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Author Topic: Returns PBF - In Character  (Read 58518 times)


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Re: Returns PBF - In Character
« Reply #30 on: December 06, 2009, 12:07 »

"Now's not the time to talk.  And you, stay in front, no monkey business.  I'll tell you which way to turn when the time comes.  Let's go."

As Fathima directed the group along the route to the shuttle hanger bay, she wondered to herself why she was even bringing this man along.  His presence would not aid her survival, and perhaps would even hinder it.  But perhaps it was an aftereffect of the kill she just performed.  And he had such a pretty face...


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Re: Returns PBF - In Character
« Reply #31 on: December 06, 2009, 12:35 »

As CX and 'his' Jedi walked down the empty corridors of Cellblock B, the ship was literally falling apart, because of continuous barrage. Only light came for weak, emergency lamps, which only succeeded in covering the interior with red haze. 'Canceron' was dying, and it was not long until it would have to surrender... or explode.

As they closed to the hangar turbolift, explosions suddenly stopped being heard. Ship was being boarded, it was only possible explanation. It was, however, smallest of their concerns. 

Four man stood next to the turbolift entrance. All but one were clad in black Imperial infantry, and armed with blaster rifles. And the one that stood apart was all too familiar- Alistair Thorne.

Fortunately, they have not spotted twi'lek nor CX yet, as they managed hid around the corner. As CX glanced towards his prisoner, he noticed how she was trembling. Dread? Mere memories of what this man did to her?


The pilot was the most talkative of your rag tag group, even though all she said was 'My name is Skye Ortis and...' Before she could finish, Vince made one step too much, entering the new corridor.

Facing a few blaster rifles aimed at him was not pleasant. Nor was to hear the short order issued a second after he appeared.
'Junk. Kill him.

Luckily, when the rifles were fired, Vince managed to jump back around the corner, to safety.

Code: [Select]

T is turbolift. * are metal boxes. One square- two meters. C- CX, J- Jedi, P- pilot, V- Vince, F- Fathima
« Last Edit: December 06, 2009, 12:38 by Gargulec »
And greater honour is well due to them
when they foresee (and many of them foresee)
that in the end Ephialtes will appear,
that after all the Persian shall break through.

Xander Morhaime

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Re: Returns PBF - In Character
« Reply #32 on: December 06, 2009, 12:50 »

CX-411 stopped dead when he heard the shots from just around the corner. Blaster rifles, he recognised that much, and the calls didn't sound as though they came from escaped prisoners. Quietly, he took out his own E11, set it to stun and passed it to the Jedi. "The less witnesses, the better, but I'd rather avoid shooting more of my own side, regardless of their quality. Just point and shoot this at whoever comes around the corner that isn't me, don't change any of the settings," he instructed. Then, moving his repeater to an "at ready" position, slowly and calmly stepped around the corner.

"Escaped prisoners?" he asked, seeing the infantrymen. "Need some extra firepower?" he added, hefting the repeater in his hands for emphasis, pointing it down the corridor to indicate his intent to help out.
12. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.


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Re: Returns PBF - In Character
« Reply #33 on: December 06, 2009, 13:01 »

The instant Fathima heard the sound of blasters, her own blaster pistols were in her hands, held ready in front of her.  She crouched and hugged the wall, ready to fire on anyone that appeared around the corner.

"Who was that?" she whispered to the rebel.  "Oh, and stay down and away from us.  I won't have you grabbing our weapons while we're distracted."

She sent a coded message to Zal over her subcutaneous comlink.  Zal, tell me how many shooters and guns are around that corner.  Is there any cover as well?

She considered her options.  She didn't know who those shooters were, so trying to bluff her way through could leave her dead.  She could throw her datapad to create a distraction if she decided to charge, but that didn't seem wise, either, as she didn't know who they were.  But this definitely was one of those situations where she couldn't afford to hold back with any of her abilities.  So she reached out with the Force, to see if she could get a sense of the beings around the corner.


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Re: Returns PBF - In Character
« Reply #34 on: December 06, 2009, 13:04 »

Thorne turned towards CX.
'You. Great' he growled. 'I knew that I will find you here. Now, tell me where is Jedi, or I shall make you die horribly he added, raising his blaster pistol. Rest of his 'crew' also preprepared their weapons. 

