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Author Topic: New unique items  (Read 449775 times)


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« Reply #690 on: September 30, 2011, 07:20 »

Advanced assembler (mod) You could figure out some other name, something like alien technology or something... be creative!
"This looks even more sophisticated than devil's intrigues!""
Adds as many slots as you could normally add, and one more assembly slot.
What does it mean:If you haven't yet assemblied something, you can add double amount of mods, as you could normally add. If you assemblied something at master whizkid (you have one slot left), you can add THIS mod and assembly it again (or add as many mods as you could add to an unassemblied thing).
Important: you can't add same assembly 2nd time; like high power high power something. Also you shouldn't be able to create from gatling gun, assault rifle, but high power assault rifle, or nanomanufacture ammo hyperblaster; why not!
(for example your unmodded armour can get now [1+your whizkid lev]*2, also 2 power mods 2 technical mods, etc...)
I hope I am understandable, now, if it's special item, as I proposed, in spoiler I'll write how to obtain it. If you count it as unique, you won't need it.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: October 03, 2011, 13:45 by zenfur »
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Re: New unique items
« Reply #691 on: September 30, 2011, 11:46 »

Quad Shotgun
Four times the gun, four times the fun.
Damage: [6d3]x6
Clip size: 4 / Accuracy: Shotgun
Base fire time: 1.0 / Base reload time: 3.0
Range: Low / Spread: Massive

This is crying out for a Quad damage joke in the flavor text.


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Re: New unique items
« Reply #692 on: September 30, 2011, 14:45 »

2nd way requires adding a new boss: archatron boss.

Spider Mastermind, remember?


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Re: New unique items
« Reply #693 on: October 28, 2011, 06:17 »

Unique Rocket Launcher: Red Glare
Ammo: rockets
Damage: 6d7x3
Firetime: 0.9s
Reload time: 2.5s
Accuracy: +1
Mag size: 12
Standard fire: fires three 6d7 rockets at your target.
Altfire: fires three 6d7 rockets at your target, mancubi-style.
Can be firestorm modded (oh god)
Note: standard reload reloads the whole magazine, there's no way to reload one-by-one.
Probably not ammochainable.

+1 if you know where this is from ;)
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Re: New unique items
« Reply #694 on: October 28, 2011, 10:43 »

Unique Boots: Boots of the Duke
No idea about protection value or resistances, but it should allow you to make a kick attack by melee'ing an enemy with a ranged weapon equipped. mid-level damage and high knockback. Kick should be an alt-fire for melee weapons.

Hell, Kick should just be alt-fire for melee weapons anyway.

Edit: Actually, Maybe I should just suggest adding the kick alt-fire, with regular boots increasing kick damage, and the Duke Boots should let you kick with a ranged weapon and high damage and knockback.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2011, 10:46 by RickVoid »
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Re: New unique items
« Reply #695 on: November 04, 2011, 10:50 »

I'm not up on the statistics of the weaponry, so I'll just post some cool (or "cool") sounding stuff.

Cain's Club
The very weapon used in the first murder.
"Let's go out to the field..."

Good Samaritan
Based on the massive revolver of Hellboy, it would be some kind of sawn-off shotgun-revolver hybrid. As far as cross-overs go at least it fits in with the scenery!
"With this in your right hand, you'll bring doom!" - Hang on, are these all first person? Ha ha.

Shit-Kicking Boots
Steel toe-capped boots. Adds a knock-back attack of kicking to your repertoire of death.

Helm of Hades
Allows invisibility at some balanced level, say perfect invisibility while standing still, seventy five percent change of being seen while moving, fifty percent chance of being seen whilst attacking.
"How sophisticated do you have to be to make such a classy, invisible, helmet?"

Matter Cannon
Shove whatever crap you find into it, fire extra heavy cannon balls. Simple.
"Take matters into your own hands!"

Martian Sidewinder
An ancient rifle that fires plasma slugs that bounces off walls.
"Martians musta been interesting guys."

