I tend to think a few more in-game lore style uniques would make a good addition. There's so many anime/wh40k/real-life references that it sometimes feels as though it waters down the coolness that is DoomRL (or even just the Doom universe/potential story). For me it sort of makes the game deeper without necessarily changing a thing. Evoking an atmosphere occaisionally without having to stick to a story-line. The anime/wh40k thing is great, it fits much of what you're doing in-game, but there's no reason you can't have some doom-centric story telling devices chucked in as very viable uniques.....
Speaking of which:
Weapon fuser.
An circular brace with a label on each end. One says "arm", the other says "weapon". Seems pretty simple.
Style of consumable, used on self.
Gives +2 accuracy, 80% reload time, power-mod effects for weapon. Can never use any other weapon or switch to your prepared slot. -10 max HP.
Description on use:
As you insert your arm and your weapon into it, there is a flash of red light and deathly odours. You feel a searing pain followed by icy chill. Your weapon is now a part of you.
If no weapon is equipped:
Description on use:
You insert your arm into it and press the button. Barbed blades rip through your knuckles. It's boxing time......
Gives +2 accuracy and the effects of a bulk and mod pack to your unarmed attack. Still works for "fists only" badges/medals.
Just another little daemonifier unique. Again, probably over-powered. But it kind of makes sense. How did knights and barons end up with crap on their arms? Or arachnotrons get plasma guns? This is how. Although, the thought of what part a mancubus inserted in the fuser is somewhat disturbing.......
"Ride my rocket baby!"