You were right about me just giving a sarcastic answer about a slippery slope argument. You didnt need to address each of my bullet points - I agree with you, theyre all ridiculous! :)
The point you didnt comment on, however, was the entire point I was getting at (in a somewhat stupidly roundabout way, I guess) - the game doesnt need to be easier, and a little fear of death is a good thing.
I know that nobody likes the idea of something just popping up out of the blue and killing them, but Id argue that such things rarely happen in DoomRL. In fact, if youre constantly watching out for every potential death, you can avoid all of them in 99% of non-nightmare games. In nightmare games, its the level layout that kills you, not a monsters high plasma damage.
Between this post asking for weaker monsters, and another asking for a revised ammo-holding system, I feel afraid that Kornel will take it on board and make the game far too easy.
I know your standpoint - you dont want things that the player is completely un-warned about jumping out and ending an hour of gaming. I assume this was why some people might like the idea of removing the dice rolls from the game. The fact is, though, that if the player can predict everything that happens, a lot of the intensity of a roguelike such as this is removed. Just look at angel of max carnage - I can categorically state that I find angel of max carnage far, far easier than a normal game, and far more boring too - its too predictable!
Without the danger of chance you just end up unconcerned about anything the game will throw at you, because if you exhibit generally decent play youll make it through the game, and nothing unexpected is gonna come rattle your cage. Plus, balancing chance is a large part of the strategy of this game.
With a random element, you start to fear, and it encourages players to be both cautious and creative in their playstyle.
Id like to add that, of course, a little chance *can* go too far. If theres something unavoidable that can come without warning and end a game, then yes, thats too far. The monsters mentioned in this thread, however, never do that. Even in angel of max carnage, a former commando will not kill a well-equipped player in 1 turn, unless you define turn as 25 turns (2.5 ingame seconds) rolled up together while I reloaded my BFG/doubleshotgun while standing in grope range of a commando, in which case the mistake isnt that of Kornels, its the players.
Furthermore, itd be ok even if he did have a chance of killing you - theres plenty of warning before you encounter such danger; former humans can be heard way before theyre seen, then can be led around, with giftdropping, into situations where the player can gaurantee not taking any damage at all from them (like you mentioned about hellknights)... Arachnotrons do less damage than former commandos, and make an incredibly distinctive sound both when moving and when you injure them.
Both the above enemies are incapable of killing a well-equipped marine in a single turn, and both are easy to avoid and tackle without taking damage. The only situation in which the danger really ramps up is in arachnotron caves, and even then, the player gets 4 free turns to put on his best armour, equip a rocket launcher, blast a spider or two out of sight range, then enter running mode. Smart player don their armour and rocket launcher before walking down the stairs. (on that note, the missile launcher already makes spider cave levels a lot easier)
Bottom line, in my opinion, neither of these enemies is anywhere near the realm of overpowered, both are merely dangerous, and that shouldnt be taken away. Of course, all our mileages may vary. :)