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Author Topic: [flavour] Various death messages in mortem.txt  (Read 12765 times)


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[flavour] Various death messages in mortem.txt
« on: April 22, 2010, 12:46 »

There were various messages depending on the reason of death in original DOOM. Here they are:
went boom. (barrel)
was killed by a former human.
was burned by an imp.
was slashed by an imp.
was shot by a former sergeant.
was bit by a demon.
was perforated by a former captain.
was melted by former commando's plasma gun.
was spooked by a lost soul.
was smitten by a cacodemon.
got too close to a cacodemon.
was bruised by a Baron of Hell.
was ripped open by a Baron of Hell.
was splayed by a Hell Knight.
was gutted by a Hell Knight.
let an arachnotron get him.
couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
was punched by a revenant.
was squashed by a mancubus.
was incinerated by an archvile.
splattered by a cyberdemon.
Monster has 2 messages if it has different close and ranged attacks.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2010, 01:04 by you »

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Re: [flavour] Various death messages in mortem.txt
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2010, 20:42 »

went boom. (barrel)
was killed by a former human.
was shot by a former sergeant.
was perforated by a former captain.
was melted by former commando's plasma gun.
splattered by a cyberdemon.
What about getting melee'd by any of these?  (Although "splattered" by Cybie's iron hoof sounds about right.)  As for the rest, you could just have a more generic "You were wimped by one of your own kind."

However, we'll need other death messages for the DoomRL-only monsters.  I'm thinking (warning: spoilers for beginners):
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Yours are all good, with the possible exception of removing the "plasma gun" bit to the commando, simplifying to "was melted by a former commando."  The other formers don't mention their weapons, after all.
I'm just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.

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Re: [flavour] Various death messages in mortem.txt
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2010, 04:10 »

A variation of this will most likely be implimented at some point in time. Feel free to keep adding to the list!

Also: Mentioning the weapon used probably isn't a good idea, if you consider this post.
Common words do not mean common understanding. Language is mercurial. Meanings are never constant.

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Re: [flavour] Various death messages in mortem.txt
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2010, 04:14 »

That sounds like a great idea.Also I wasn't talking bull when i said i was shot with a chaingun by regular white former human
Take a look to the sky just before you die it's the last time he will!!!

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Re: [flavour] Various death messages in mortem.txt
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2010, 05:52 »

get melt. (lava death)
could not walk anymore. (acid, aaargh!!1)
[color=red]just found the Spider Mastermind.[/color]
was thorn apart. (if there was more then one of enemies around)
died from dehydration. (also lava)
forgot of the nuclear vault.

By the way, if I go level down while the countdown, level counts as exploded?
Code: [Select]
He had posted some posts.
He waited enough for new version of DoomRL.
He played classic Doom but not passed. He also played rogulikes. And once he found the intersection of these sets...


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Re: [flavour] Various death messages in mortem.txt
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2010, 10:15 »

Good idea to have the special messages for special level deaths
became too berserk(CC)
couldn't survive the next wave(H's A)
found what to do in the Wall, but payed too big price for that
became the part of the City of Skulls
was spidered to death
couldn't handle the carnage (HoC)
found that it's really hot there (LP)
Put a chainsaw in my coffin. If I go to Hell, I'll need to do some cleaning there.


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Re: [flavour] Various death messages in mortem.txt
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2010, 11:30 »

