This is a bit of a joke idea, but I was thinking about what a rocket build trait could be, and came up with 2 ideas.
First would be a trait that would reduce and possibly with enough ranks remove splash damage from your own rockets. Then, that would unlock a second trait.... THE ROCKET JUMP! I'm sure most of you have played Quake 3 and done enough rocket jumping. It would let you fire on yourself and whenever you get hit by your own rocket's splash damage you can jump to any space in the splash and one beyond. So, if the splash was
The Xs being damage and the Os being the max range of where you could move. Of course, rocket damage is bigger than that, but I didn't want to draw all of that out.
I doubt the usefulness of this, though. The removal of splash damage would be pretty nice, but rocket jumping? Not so much. Could be unlocked by TaN 2 or something.