Okay, I don't know if the 'contest' for a special level is still going, or whether it's original levels or remakes of actual Doom levels that are intended, but I decided to try my hand at making a more original (but still not fully original) level for this 'contest'.
The level is derived from one in an FPS called 'Rise of the Triad'. In the original game the level was called 'Dead in Two Seconds' (it probably refers to what happens if you don't immediately hurry in the starting room - they put 12 Triad Enforcers, probably the toughest normal enemy in the game, in front of you) and was actually not in the normal progression of the game - you could only access the level with a warping cheat. I don't have a good alternate name for the level for this version - but let's see if the level is viable first.
When would this level show up? I'm thinking somewhere in the lower levels - specifically, I was thinking of this as being a possible alternate for the Lava Pits (meaning either this OR Lava Pits shows up).
@: Player start position.
}: A rocket launcher.
|: Rockets.
^: Invulnerability Globe.
1: Hell Knight (ITYTD, HNTR, HMP) or Baron of Hell (UV, N!)
2: Hell Knight (ITYTD, HNTR), Baron of Hell (HMP, UV), or Revenant (N!)
3: Former Captain (ITYTD), Hell Knight (HNTR), or Arachnotron (HMP, UV, N!)
4: Cacodemon (ITYTD, HNTR) or Revenant (HMP, UV, N!)
5: Revenant (ITYTD, HNTR) or Mancubus (HMP, UV, N!)
6: Cacodemon (ITYTD) or Pain Elemental (HNTR, HMP, UV, N!)
7: Former Captain (ITYTD, HNTR) or Former Commando (HMP, UV, N!)
8: Lost Soul (ITYTD), Demon (HNTR), Former Captain (HMP, UV) or Former Commando (N!)
9: Revenant (ITYTD), Mancubus (HNTR), or Arch-Vile (HMP, UV, N!).
a: Weapons. Haven't determined exactly what yet, although I was intending on 'random'.
b: Ammo or powerups. Haven't determined exactly what yet, although I was intending on 'random'.
c: Armor or boots. Haven't determined exactly what yet, although I was intending on 'random'.
d: Mods. Haven't determined exactly what yet, although I was intending on 'random'.
e: Items (medpacks, envirosuits, that sort of thing). Haven't determined exactly what yet, although I was intending on 'random'.
+: Doors, of course.
%: Corpses. Probably a mixture of imp and hell knight corpses with one or two barons or revenants mixed in somewhere.
>: The exit.
Other Notes:
-A lot of hallway compression went into making that map the right size, vertically speaking. I was able to actually keep most of the horizontal layout.
-The original map only had any enemies in the big starting room and the upper-left room. For this to qualify as something you'd see in the Phobos Hell region I felt compelled to add more enemies, and I'm extremely concerned that I went overboard.
-The bottom-center room was actually not enterable in the original. I thought it better to let the player go in there.
-All the walls in the original were fiery walls that burnt the player if they were touched. As of right now, I'm still tinkering with the possibility of a 1-square ring of lava around most of the rooms to mimic this effect, but I've been working on this map (layout, spawns, and everything) for over 4 straight hours and I need a break. Will take suggestions in this regard (note that I hope to avoid the possibility of the player charging over any lava to take shortcuts, but if I have to do that, fine).
-All walls are indestructible, except for the ones around the room with '9' in it. I know I didn't use '!' to represent the edges of the map like some people did, but I thought the edge of the map showed up as something closer in the actual game to what I did here anyhow.
-I tempted the idea of putting a BFG9000 in a place that could only be reached safely with an envirosuit pack, but decided that I'd done enough to this map as it is.
-The map was intended to be quite difficult, at minimum on par with Lava Pits. Maybe even more difficult. The first room was specifically designed to be a 'gimme' if you're thinking fast enough (it even has an invulnerability powerup much like the original level - the ammo wasn't there though) - it's the later rooms that are going to be hard on a player.
-I consider the map layout mostly okay for a conversion to DoomRL except for one thing - the corner room with '9' in it (that room was not in the original map, and may want some tweaking). It's the monster and item spawns that I really need help with. I'm concerned that (1) I don't strike the right balance between authenticity to the original level and DoomRL playability, and (2) I may have made the level too difficult with all those enemies.
-The reward is what's on the map already, really. Anything you manage to pry out of there is yours to keep.
-I do have a blank version of both this modified map variant and of the original level's map in ASCII if it's necessary to change things even more.
If this is well received (but not before then, as I'm a sucky mapper and I know it), I may try converting an actual Doom level to DoomRL. We'll see.