Code: [Select]
...choked on a stench of rot. (Mortuary) spoiled. (Lava Pits)
...was too humane. (Halls of Carnage) chained. (Chained Court)
...became another brick in the Wall. (Guess ! :P)
...didn't make it to the breach. (as above...) his flesh ripped off his bones. (City of Skulls)
...was declared a heretic. (Unholy Cathedral) corrupted to death. (Unholy Cathedral)
...was not worthy to wield the Spear. (Unholy Cathedral)
...became webbed. (Spider's Lair)
...lost his mind on arachnophobia. (Spider's Lair)
...didn't make it through. (Hell's Gate) buried alive. (The Vaults) cursed. (The Vaults) loaded. (Hell's Armory)
...didn't enjoy the show. (Hell's arena) humilitated. (Former Human)
...was too weak to face a pariah. (Imp)
...caught a buckshot. (Former Sergeant)
...counts holes in his flesh. (Former Captain)
...found his peace in superior firepower. (Former Commando)
...hailed the Baron of Hell. (BoH)
...became cacodemon fodder. (Caco)
...became dishonored. (Hell Knight)
...met Death itself. (Revenant)
...was stomped on. (Mancubus)
...lost his soul. (Lost Soul) tempted. (Demon)
...did not see it coming. (Spectre)
...succumbed to dark arts. (Arch-Vile)
...failed in the end. (Cyberdemon)
...was too cunning to live. (JC)

...failed to recognize "Biohazard" sign. (Acid barrel)
...has no legs. (Acid)
...loves the stench of napalm. (Napalm barrel)
...needed a light. (Fuel barrel)
...was lost in time and space. (Chained teleports) overheated. (Lava)
...gave a birth to nasty things. (Telefrag)
...was gone with a blastwave. (Nuke) bored with life. (Rocket jump)
...tried to push the pin back in. (Rocket jump)
...wasn't Tank Jr. (Rocket jump)
...believed he can fly. (Rocket jump)


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Re: [flavour] Various death messages in mortem.txt
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2010, 11:34 »

"Was excommunicated" <-- for the church


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Re: [flavour] Various death messages in mortem.txt
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2010, 19:38 »

Very nice ideas, people. Just to condense the ideas into easier to manage groups:
Code: [Select]
was killed by a former human. (Former Human)
got humilitated. (Former Human)
was burned by an imp. (Imp)
was slashed by an imp. (Imp)
was too weak to face a pariah. (Imp)
was shot by a former sergeant. (Former Sergeant)
caught buckshot. (Former Sergeant)
was bit by a demon. (Demon)
got tempted. (Demon)
was perforated by a former captain. (Former Captain)
counts holes in his flesh. (Former Captain)
was melted by former commando's plasma gun. (Former Commando)
found his peace in superior firepower. (Former Commando)
was spooked by a lost soul. (Lost Soul)
lost his soul. (Lost Soul)
was smitten by a cacodemon. (Cacodemon)
got too close to a cacodemon. (Cacodemon)
became cacodemon fodder. (Cacodemon)
was bruised by a Baron of Hell. (Baron of Hell)
was ripped open by a Baron of Hell. (Baron of Hell)
hailed the Baron of Hell. (Baron of Hell)
was splayed by a Hell Knight. (Hell Knight)
was gutted by a Hell Knight. (Hell Knight)
became dishonored. (Hell Knight)
let an arachnotron get him. (Arachnotron)
couldn't evade a revenant's fireball. (Revenant)
was punched by a revenant. (Revenant)
met Death itself. (Revenant)
was boned. (Revenant)
was squashed by a mancubus. (Mancubus)
was stomped on. (Mancubus)
was incinerated by an archvile. (Arch-Vile)
succumbed to dark arts. (Arch-Vile)
joined hells army. (Arch-Vile)
got burned from the other side. (Nightmare Imp)
met his worst nightmare. (Nightmare Cacodemon)
lost his mind. (Any Nightmare Creature)
rode a rocket. (Cyberdemon)
splattered by a cyberdemon. (Cyberdemon)
failed in the end. (Cyberdemon)
was too cunning to live. (JC)
got outsmarted. (Spidermastermind/JC)
has no body to count bullet holes from. (Spidermastermind)
stood in in the awe of the spider demon. (Spidermastermind)
found out its not a milf. (Spidermastermind)
[color=red]just found the Spider Mastermind.[/color] (We wish!)
was torn apart. (if there was more then one of enemies around)
did not see it coming. (Spectre)
wasn't just seeing things. (Nightmare Demon / Spectre)