Martian Eradicator
An ancient plasma chaingun that fires through walls, causing radiation poisoning in yourself and foes alike.
"I bet this thing came with a suit...or an exoskeleton."

Martian Talon
An ancient trident which can, but doesn't have to be, powered by plasma to increase it's power.
"Martians, fighting old school before we had schools."

Martian Clicker
The BFG 9000 of the long dead Martians, it would target an enemy with a rocket, but the rocket only explodes when detonated by the player.
"It is harrowing to think that two separate sapient species can be joined in a love of explosive violence."

Oh and to continue adding with beastie:

Quad Shotgun
"Sometimes a man can't wait for a power-up."

« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 10:58 by Jovian »
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Re: New unique items
« Reply #696 on: November 04, 2011, 14:30 »

Boots of the Painkiller
"Looks like something the Hell Patrol would wear..."
Protection: 3
Acid res.: 50%
Fire res.: 40%
Knockback: -60%
Whenever you take enviromental damage, the boots repair themselves equal to 1d(damage received).
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Re: New unique items
« Reply #697 on: November 05, 2011, 01:30 »

Cerebus Righthead
"A deadman's handgun. Looks like part of a set."
Damage: 3d5 / 3-15
Damage Type: Bullet
Accuracy: +6
Base Fire Time: 1.0 second
Base Reload Time: 2.0 seconds
Clip Size: 15
Ammunition: 10mm ammo
Alternate Fire: Aimed shot
Alternate Reload: Dual reload

Cerebus Lefthead
"A deadman's handgun. Looks like part of a set."
Weapon Type: Handgun
Damage: 3d6 / 3-18
Damage Type: Bullet
Accuracy: +4
Base Fire Time: 1.0 second
Base Reload Time: 2.0 seconds
Clip Size: 15
Ammunition: 10mm ammo
Alternate Fire: Aimed shot
Alternate Reload: Dual reload

Notes: The Cerebus handguns are from Gungrave and would probably work best as part of a set, sort of like the Gothic Arms armor set. Maybe if you had them both, you'd get the equivalent of Bullet Dance 1 (Which sounds like it's from Gungrave too) or something similiar. They're still pretty good on their own, having damage and clip-size equal to the various pistol uniques, but without any of their really special bits. The Righthead has the Trigun's accuracy and the Jackal's base damage, the Lefthead has that flipped (Accuracy slightly down, damage slightly up), and both have almost the same clip size as the Grammaton Beratta. But they don't have the nuke, the explosive rounds, or the autofire modes of the other three uniques, unless you get the set.

They might be better off as exotics, but their power seems a bit high for that.
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Re: New unique items
« Reply #698 on: November 08, 2011, 08:42 »

Purity Skull
Guaranteed drop at City of Skulls, as long as you have 100% kills on HMP+, replaces a skull dropped by Agony Elemental.
"This skull seems to stare at you with intent. What kind of intent you aren't entirely sure..."
Gibs corpses in a range of vision+2. Deals 2d*corpses gibbed* damage to every live being on the map.

Not sure if 2d damage is high enough, though.
There's the alternative of arch-vile damage like *no. corpses gibbed*d1, but again, not really sure.
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Re: New unique items
« Reply #699 on: November 08, 2011, 09:38 »

Purity Skull
Guaranteed drop at City of Skulls, as long as you have 100% kills on HMP+, replaces a skull dropped by Agony Elemental.
"This skull seems to stare at you with intent. What kind of intent you aren't entirely sure..."
Gibs corpses in a range of vision+2. Deals 2d*corpses gibbed* damage to every live being on the map.

Not sure if 2d damage is high enough, though.
There's the alternative of arch-vile damage like *no. corpses gibbed*d1, but again, not really sure.

As long as the damage is specifically adjusted to not kill any Arch-Viles, why not...


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Re: New unique items
« Reply #700 on: November 10, 2011, 05:38 »

Daemon Tech-Graft.

This is the thing the daemons want us for. Our bodies and minds are playthings. They want our weapons. They want us as weapons.

