General > Graveyard
Yet Another Violent Purge - Interest check for a DH PBF.
Belay my last!
Exploration 15
Combat 1
Investigate 1
Xander Morhaime:
Combat 7
Exploration 7
Investigation 1
I see my Mekboy spending half his time looting bitz and using them to smash together top gubbinz, half his time using said top gubbinz to blow ten kinds of Emperor-loving crap out of anything he doesn't like, and the few moments of downtime to find more things to loot or shoot.
(BTW : Xander, feel free to create a character using rules sent by G. They seem balanced well enough.)
So it seems like we have something like...
Combat - 13 (20%)
Intrigue - 17 (26%)
Investigation - 14 (21%)
Exploration - 22 (33%)
We are waiting until next saturday (just in case somebody arrives). Then the character creation topic shall be made, with whole PBF starting soon.
UPDATE ! Statistics refreshed.
If you don't mind, I shall join your squad as a humble servant of the Immortal God-Emperor.
Combat 5
Intrigue 5
Investigation 7
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