.
"Wait, I only have 8 shells? Crap!"
I still make the most of those 8 shells.
While running, you take half lava damage. I use this to my advantage when I'm forced to hide behind a pillar and reload waist-deep in lava.
A surprising amount of cacos for one midgame cave.
Speed mod? Sure whatever. I'll just get some damage later.

Halls of carnage:
Whoops, I don't think I should've gotten that supercharge until I was heading out.
"Oh riiiight, I don't have any shells"
"Wait what? I'm full? God damn it."
And then we had an inventory management sequence.
The shotgun is WORSE for this level than the chaingun, but it gets ammo aplenty so I don't feel wasteful.
I have to skip one supercharge globe, I want to leave on 180% HP.
This level is designed for the "Shoot around corners like a chicken" strategy.
And a quick wrapup. I was surprised that I missed that sergeant, I thought there was still a demon roaming around.

Level 14:
I decide that the double shotgun has had a good run. I'd shown off some pretty leet tricks with it but it just wasn't good enough any more.
When I see that baron and the imps, I realise that dropping my Dshotty so soon was stupid. Luckily I have rockets to burn at this point.
Haha, my superior knowledge of DooM comes in handy. From my speakers, I was absolutely sure that there was a pain elemental in that room, and that shooting it with a rocket launcher would be wise.
"Wait, was there red stairs on this floor?"
"Dammit, message history doesn't go far enough. I'll just assume no."

Level 15:
I don't like barons. Especially when I have no plasma rifle.
Wow, my rocket launcher is seeing a lot of action, isn't it?
Killing barons with a hardly modded chaingun take too long for me- HOLY CRAP A MANCUBUS
Oh phew, lucky dodge.
I decide on hellrunner, just for aforementioned lucky dodges. Also wearing red armor REALLY slows you down.

Level 16:
Another situation that would've been easier with a shotgun.
...or an invincibility globe?
I pistol whip the baron to death for the sake of it.
"Oh hey, I'm invincible, what if I got a pistol kill here?"
"Drop my BFG, pick up the pistol..."
"Oh great, now I'm vulnerable again."
"Screw it, pistol killikng anyway. I want a mancubus rank."
I'm very surprised those cacos and that mancubus didn't rip me a new one.
Ugh, hate mancubi. Not as much as revenants, but they're still pretty annoying.
Freaking hell, this one just doesn't die.
I'm sure we all enjoyed that level, it wasn't easy or boring!

Level 17:
I decide that damage mods are too rare annd I might as well just get S3 on my chaingun.
Wasn't scared of that mancubus. More pissed off now.
Gogo blind rocket launcher shots.
Dammit, the imps were in the corner I didn't shoot at.

Level 18:
A revenant. I fucking despise revenants. They just don't miss. You can't dodge them. And I'll hate them forever for it.
I go rocket launcher crazy again. I've pretty much won the game at this point, what do I care about destroying items?
Gosh darn it a damage mod. I suppose I could put it on a plasma rifle (Whenever I find one?)
Another hellrunner, whatever.

Level 19:
Something valuable, you say?
Ooh, missile launcher. That'll help me next time I go rocket launcher crazy.
Like right now! Oh shit, I missed.
Oh shit, I missed again.
Man, I suck with this thing. I wish it was a jackhammer instead.
Mm.... jackhammer...
After horrible luck with some levers it was nice to find a healever.

Level 20:
Arachnocave. They really aren't that hard with a weapon as awesome as a damage modded plasma rifle.
Yeah, that's right, engage me in a melee fight like a big idiot.
I decide that I'd go out of my way to actually try and pistol whip them to death. Hilarity ensues.

Level 21:
Mancubuseses! Mancubine! Mancubes! Man-ha-han-cubi!
I kid. They were really easy.
I have like 450 plasma cells spare, I can go ahead and waste them if I want.
The vaults? Nah, I wanted a YAAM.