Single use consumable. Style as a mod-pack for self. Uses another mod-pack as consumable. Requires at least one mod in inventory or permanent injury (-13 max HP). No gain. Text:
"It glows a greenish purple and starts shredding your body with wire-like tendrils."

If you do have a mod-pack in inventory:
-13 max HP.
"How do you wish to modify yourself? p/b/a/t?"
If you don't have the mod pack for the button pressed, see above.

Power pack gives +20 HP (so +7 after the operation) and +1 to highest damage die of current weapon.
Bulk pack adds +3 to melee damage and +1 to natural armour.
 Agility pack gives +10% to speed+dodge and +2 to accuracy.
Technical pack gives +15% fire speed and the ability to mod weapons with 1 more mod.

After mod-pack is consumed:
You are now less than the human you were, but more the killer you need to be.

Just a thought on why these daemon bastards are trying (very well) to take over phobos before we show up. We don't have to join them, just beat them. With whatever is laying around.


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Re: New unique items
« Reply #701 on: November 10, 2011, 05:43 »

Mmm, that really makes me wish that it was a frequent unique. :)


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Re: New unique items
« Reply #702 on: November 10, 2011, 06:00 »

Yeah. Make it dungeon level 16+ I'd say. You can only find such things in hell. As a unique, at least it's one every Doomguy can use.

Maybe OP, but how much do you hate finding an Anti-freak Jackal just after the Wall in AoMr? Or a fire-storm pack on shotty builds (DBs only do 2x regardless, even a few versions ago). Or even just a BFG that you have a tendancy to never fire, but makes for a great plasma ammo slot?

It might be good, but it hurts and everyone can use it. Maybe just remove the HP for power mods, no HP gain, but no pain either. Probably one to make into an auto-loss for AoHum or AoPac though.

The daemons finally consume you. You are not made for this. You must be human. You must be pure. You slowly pull the trigger......


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Re: New unique items
« Reply #703 on: November 10, 2011, 06:04 »

Cybernetic Boots
Similar to the Gothic Boots in that they're companion to the Cybernetic Armor, these are the Technician's Dream. Cannot be removed or destroyed by damage, and are fully moddable by Technicians.
Tormuse doesn't lose, he dies on purpose to lull the demons into a false sense of security.


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Re: New unique items
« Reply #704 on: November 10, 2011, 10:07 »

The daemons finally consume you. You are not made for this. You must be human. You must be pure. You slowly pull the trigger....
That sounds like something for Angel of Purity, Angel of Pacifism should yield something like this:

"You don't feel too good about this, but at least it won't hurt others.." Which would reduce the score counter by 0.1/0.15/0.2

Angel of Humanity could have something funkier:
Code: [Select]
"You feel that this isn't the best of ideas, are you sure you want to do this? [Y/n]"
Y - "As you use the demonic device, you feel a growing dread inside of you as everything fades away..", Action takes 15 seconds. (Ala Paralysis. :P), and sets your vision range to 0 (Oh the blindness.)
15 Seconds later (if not dead yet), lose 2 max health, "You feel cold, but alive.", receive bonus.
Code: [Select]
Power gives 10% general speed (Ala scout) & + 3 Melee damage
Bulk gives 2 armor and 1 health & + 4 Melee damage
Agility gives 15% (20%?) move speed & Dodge + 1 OVERALL accuracy & + 2 Melee damage
Technical gives 20% fire speed, 1 extra vision & 1 extra WEAPON mod.
Messages for mods:
Code: [Select]
Power: "You feel powerful and fast, and you have a feeling you'll need it."
Bulk: "You feel sturdy and strong, but not as tough as before."
Agility: "Your legs move faster, and your arms are strong and accurate." (Agility, in formal format.)
Technical: "Your knowledge of guns is keener, and your eyes seem to distinguish everything much better now." (Terminator mode - activated.)

Yes, I really like this idea. ;P
And in case this seems a bit overpowered, then remember that we're talking about Angel of Humanity.
The bonuses that are so-so for a badass marine as one is, are a bit more definite on an ordinary marine. (AKA how one is in AoHu)
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