Semi-formed random thoughts...
Personal Hologram Pack (unique consumable)
"If you can't beat 'em..."
You are now, at least in appearance, one of *them*. When used, the effect will last some number of turns (maybe half an Inv powerup?). Monsters who can see you when you use the item only have a 25% change of being affected. Any other monsters will not attack you until the effect ends *unless*:
You do something that causes a monster to be damaged (always) or
You are seen by monster A doing damage to monster B (50/50 chance that the effect ends for the monster A).
(Side note:
I also had the idea of having the hologram(s) be
-of the player
-trail behind the player by some number of moves
-some times targeted by monsters instead of the player
I'm not sure which of the two is better.)
Flash Grenade (exotic weapon)
Once fired, disappears from inventory.
Effect:When fired, it will land on the exact square that is targeted (unless that square is out of sight, in which case it has some chance to land on an empty adjacent square instead).
It will then create a radius 6 blast.
Any monster caught in the blast will be prevented from taking any action for some number of turns (perhaps with a dropoff dependent on distance from the center of the blast).
If the player is in the blast, the player's base vision range is decreased to 4 for some number of turns, unless the player is wearing light-amp goggles, in which case it is reduced to 1.