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Author Topic: Nightmare difficulty - how?!? (update - demo now included for critique)  (Read 11326 times)


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Re: Nightmare difficulty - how?!?
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2009, 04:17 »

There' A LOT about the wiki that remains to be updated, and a its a community project, it up to us to fix it! :P

I assume you mean 0.9.8? 'Cos is only available to those of us with time machine access :P
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Re: Nightmare difficulty - how?!?
« Reply #16 on: November 21, 2009, 18:48 »

Using barons to destroy walls had already occured to me, but I discounted it as being somewhat difficult to put into practice...
I assumed that paddling in lava, then getting the baron to leave the room to come after you, etc, would be too much trouble.

However, after thinking a little more (and reading the posts here), I'm assuming it's best just to get the barons to destroy the walls of the chainsaw-holding start room, then work from there.

Cheers for the help chaps. I think I'll give intuition another try - I've found it by far the most powerful trait on other skill levels, so why not eh?
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Re: Nightmare difficulty - how?!?
« Reply #17 on: November 23, 2009, 13:50 »

I'm seriously doing something vastly wrong here... Considering some people who post post-mortems here speculate about nightmare being easier than ultra-violence.... I can play on ultra violence and pretty much gaurantee a win through patience. On nightmare, basically the first hell knight I see is an almost insurmountable hurdle - I end up killing it once, and running past it,because trapping it in a door or leading it to water costs far too much health.

Furthermore, IMPs completely baffle me - since you can't lead them around with items, I basically can't figure out a single way of stopping them from leaving respawning corpses all over the middle of the level.

In short, I'm fine until I meet a good gang of imps or a hell knight, at which point my strategy becomes 'leave this level now or die'.... After 5 or 6 levels like that, I've got no armour, no healthpacks left, and I'll come across a revenant or a baron or something that just completely prevents me from getting any further. More tips would be really helpful. I'm including a demo here as an example of my playstyle, in the hope that someone could take a glimpse at it and let me know what I'm doing wrong:
« Last Edit: November 23, 2009, 14:48 by Sylph »
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I started playing N! recently and so far I'm getting my ass kicked (in my best run I reached level 12, stupid arachno caves). The ammochain build just isn't working for me, the early traits doesn't benefit the weapons available at the time (shotguns get minimal benefit, chaingun misses way too much to benefit from SoaB and Triggerhappy). I never survived long enough to pick ammochain.

So I tried going for a Cateye build and my game improved a lot. With Eagle Eye most of the chaingun bullets actually hit. Intuition lets you manage enemies better, sense valuable powerups and, more importantly, increases your chance to find loot (when you know there are no enemies in a room, you're more likely to go there and search for items). If you survive long enough for Cateye then you can kill enemies from afar.

It's gonna take me some time to beat N! but at least knowing which build to go for is a good start.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2009, 15:54 by Ruldra »
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Re: Nightmare difficulty - how?!?
« Reply #19 on: December 01, 2009, 16:28 »

On the one hand, Nightmare difficulty is supposed to be the ultimate challenge, where your primary concern isn't "Wreck Hell as much as possible", but rather "DAMN HOW'M I GONNA SURVIVE?".

On the other hand, by the time you've gotten to Nightmare, you're already in the habit of getting as close to 100% as you possibly can. So, out of sheer habit, you're going to make them dead before going to the next level. That's where the difficulty is supposed to come from.

HOWEVER: Once you start to shift from "Kickin' Ass" back to "Savin' MY Ass", like back when you played DooM RL for the very first (hundered) times, you start to pick up habits built around surviving in nearly impossible conditions. Which means that you stop caring about posting your Ultra Violence warmup wins - leading to the assumption that, since there are more N! mortems worth reading than UV mortems worth reading, N! must be easier in some bizarre way.

Nightmare Mode: Where "Basic Survival Skills Trumps Hours Upon Hours Of Finely-Honed Hunting Tactics Nine Times Out Of Thirteen", and "The Strategy Of 'Kill Them Before They Kill You' Only Makes Them Angry".

(For comparison, 90% of my N! games begin with me beelining towards Intuition2)
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Ammochain build has its little trick to pull it off.
It is the best to consentrade on using shotguns till the point you find a plasmagun and only use the chaingun on bigger baddies.
Shotguns DO Benefit from SOAB a lot.

The thing is that to win in Nightmare you are going to have to be able to kick ass and survive. Otherwise you won't be able to get your levels.

The best way to win in Nightmare is to corner shoot and scout a lot to kill all the bastards before they see you. Ofcourse if you want a berserk or invulnerability, then you should go on a rampage.

Imps are one of the biggest problem of Nightmare as they are very un predictable.

Few more tips;
-Always check the vaults(not the special level) if you get a level feeling about them, even though they are usualy filled with cacodemons, the loot is more then worth the risk. I've many times found a plasmagun on level 2 due of vaults.
-Open door, shoot, close door, reload, open door, shoot..
-Abuse barrels. Lots of corpses? Acid barrel over them and fire, no more corpses.
-Imps first, then the hellknight.
i dont even know anymore


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Cheers Fanta & Raekuul. I managed to get a win on AoMC N!, but I dont really think AoMC is a proper nightmare game. Being able to kill a hell knight or arachnotron in a single turn makes the most difficult situations in nightmare (early hellknight, arach caves etc) a little easy.

Recently Ive been trying out starting with finesse and getting juggler at level 2. For me its working a fair bit better than bee-lining straight to ammochain, due to the ability to juggle shotguns. Getting 3 knockback shots in a row without a single turn reloading can often allow me to set up a baron-killing knockback lock, and of course scouting for imps is invaluable. With any luck Ill have a standard nightmare game finished soon, and until then Ill just have to settle for my poor N! AoMC substitute. :)
« Last Edit: December 03, 2009, 02:36 by Sylph »
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