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Author Topic: When they say STUPID SUICIDE,...  (Read 7936 times)


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When they say STUPID SUICIDE,...
« on: April 05, 2006, 03:31 »

When they say STUPID SUICIDE,  they mean, STUPID SUICIDE.

Only once did I have this happen.  I had tried to fire a rocket through a door only to have it hit the wall.  I was close enough to the F%#$ing blast, that as I like to say "I ate the blast, and it went out the ass."
Over and Out!


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When they say STUPID SUICIDE,...
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2006, 06:07 »

Moved to discussion.

Post mortem is for when you share your Mortem.txt file.


So lets make this a discussion:

It looks like you tried to do this:

#                                                                                           #
#                                                            X                             #
#                                                            |                             #
#                                                            |                             #
#                                      -------------------_--------------------  #
#                                                             @                            #
#                                                                                          #
#                                                                                         #
#                                                                                         #
#                                                                                         #

Where @ is you, - is a wall and so is #, _ is an open door and X is the enemy and | is the intended path of the rocket.

Stupid suicides do happen, But the object of playing a game and loosing is to learn so you do not make stupid mistakes in the future.

Stupid mistakes are born from ignorance, Dumb mistakes are born from lazyness.

EDIT: For the above piciture, Imagine the @ one tile bellow the _

Shinji Ikari 9th

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When they say STUPID SUICIDE,...
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2006, 23:39 »

Sorry for putting this in the wrong place, so thanks for moving it.


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When they say STUPID SUICIDE,...
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2006, 23:45 »

Using your system,  it was more like:


I was shooting at an angle, and it was the first time I used the thing.

I admit, I shied away from it for a while for fear of a repeat performance.
Over and Out!


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When they say STUPID SUICIDE,...
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2006, 05:47 »

In all games, Rocket launchers work on the same principal.

That one is: "Something very fast comes out of that end, When that thing hits someone, That guy is most likely dead. Do not shoot the floor or that guy will be you"

Doom, Quake, Deus Ex, Etc all follow those rules, And so does DoomRL.

Kornel Kisielewicz

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When they say STUPID SUICIDE,...
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2006, 09:29 »

Quoting: Anticheese
Doom, Quake, Deus Ex, Etc all follow those rules, And so does DoomRL.

The basic principle is -- if you can kiss him, do do not fire a rocket at him ^_^.
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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When they say STUPID SUICIDE,...
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2006, 10:45 »

Well, If he loves you enough to consent to a kiss and you love him for the same, Firing a BB Gun would mean bad news :-)

Hmm, I just had an idea!


Demons of our Lives:

Marine: Oh K'z'K*, I love you so much!

A Pinkie named K'z'K: Blarg blarg blarg honk**

Marine: Give me a kiss!

A Pinkie named K'z'K: Worp worp worp worp***

Marine puckers up

A Pinkie named K'z'K leans foward

Marine: Eww! You didint tell me you had Halitosis!

A Pinkie named K'z'K: Blarg honk Blaarg!

Marine: Here, Freshen your breath with 800 GRAMS OF HIGH EXPLOSIVE!

60 Seconds later...

St. Peter: Lets see, M...M...M..

St. Peter flicks through a filing cabnet

St. Peter: Ah, Here we go..Marine number...Oh god, It looks more like the telephone number from hell.

Marine: Yeah, Thats what bureaucracy is all about...

St. Peter: Well anyways, It looks like you have had a good run, Lots of points in the plus collum from about 20 minutes ago, Nice job on saving the world from Demonic Invasion...

Marine blushes

St. Peter: Oh wait, One major sin here..

Marine: What!?

St. Peter: Beastiality.

Marine: What!?!?

St. Peter: Sorry mate.

St. Peter pulls a lever

60 Seconds later...

Marine: Great, I'm in Hell again..

A Pinkie named K'z'K: <Hi Honey>

Marine: Wait, How come I can understand you?

A Pinkie named K'z'K <Time to finish where we left off...>

Marine: Annikan Skywalker style NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO



Hmm, Does anyone know how do do flash movies?


* - Bonus brownie points for anyone who knows where this name comes from

** - Bonus brownie points for anyone who knows which animated series this quote comes from

*** - Bonus brownie points for anyone who knows which game this quote comes from.


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When they say STUPID SUICIDE,...
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2006, 03:33 »

#3 has to be Bowser's laugh from Super Mario 64.

Excellent story, too.

As for shooting oneself in the foot with a rocketlauncher: I keep catching myself in the very edge of explosions, or I'll walk out of a door and be standing a little too close to a barrel, or something like that. It's only gotten me killed once (walked into a new level, surrounded by 3 barrels, 2 imps promptly walk into sight range...) but it's annoying none-the-less.


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When they say STUPID SUICIDE,...
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2006, 03:40 »

Actually number three is not from any Nintendo game.

Better luck next time.


Enemy's will wait at least 6 turns before becoming "active"


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When they say STUPID SUICIDE,...
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2006, 04:34 »

Really? Damn.


Well, that does explain why I was able to gun down the first so easly... he was standing right in range when the level started. Another imp promptly stepped up to take his place, though, and it was only level 2, so I had a pistol and a regular shotgun...

Didn't dare use the shotgun for fear of causing a level-destroying chain reaction myself, since it was one of those levels that are full of barrels, so I was stuck using the pistol.


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When they say STUPID SUICIDE,...
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2006, 05:57 »

Barrels have an explosion radius of about 5-6 tiles, So long as another barrel near you isint in that circle of doom you are safe with the shotgun.

Actually the shotgun is your best bet in that situation, When the Imp is near the barrel then he should die with the first or second shot - Either he dies first or the barrel goes first.

Even if you get caught in the explosion, Its only 30% of your health anyway.

Beats death.


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When they say STUPID SUICIDE,...
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2006, 15:00 »

#1 K'z'K: name of a demon in sluggy freelance, possesed gwyn.

haven't got a clue where the other 2 are from, allthough they look oddly familiar...

on topic:
I also still suicide in stupid ways.. usually this happens on level 2. I'll get a bit too overconfident, thinking level 2 is easy enough for me to rush through, and suddenly find myself surrounded by lost souls without the combat shotgun in my inventory. They're usually pushovers, but if you haven't got the right weaponry, even 3 lost souls can spell game over.


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When they say STUPID SUICIDE,...
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2006, 22:56 »

Bing bing bing! Turgor wins...A Toaster.

Great comic...


One of the worst things that can happen to you is getting to level 17 or thereabouts, Facing a Hell Knight and for him to blast a barrel, Which will in turn blast you into the lava, Which will then kill you.


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When they say STUPID SUICIDE,...
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2006, 13:36 »

RvB, the alien, whose name escapes me at the moment, as I have been awake FAR too long.

That would be number two.

"Or... it isa key, and when you stick it in people, it unlocks their death." - Caboose

And for some IDIOTIC reason, I was sent the wrong password for my account...


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When they say STUPID SUICIDE,...
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2006, 21:56 »

Caboose tried to name The Alien such things as "Crunchbite" and "Fluffy - The alien that only loves."

Damn RVB is funny.


How can you be sent the wrong password for your account? Try the "Resend my password" button, But if that dosent work then why not try asking Kornel?

Either way, Welcome to the DoomRL Forums
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