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Author Topic: Help Wanted!  (Read 89693 times)

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Help Wanted!
« on: April 27, 2009, 04:09 »

As many people ask me how they could help out, here's a list of help I'd love to get. All of these positions are "high-profile". I may post another list of "low-profile" tasks and positions that I'd love to see. Feel free to discuss the positions in this thread. I may also modify and add additional positions later.

What can I offer in return? Not much. Full recognition of course, both in-game and on the websites and forum. Apart from that, webspace and e-mail adress on ChaosForge if wanted. Any suggestions for other things I could offer are very welcome.

Also, if the donation-driven development seriously kicks off (which I doubt that would happen anytime soon), I'm willing to set aside a small share for anyone that takes his position seriously (but bear in mind that it would be based on time spent compared to my time spent on ChaosForge, so it wouldn't be much).

Time investment in all cases is very low compared to even a part-time job, so don't be scared by the official character of the below ads :)

Web Administrator

Skills needed
  • good knowledge of linux, PHP, possibly Ruby
  • web administration
  • high dependability and availability
  • some kind of previous experience

Responsible for
  • maintaining websites
  • maintaining the technical part of the forum (addons, possibly new plugins)
  • maintaining and performing additional instalations (Trac/SVN/Mercurial)
  • maintaining the wiki's and bugtrackers

Example tasks
  • installing and configuring Trac (possibly)
  • safe upgrading forum to SMF 2.0
  • award badge plugin for SMF
  • integrating a scoreboard to ChaosForge (once it's done)

Difficulty : very high
Time investment : high
Responsibility : very high
Currently on team : NO ONE

Web Programmer

Skills needed
  • good knowledge of PHP/Python/MySQL

Responsible for
  • writing a scoreboard and player database ( parsing of score.wad/player.wad )
  • writing rankings, charts and handling of player data
  • designing a fun and exciting system of browsing the forementioned data
  • maintenace of the system once it's completed, integration into the forum

Difficulty : medium
Responsibility : medium
Time investment : medium
Currently on team : NO ONE

FreePascal-aware Linux Programmer

Skills needed
  • good knowledge of Linux
  • basic knowledge of FreePascal
  • good knowledge of proper Linux application behaviour/packaging

Responsible for
  • keeping Valkyrie Linux-happy
  • fixing Linux-related bugs
  • helping with designing a proper application deployment for the roguelikes
  • packaging Linux releases

Difficulty : medium
Responsibility : low
Time investment : low
Currently on team : NO ONE

FreePascal Programmer

Skills needed
  • good knowledge of FreePascal

Responsible for
  • taking maintenance of FPC Valkyrie and keeping the Valkyrie-based projects compiling
  • future of FPC Valkyrie
  • fixing bugs

Difficulty : high
Responsibility : high
Time investment : very high
Currently on team : you

Forum Public Relations

Skills needed
  • great communication skills
  • good knowledge of ChaosForge games
  • bag of ideas
  • high availability

Responsible for
  • keeping the forums active
  • throwing ideas for forum activities (ChaosForge related!)
  • answering repetetive and simple questions
  • commenting on recurring RFE's
  • ideas for making the donation system work

Difficulty : low
Responsibility : medium
Time investment : very high
Currently on team : MaiZure (lead), Tavana, Anticheese

C++ Programmer

Skills needed
  • very good C++ skills
  • knowledge of STL and Boost
  • good knowledge of roguelikes
  • Linux/MacOS X/SDL/OpenAL/OpenGL knowledge a big advantage

Responsible for
  • cooperation on the development of the Neko library (the new roguelike engine)
  • bugfixing and testing

Difficulty : high
Responsibility : medium
Time investment : medium
Currently on team : Melon, Tavana

C++ Linux Programmer

Skills needed
  • good C++ skills
  • good knowledge of Linux environment

Responsible for
  • maintaining full Linux compatibility of Neko and managing the build system and Linux portability of Neko-based roguelikes

Difficulty : medium
Responsibility : medium
Time investment : medium
Currently on team : NO ONE

Web Artist

Skills needed
  • artistic skills
  • web-design awareness

Responsible for
  • design and artistic look of the chaosforge sites

Difficulty : medium
Responsibility : low
Time investment : varies
Currently on team : NO ONE

UI Artist

Skills needed
  • artistic skills
  • awareness of UI-design

Responsible for
  • design and artistic look of the graphical chaosforge games

Difficulty : medium
Responsibility : low
Time investment : varies
Currently on team : NO ONE

« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 10:50 by Kornel Kisielewicz »
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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Re: Help Wanted!
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2009, 09:14 »

If it is OK, I'd love to help with the Forum Public Relations.

great communication skills
No problem for me.

good knowledge of ChaosForge games
I play CF games a lot so I have quite a lot of experience. I have read almost everything about DoomRL and BerserkRL (like the wiki, I've completely read that).
The only problem here might be AlienRL and DiabloRL. I know the basic knowledge about those games, but not everything actually. Of course I can answer some "standard" questions, but when it gets advanced then I can't help very much. But DoomRL and BerserkRL are no problem at all.

bag of ideas
You mean suggestions for the forum and the games? Yes =)
I have very much inspiration for new stuff and in fact I've always tried contributing every bit to CF I can. (See the Big CF Poll for example)

high availability
That is for sure. I spend much spare time on my computer, and basically every time I open my browser to explore the internets, I have the reflex the check the CF forum for new posts, and I read them all. Usually I check it 2 or 3 time per day. Also, there are not very much things I am a member of so much time goes to CF.

keeping the forums active; throwing ideas for forum activities (ChaosForge related!)
This forum has always been quite active I think. Though if it does idle for while I am sure willing to pull the trigger again with constructive ideas and comments. =)

answering repetetive and simple questions; commenting on recurring RFE's
No problem for me, for both the forum and the games. But then again, if it gets advanced for AlienRL and DiabloRL then you can't fully count on me I'm afraid.

ideas for making the donation system work
No problem. Plus, I can also persuade people to donate, heh =P

Also, it is no problem at all to make myself available more often on the IRC, as my IRC client is running most of the time I'm working on my pc.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 09:16 by Mrazerty »
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Check out my epic youtube channel!
Currently playing The Bard's Tale and System Shock 2 (coop with GrAV1t)!

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Re: Help Wanted!
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2009, 01:06 »

Mrazerty, I for one would be glad to have you around as a Forummeister :-P

Regarding the ChaosAd: I'm afraid both my skills and availability are sub-par to the requirements, although I'd like eventually to become the maintainer of Valkyrie; so far I can be a Valkyrie apprentice, hardly anything more.

But you can count on my donations ASA I get my promotion :).

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Help Wanted!
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2009, 04:27 »

bag of ideas
You mean suggestions for the forum and the games? Yes =)
I have very much inspiration for new stuff and in fact I've always tried contributing every bit to CF I can. (See the Big CF Poll for example)
This mainly included ideas for the expansion of the community -- new ideas for additions to the community, ideas how to gather more people, promotion, and generaly PR-idea stuff.

high availability
That is for sure. I spend much spare time on my computer, and basically every time I open my browser to explore the internets, I have the reflex the check the CF forum for new posts, and I read them all. Usually I check it 2 or 3 time per day. Also, there are not very much things I am a member of so much time goes to CF.
That I believe, and this is a big plus in your favour.

keeping the forums active; throwing ideas for forum activities (ChaosForge related!)
This forum has always been quite active I think. Though if it does idle for while I am sure willing to pull the trigger again with constructive ideas and comments. =)
There were times when this forum had about 60 post per day, that was active. From my side I'll provide new material (releases) for discussion, from your side I'd need ideas for promotion, and promotion itself.

answering repetetive and simple questions; commenting on recurring RFE's
No problem for me, for both the forum and the games. But then again, if it gets advanced for AlienRL and DiabloRL then you can't fully count on me I'm afraid.
Basically, sometimes questions are posted that no one answers, despite the fact that it's common knowledge. At least posting a link to a revelant topic would be enough.

ideas for making the donation system work
No problem. Plus, I can also persuade people to donate, heh =P
If this would work, or any ideas to make it would would be worth their weight in gold (quite literalily)

Also, it is no problem at all to make myself available more often on the IRC, as my IRC client is running most of the time I'm working on my pc.
I'll probably be available more often on IRC in the near future -- these vacations will see a lot of CF work.

You also received a thumbs up from one of the Chaoslords, and that counts.

