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Dwarf Fortress
Quoting: karnotNow this...this is something completely different, wouldnt you say ?
Then why do you compare fishes with horses?
Santiago Zapata:
I must confess the world generator is amazing, it outclasses my world generator for Guardian Angel :p
However from the screenshots I can say the battle system is extremely and unnecesarly complicated, there is little level of abstraction there. And the graphics seem too screwy to my eyes in some parts.
You cannot compare this game with DoomRL... they are very different things!
Simplifying and abstracting things so they are easier to handle by the player, while still retaining the game feeling is *hard* and balancing that is even harder, it is harder than just creating a complex structure and letting the user battle against it, this factor may be escaping from you
Malek Deneith:
Quoting: karnotAnd the guy behind it, i'd say he's greater than Kornel and Biskup combined (no offence, Kornel). :)
Yep, malek, i hear it, and i say it ;) (at least until doomr; gets updated)
Santiago Zapata:
That project is being talked about a lot lately.... I dont want to check it! :p
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