It already sort've does that, what with things like "You hear an explosion!" or "AGH! Lava!".
Anyway, new idea. I was playing around with juggler, and noticed that while you can use it to quickly get other weapons, but not to others of the same unless you have them as your secondary. Like, for example, if you have 3 combat shotgun, and have 2 as your primary and secondary, pressing the 'combat shotgun' quickkey on the numpad would just switch between your primary and secondary. I propose a little change to the juggler skill, where instead of doing that, what juggler does is 'cycle' between all the available weapons of a certain type when you use the quickkeys. For example, if you have three differently modded combat shotgun, and you pressed the quick key for combat shotguns, then you'd go to one, and with each press of the quickkey, you'd cycle between all three. So, for example, you'd be going between your power modded one, your bulk modded one, and your technical modded one, all instantaneously, of course.