Please post, PM or mail with any ideas you have that can be convincing, and we'll probably set you on some probation time ;).
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Help Wanted!
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2009, 04:29 »

Regarding the ChaosAd: I'm afraid both my skills and availability are sub-par to the requirements, although I'd like eventually to become the maintainer of Valkyrie; so far I can be a Valkyrie apprentice, hardly anything more.
As for the moment, you're the only person I trust enough that has the skills to take that position. I'm still waiting eagerly for your vision of Valkyrie's future. Actually I think it'd be even more cool if you post it on the Valkyrie forum :).
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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Re: Help Wanted!
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2009, 05:31 »

C++ Programmer

Skills needed
  • very good C++ skills
  • knowledge of STL and Boost
  • good knowledge of roguelikes
  • Linux/MacOS X/SDL/OpenAL/OpenGL knowledge a big advantage

Responsible for
  • cooperation on the development of the Neko library (the new roguelike engine)
  • bugfixing and testing

Difficulty : high
Responsibility : medium
Time investment : medium
As I am beginning my journey with C++ I would gladly help, since it would motivate me more to learn it. I have a weak knowledge of C++, but I am more experienced in C, in which I made several projects during my studies and write in it my own DooMRL clone. I think that knowledge would help in understanding C++. Right now I am starting the Prata's book on programming in C++.
I also have knowledge of VHDL, but don't know if that counts ;P

I played Nethack and it's clones, ADOM, Rogue and of course DooMRL. The biggest fun was with DooMRL and with ADOM.

Right now I have a lot of spare time, even though I have lots of activities. I can promise, that although my knowledge isn't very deep, I will work hard on improving myself.
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Re: Help Wanted!
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2009, 07:25 »

I just recently joined the forum when I got a bit of free time and decided to help with DiabloRL...only to discover that the Valkyrie code is no longer compatible with the source. Either that or FPC 2.2.4 is having issues. Or both. More importantly, to your topic:

Web Programmer

Skills needed
  • good knowledge of PHP/Ruby/Python and the ability to deploy it on a shared hosting environment
  • knowledge of MySQL
  • knowledge of how to handle binary data in that language

Responsible for
  • writing a scoreboard and player database ( parsing of score.dat/player.dat )
  • writing rankings, charts and handling of player data
  • designing a fun and exciting system of browsing the forementioned data
  • maintenace of the system once it's completed, integration into the forum

Difficulty : medium
Responsibility : medium
Time investment : medium

I'm reasonably competent with Php. Ruby and Python no, though. I'd be willing to pick them up, but probably there are others who are more qualified for this position. MYSQL and the 1's and 0's and I get along fine. Except for the occasional lover's spat.

C++ Programmer

Skills needed
  • very good C++ skills
  • knowledge of STL and Boost
  • good knowledge of roguelikes
  • Linux/MacOS X/SDL/OpenAL/OpenGL knowledge a big advantage

Responsible for
  • cooperation on the development of the Neko library (the new roguelike engine)
  • bugfixing and testing

Difficulty : high
Responsibility : medium
Time investment : medium

I'd say I've got -almost- very good C++ skills. Albeit it's been about three years since I've written anything with the language. Hmmm...about the same amount of time since I got hitched... >.>

I've used STL and Boost libraries, but not truely in depth. They've also probably changed a bit since I've last coded.

There is a large section of my life that's dedicated to Roguelikes. My only downfall is I like to try to decimate games. See every ending, every possible combination of reactions from alignment, et cetera. I usually get bored with this before I complete my goal.

I really enjoy bugfixing, testing, and general streamlining of code. One of my big joys in life was to revisit my old code after writing something new and go "Wow. That could be done in three less lines." and spend a week perfecting it before moving on to new projects.

The wife is currently at University, giving me heaps of free time, except for when she steals the computer for an assignment.

Afterthought: Depending on Melon and my time difference, we could collaborate on the C++ programming? But then it's more of a Dev Team than an individual effort.
Common words do not mean common understanding. Language is mercurial. Meanings are never constant.

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Help Wanted!
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2009, 09:00 »

As I am beginning my journey with C++ I would gladly help, since it would motivate me more to learn it. I have a weak knowledge of C++, but I am more experienced in C, in which I made several projects during my studies and write in it my own DooMRL clone. I think that knowledge would help in understanding C++. Right now I am starting the Prata's book on programming in C++.
My suggestion would be to start with writing unit tests (Boost.Test is what I will probably use), to get familliar with the code as soon as it appears publicly ( probably before May 5 ). Also I strongly suggest reading both "Thinking in C++" tomes.

Right now I have a lot of spare time, even though I have lots of activities. I can promise, that although my knowledge isn't very deep, I will work hard on improving myself.
* Kornel Kisielewicz is excited :)
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Help Wanted!
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2009, 09:06 »

I'm reasonably competent with Php. Ruby and Python no, though. I'd be willing to pick them up, but probably there are others who are more qualified for this position. MYSQL and the 1's and 0's and I get along fine. Except for the occasional lover's spat.
Well, this isn't something that will be needed very soon -- it's mainly for the web-dings for the scoreboard.