He, however, were quicker. One, prolonged burst from the repeater was enough to kill (or mortally wound) everyone in the corridor.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2009, 14:59 by Gargulec »
And greater honour is well due to them
when they foresee (and many of them foresee)
that in the end Ephialtes will appear,
that after all the Persian shall break through.


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Re: Returns PBF - In Character
« Reply #35 on: December 06, 2009, 15:22 »

"Consider warning me first when you will be going to push me again into a pack of stormtroopers, alright miss ?", drawled the rebel, with a long and murderous gaze into Fatima's eyes. "Loss of one man in our present situation is a almost like a lethal blow to every other one. We are drowning in the same tide, dammit !"
Then, he carefully leaned forward to where the patrol was seen before.
"Ahem. Seems like someone's already done our job. We may keep moving. I hope so, at least.", he whispered, then jumped through the corridor, hiding behind the metal crate.

Oh. A blaster. Methinks, he feels so alone just lying here..., he thought, catching the glimpse of the officer's pistol lying on the ground.
Not worrying for too long, he just rappelled over the crate and reached for it. Of course, his knee protested again...

And so did his eyes, for Vince didn't see the Clone standing right there and aiming at him.
"What the...", he said, desperately trying to crawl back...

Blood... Bodies... Crates... A stormtrooper ! No... Not again !...

Xander Morhaime

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Re: Returns PBF - In Character
« Reply #36 on: December 06, 2009, 15:27 »

CX-411 hosed down the corridor with lethal precision, and with an odd silence, no shouts, jeers, or battle-cries. Once all the men were on the ground, he eased off, glancing around briefly before motioning for "his" Jedi to come out of hiding. Then, as he began to step forward, he saw someone else darting out from around the corner. Seeing a prisoner uniform instead of an imperial one, the dark trooper sighed, shaking his head. "I really hope you're not planning of pointing any weapons at me. So far all it's done is get the weapon holders killed - as you can see - and while I'm sure whatever you did to be put in that outfit deserves a shot in the head... THIS SHIP IS FALLING APART and I would very much like to get off it without further interruption!" Taking a moment to compose himself, the trooper shook his head again. "So, are you going to come out nice and peaceful, or do I have to lob in a thermal detonator after you?"
12. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.


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Re: Returns PBF - In Character
« Reply #37 on: December 06, 2009, 15:47 »

Fathima almost flinched at the second round of blasts.  A repeating blaster rifle!  I know I'm pretty confident about my skills...but even then that's not something I want to test myself against.  She felt the presence of the guards fading from the Force as their life ebbed away from them.  All that was left, besides the rest of her rag-tag group, was one disciplined mind...and the Force user!  But the latter's presence was weak and tired - this disciplined one had to be the new shooter.

Then the rebel started to mouth off at her.  "Loss of one man in our present situation is a almost like a lethal blow to every other one..."  I'm starting to think I don't care to have him along...  Then he dived out the opening to take cover behind a crate.

Idiot! She thought as she watched him move.  Crossing open space is a deathwish against someone with a repeater!  But no blaster fire appeared to shoot the rebel down.  However, a harsh voice did speak out.

"So, are you going to come out nice and peaceful, or do I have to lob in a thermal detonator after you?"

Fathima looked back at the pilot and shrugged, sliding her holdout blasters back into their concealed holsters and raised her hands in the air.  The pair of them slowly emerged from around the corner to face whoever was there.

Xander Morhaime

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Re: Returns PBF - In Character
« Reply #38 on: December 06, 2009, 16:09 »

The dark trooper moved the repeater to an "at ease" position once again, and took his E11 from the Jedi as she approached, holstering it by his side. "Well, at least you two seem a bit more sensible than this lot here," he commented, nudging one of the late infantrymen with his boot. "I suggest you take that blaster out of your pet's hands before he hurts himself, though," he added, pointing to Vince.

That said, CX-411 walked up to the turbolift and quickly tapped in the access code for the hangar bay housing his assigned shuttle. As he waited for it to arrive, he looked at Thorne, a bit surprised to see him still breathing.

"Thought we'd sneak off the ship instead of fighting at our stations, did we?" the trooper growled, crouching down by him. "They really *will* let anyone into the service these days, it seems. Well, I'm sure your injuries or the attackers will rid the Imperial Navy of one... thorn in its side. Ha. Ha." The trooper's laugh was almost mechanical and quite joyless, as though he only did it to point out that it was meant to be a joke. "Or I could let my ward decide what to do with you. She has every right, really... blow for blow and such," he added, looking up at the Jedi at this point. "Well?"
12. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.


