Well considering I don't see any of thise types of topics here, I though I'd go a head and make one for it.
So basicly in this topic, share little tips and tricks you might've learned and noticed that can make the play slightly easier for the rest of us!
I'll start ofcourse with thise few things;
Combat Shotgunning them hell knights and barons, taking the full advantage of the weapon.
Normally, when you meet up with a hell knight or baron, you might want to hide for cover and fire them from a far with your combat shotty. This ofcourse is the most viable way of doing it, but sometimes you just don't have a good cover or the time for it. So with this trick, you can take out a hell knight with one full clip, using the shotguns correct potential.
Shotguns are a close/medium range weapons, not long range marksmanship. The closer you are, more you hit on them and at blank point range, the damage is enormous! When you meet up a hell knight, fire, zig zag in when you pump your new shell, fire again! And continue. This works for barons too, but is more dangerous unless you have some iron/tan or SOAB packed up.
==> "Stun locking". Did you know that when you're against a hell knight or a baron with only 1 - 2 squares away from them, they will want to try meelee you more then shoot? Using this as an advantage you can "stun lock" them with your shottyguns knockback. When they are face to face, fire, they will go about 1 - 2 squares back and try close in on you again. Ofcourse they do not always do this, but most of the times they do. The further they get knocked back, the larger the fail rate of this trick is. However if you have cover and plenty of ammo, it is still recommended to shoot hellknights and barons from a far.
Making the spider lair is a piece of cake.
Note; Only works in normal games and non weapon limiting games.
So Spiders lair, the one last place you'll ever want to go due of the plasmagun buff. Now you might ask "Piece of cake?!? BS!" But if you have a BFG.. There is a simple way to make thise spiders laughable.
So as you know, when you enter the lair, you're in the middle, with 4 teleporters and surrounded by spiders. Here's the trick; Shoot in one of corner spiders with your BFG9000.
This sunnova in the brackets for exsample (not completely accurate picture)
When the BFG hits, it will break the 3 teleporters near by, leaving the furthest one from the explosion left.
Run to it.
Memorise where you teleported.
Step one step away from it.
Pull out a rapid fire weapon or a meelee weapon.
Wait for spider to walk on the left over tele to appear.
Kill the spider as it can't use its ranged weapon
Most of the spiders that weren't effected by the BFG hit on the start will wander off to the tele sooner or later, the spiders on the most down corner where you shot the BFG at will most likely not enter the tele, but considering you'll take out fairly over half of them that were in a good shape this way, cleaning out the weakened minor ones shouldn't be a problem afterwards. Specialy since you get a lot of food for your BFG.
Enjoy free loot.