I've used STL and Boost libraries, but not truely in depth. They've also probably changed a bit since I've last coded.
The lone fact that you've used Boost means much :).

There is a large section of my life that's dedicated to Roguelikes. My only downfall is I like to try to decimate games. See every ending, every possible combination of reactions from alignment, et cetera. I usually get bored with this before I complete my goal.
I know that feeling. My goal was always to make a game so complex that while playing it, I'd need to forget about decimating it just because of the massive amount of possibilities.

I really enjoy bugfixing, testing, and general streamlining of code. One of my big joys in life was to revisit my old code after writing something new and go "Wow. That could be done in three less lines." and spend a week perfecting it before moving on to new projects.
Music to my ears!

Afterthought: Depending on Melon and my time difference, we could collaborate on the C++ programming? But then it's more of a Dev Team than an individual effort.
It's a dev-team anyway, and as far as C++ programming goes, there's no limit on the work to be done... And using SVN on SourceForge and a private SVN for non-public stuff makes collaboration easy. Actually I'm surprised that there are people who want to help with that :).
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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Re: Help Wanted!
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2009, 10:47 »

I want to say that i'm still alive and checking CF forums quite often. I admit - i was a bit busy and lazy to answer trivial questions and to response to some suggestions. Shame on me. Will try to do that more often. Also Wiki and bugtracker management are still on me and i'm checking them sometimes. As soon as there will be more new good suggestions here - i will add them to the bugtracker.

With C++ i can't help right now. I have a quite good coding skill, but i'm already writing one project and i want to finish it first and to fix/add everything that will be suggested after release.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2009, 10:51 by Blade »
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Re: Help Wanted!
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2009, 14:26 »

Too good for mere moral support, are we?


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Re: Help Wanted!
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2009, 19:34 »

Forum Public Relations

Skills needed
  • great communication skills
  • good knowledge of ChaosForge games
  • bag of ideas
  • high availability

Responsible for
  • keeping the forums active
  • throwing ideas for forum activities (ChaosForge related!)
  • answering repetetive and simple questions
  • commenting on recurring RFE's
  • ideas for making the donation system work

Difficulty : low
Responsibility : medium
Time investment : very high

I could give this a decent go, I've got far too much time on my hands. And I've been playing your games and posting on the forums since the day they went up.
Arch-Vile Chaos Major Thomas
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Re: Help Wanted!
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2009, 05:22 »

This mainly included ideas for the expansion of the community -- new ideas for additions to the community, ideas how to gather more people, promotion, and generaly PR-idea stuff.
There were times when this forum had about 60 post per day, that was active. From my side I'll provide new material (releases) for discussion, from your side I'd need ideas for promotion, and promotion itself.
If this would work, or any ideas to make it would would be worth their weight in gold (quite literalily)
OK, if any good ideas concerning these things come up I will PM you.

Basically, sometimes questions are posted that no one answers, despite the fact that it's common knowledge. At least posting a link to a revelant topic would be enough.
Alright, I can perfectly handle that.
[18|7|3|0|0|0] [MED:13/43] [SPE:36/67] [ASM:11/40]

Check out my epic youtube channel!
Currently playing The Bard's Tale and System Shock 2 (coop with GrAV1t)!

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Help Wanted!
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2009, 06:04 »

I want to say that i'm still alive and checking CF forums quite often. I admit - i was a bit busy and lazy to answer trivial questions and to response to some suggestions. Shame on me. Will try to do that more often. Also Wiki and bugtracker management are still on me and i'm checking them sometimes. As soon as there will be more new good suggestions here - i will add them to the bugtracker.
You already have your place on ChaosForge, Blade :). As for the bugtracker, some of the projects will move to their dedicated task/bugtrackers (this has already happened with FPC Valkyrie for example).

With C++ i can't help right now. I have a quite good coding skill, but i'm already writing one project and i want to finish it first and to fix/add everything that will be suggested after release.
Feel free to join any time, you're always welcome! >^_^<
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Help Wanted!
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2009, 06:06 »

I could give this a decent go, I've got far too much time on my hands. And I've been playing your games and posting on the forums since the day they went up.
That surely counts for you! However, it'd be nice to see some concrete ideas for the future of CFF.
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz
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