Well, If he loves you enough to consent to a kiss and you love him for the same, Firing a BB Gun would mean bad news :-)
Hmm, I just had an idea!
Demons of our Lives:
Marine: Oh K'z'K*, I love you so much!
A Pinkie named K'z'K: Blarg blarg blarg honk**
Marine: Give me a kiss!
A Pinkie named K'z'K: Worp worp worp worp***
Marine puckers up
A Pinkie named K'z'K leans foward
Marine: Eww! You didint tell me you had Halitosis!
A Pinkie named K'z'K: Blarg honk Blaarg!
Marine: Here, Freshen your breath with 800 GRAMS OF HIGH EXPLOSIVE!
60 Seconds later...
St. Peter: Lets see, M...M...M..
St. Peter flicks through a filing cabnet
St. Peter: Ah, Here we go..Marine number...Oh god, It looks more like the telephone number from hell.
Marine: Yeah, Thats what bureaucracy is all about...
St. Peter: Well anyways, It looks like you have had a good run, Lots of points in the plus collum from about 20 minutes ago, Nice job on saving the world from Demonic Invasion...
Marine blushes
St. Peter: Oh wait, One major sin here..
Marine: What!?
St. Peter: Beastiality.
Marine: What!?!?
St. Peter: Sorry mate.
St. Peter pulls a lever
60 Seconds later...
Marine: Great, I'm in Hell again..
A Pinkie named K'z'K: <Hi Honey>
Marine: Wait, How come I can understand you?
A Pinkie named K'z'K <Time to finish where we left off...>
Marine: Annikan Skywalker style NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Hmm, Does anyone know how do do flash movies?
* - Bonus brownie points for anyone who knows where this name comes from
** - Bonus brownie points for anyone who knows which animated series this quote comes from
*** - Bonus brownie points for anyone who knows which game this quote comes from.