Right, so I'm cheating my way around Ao100 for the heck of it, seeing what's lurking around the depths, when I find a Sniper Mod Pack, or something along those lines, laying on the floor of level 56 (or maybe 57. One of those two.). The description blurb says something about advanced auto-hit functionality, or along those lines; should have took a screencap, but eh.
Anyway, I slap it on my advanced plasma, which now sports a delightful S1 on it's mod string. Thing is, I'm not really sure what the thing's doing, which is why I've come here; as near as I can tell, it's either given my plasma some sort of crit function (1d10 rifle took down an Arachnotron two shots into the round) or having it occasionally function like the rail rifle (I'm entirely not sure on that one, it's hard to tell via eyeballing it. That being said, I've had rounds hit walls on the other side of the target despite the target not being dead.).
Has anyone else found this thing or code dived enough to know what it's doing?
EDIT: Definately not pierce-through. Just noticed the doomrifle's bouncing around barons and such, so the times of it hitting the wall past the target were probably just cases of it knocking them out of the way early in the volley.