Level 22:
Oooooooooooooooh, the dragonslayer! I wonder if I could get a melee win with this thing.
Too heavy? Huh? Awww. Well, at least I saw it. I think that's the last unique that I needed to see before I've seen them all.
Yeah, I go ahead and tank that barrel explosion. That's how manly this doomguy is.
Armor durability mod = Portable armor shard
I use small HP packs constantly in this level. A lot spawned on this level though, so I didn't waste anything.
Gooooooood damn it that's one annoying Baron.
I hear an explosion? OH MY GOD HE TELEPORTED AGAIN
Okay, I have 400 cells and you guys deserve a show. Keeping this in mind, I decide to storm the mortuary.

The Mortuary:
One quick note, I've changed my music.dat so that it plays "Necrophantasia" by ZUN (The guy that makes touhou games). It just seems worthy of the mort.
Why? Because it's in the top 5 most beautiful, epic songs that anyone has ever made.
Note that all of those top 5 songs are from touhou games. Something like Necrophantasia, Nuclear Fusion, Flight of the Bamboo Cutter...
Huh? Oh right. The mortuary. I knew I forgot about SOMETHING while I was talking about that.
So the whole place is a giant BFG fest. I don't really like this run of the mort compared to last time I did it.
Last time I did it I only used the jackhammer! That was sweet.
Oh, level up. I'll go with ironman.
Needs moar BFG...
You'll notice that, like in Doom and Doom II, the BFG basically kills everything you're looking at, not everything in the circle.
Large medpack #3: I don't need to explain this one.
...and I run out of cells. Lovely.
Luckily there's only one vile left, and the various weaklings he spawned.
I swap to the chaingun, deciding against wasting more cells.
My god, these corner prizes are rediculous.
Dance #3: This is only the second time I've managed to defeat the mort. I still don't feel as good about it as the first time though, what with the jackhammer and all. Good times.

Level 23:
I was around as high as you can get on life, so I ran right in to a vile/revenant pack. In any other game, I would've died! :D
Wow, that angelic armor sure had a good run. Not.
Quick level. Vile packs take up almost all of the level's "Monster points".
And I decide against a lava bath. Not enough boots or envirosuits.

Level 24:
Yeah, I've won the game. There was no doubt of that since level 15.
Arachnocave? Booooring.
Yeah, screw searching the level, I'm just going to pick up some health and take out the cyberdemon.

Level 25:
I was going for a no hits run. But he got a lucky shot on me while I was reloading (I didn't know I reloaded that slowly) so I decided "Fuck it, I'll just finish him off quickly"
And there he goes. Good game.

Hooray YAAM
Hooray graveyard-related spoilers
Hooray almost level 11
Hooray I had so many items spare
Hooray lots of kills
Hooray my 11th win
Hooray showing off my high scores
Fucking hell AoLT was a pain. I tried to do a melee run of it (You know, that makes sense?) but I had to keep ditching them halfway through when I realised that I couldn't beat the AoD.
And that resulted in me not having enough cells for the cyberdemon...
And that resulted in me dying while trying to chaingun him...
And one of those resulting deaths accidentally got saved twice so it looks like I'm even worse than I am...
And then I thought "Fuck it I'll do a packless run like in AoI"
And that worked like a charm
And hooray alliteration.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2008, 18:32 by Thomas »
Arch-Vile Chaos Major Thomas
Medals: 35/43 Specials: 69/67 Assemblies: 36/40


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Re: [M|100%|StdWin|YAAM] Video-Mortem!
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2008, 05:44 »

I second this.


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Re: [M|100%|StdWin|YAAM] Video-Mortem!
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2008, 12:06 »

Can you upload the video somewhere else please (like Mediafire)? For some reason, I get a "page cannot be found" error when I visit Megaupload.

EDIT: Oh, and if you're done with that, can you post the link in the "chaosforge videos" topic? Thanks a lot! XD
« Last Edit: December 09, 2008, 12:08 by Mrazerty »
[18|7|3|0|0|0] [MED:13/43] [SPE:36/67] [ASM:11/40]

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Re: [M|100%|StdWin|YAAM] Video-Mortem!
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2008, 18:27 »

Alrighty, I'll do both of those things in just one minute.
Arch-Vile Chaos Major Thomas
Medals: 35/43 Specials: 69/67 Assemblies: 36/40
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