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Re: Returns PBF - In Character
« Reply #39 on: December 06, 2009, 16:18 »

The Jedi looked on trrified Thorne lying at her feet for a while. Her face was expressionless, as she spoke.
'I... cannot hate, cannot take revenge. Hate brought our Order to it's doom. Though...
She turned her sight from her tormentor. You could almost see as she has lives through what Thorne did to her again.
'Just... we should go.

In the same moment, one more female walked from around the corner. She was wearing an Imperial pilot uniform, and smiled lightly.

'Oh. Quite a mess she stated, and looked at CX. 'I assume that you are an ally, right?'
« Last Edit: December 06, 2009, 16:22 by Gargulec »
And greater honour is well due to them
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that after all the Persian shall break through.

Xander Morhaime

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Re: Returns PBF - In Character
« Reply #40 on: December 06, 2009, 16:26 »

"Well, I'm looking to get off the ship, if that counts," the dark trooper said, standing up, grinning down at Thorne behind his helmet, then turning around to the newcomers once more. "A pilot?" he said, looking at the last of the other group. "Well girl, if you can fly a shuttle, I promise not to shoot you," he replied with a shrug, then turned to Thorne once more. "Well, aren't you the lucky sort my ward is not the vengeful type... and that I don't have time for anything elaborate. Get out of the way," the clone said, reaching down to grab Thorne by the front of the shirt and, without bothering to lift him up much, toss him onto the two dead infantrymen by the wall opposite to the turbolift. Then, as the lift arrived, he stepped out of the way for the Jedi, nodding his head lightly. "After you."
12. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.


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Re: Returns PBF - In Character
« Reply #41 on: December 06, 2009, 16:32 »

Fathima took the blaster rifle from the dazed rebel into her hands, keeping it pointed at the ground.  He seemed to be reliving some past traumatic incident.  Fathima shuddered inside and wondered if his flashbacks were anything like her own.  "C'mon.  Even if you plan to do something, rebel scum, now's not the time.  Let's join the trooper for the moment.  And don't go picking up one of the other blasters, please."

Turning to the trooper, she asked.  "There's room for us too, is there?  I have an astromech with me if that makes a difference."


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Re: Returns PBF - In Character
« Reply #42 on: December 06, 2009, 16:37 »

The twi'lek entered the lift, and so did you. You were hearing the sounds of a battle not far- there was no time to waste. 
'I hope that you have the launch codes, armoured one?' asked your pilot. 'Yes? That's a releif.' She then noticed Zal and muttered 'An astromech. Fine, I hope that it can assist in flying Lambda Class shuttle.

After a second, the tutbolift arrived in the hangar. It was empty, save from one lambda class shuttle in the middle, which you quickly boarded. Inside, your pilot moved towards the cockpit, and started the taking off sequence.

Interior of the ship was quite spacious, as for the shuttle. Few bunks, few crates with supplies, an Universal Energy Cage in the corner- not an standard equipment, but definitely useful.

With low hum, the engines came to life. If there was anything you wanted to do, now it was the time, for the flight that awaited you was hardly looking to be slow and safe.
And greater honour is well due to them
when they foresee (and many of them foresee)
that in the end Ephialtes will appear,
that after all the Persian shall break through.

Xander Morhaime

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Re: Returns PBF - In Character
« Reply #43 on: December 06, 2009, 16:55 »

Once aboard the shuttle, the trooper showed "his" prisoner to the cage, taking off her shackles and neural disruptor collar before locking it. "I do have to take some precautions, you understand," he told her, then turned and passed the shackles to Fathima. Even if she was a bit oddly dressed. "I'd advise putting these on your pet, we can't have him running about the shuttle completely unrestrained," he informed her.
12. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.


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Re: Returns PBF - In Character
« Reply #44 on: December 06, 2009, 17:08 »

Fathima did as directed, putting the shackles on the rebel after strapping him into a seat, in case any excitement was in store for them.  She tried not to stare at the Jedi as she went about her business.  So a Jedi's Force presence is entirely different from Vader's.  What powers do they have?  And would it...would it be possible to get her to teach me?

With her task complete, Fathima ate a small portion of food, to restore some of her energy.  She then returned to the cockpit and asked the pilot, "So where are we headed?"
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