Level Specific:
became too berserked. (Chained Court)
got chained. (Chained Court)
couldn't survive the next wave. (Hell's Arena)
didn't enjoy the show. (Hell's Arena)
found what to do in the Wall, but payed too big a price. (The Wall)
became another brick in the Wall. (The Wall)
didn't make it to the breach. (The Wall)
became the part of the City of Skulls. (City of Skulls)
got his flesh ripped off his bones. (City of Skulls)
was spidered to death. (Spider's Lair)
became webbed. (Spider's Lair)
lost his mind on arachnophobia. (Spider's Lair)
couldn't handle the carnage. (Halls of Carnage)
was too humane. (Halls of Carnage)
found that it's really hot there. (Lava Pits)
got spoiled. (Lava Pits)
choked on a stench of rot. (Mortuary)
was declared a heretic. (Unholy Cathedral)
got corrupted to death. (Unholy Cathedral)
was not worthy to wield the Spear. (Unholy Cathedral)
was excommunicated. (Unholy Cathedral)
didn't make it through. (Hell's Gate)
got buried alive. (The Vaults)
got cursed. (The Vaults)
got loaded. (Hell's Armory)

Challenge Specific:
lived by the sword, died by the sword. (AoB, killed in melee by Baron or Knight)
fell to berserkerbane. (killed in AoB by former sergeant)
was not worthy to carry the sacred artifact. (AoB, died in UC, not by AoD)
fought the ultimate battle and lost everything. (AoB, killed by Cyberdemon)
met the Reaper face to face. (AoB, killed by AoD)
was the only one remaining in town. (AoMr YAAM)
it's not he who feared pain... It was them! (AoMs YAAM)
patient hunter got his prey. (AoPt YAAM)
was fast, yet thorough. (AoH YAAM)
emptied Hell itself! (Ao100 YAAM)
kicked ass indeed. (AoSg YAAM)
cheated reality. (AoPc YAAM o.O)
proved worthy of Valhalla. (AoB YAAM HNTR)
became a warrior of legends. (AoB YAAM HMP)
became the God of War. (AoB YAAM UV)
is feared even by the Gods. (AoB YAAM N!)

went boom. (barrel)
failed to recognize the "Biohazard" sign. (Acid barrel)
loves the stench of napalm. (Napalm barrel)
needed a light. (Fuel barrel)
get melted. (Lava)
died from dehydration. (Lava)
got overheated. (Lava)
could not walk anymore. (Acid)
has no legs. (Acid)
was lost in time and space. (Chained teleports)
gave a birth to nasty things. (Telefrag)
was gone with a blastwave. (Nuke)
forgot about the nuclear vault. (Nuke/AoRA?)
got bored with life. (Rocket jump)
tried to push the pin back in. (Rocket jump)
wasn't Tank Jr. (Rocket jump)
believed he could fly. (Rocket jump)

There were a few English syntax errors, I tried to fix those.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2010, 08:25 by Tavana »
Common words do not mean common understanding. Language is mercurial. Meanings are never constant.

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Re: [flavour] Various death messages in mortem.txt
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2010, 11:19 »

Don't forget mine: they're embedded in the Spoiler tag but should still be valid candidates.

As for some non-monster varieties:
Code: [Select]
spent all his luck beforehand. (as a result of acid/lava-flooding lever)
got a mouthful of gasoline. (barrel of fuel)
didn't even set a foot in the base. (Phobos Base Entry)
couldn't grab his gear in time. (Hell's Armory)
lacked Dante's ambition. (Hellgate)
succumbed to his arachnophobia. (Spider's Lair)
was lost in the screams of anguish. (The Mortuary)
gave his final answer. (The Mortuary)
took his sweet time burning up. (Lava Pits)
forgot to get out of the oven. (Lava Pits)
I'm just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.

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Re: [flavour] Various death messages in mortem.txt
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2010, 23:45 »

I think i know a message for wall death

"All and all he was just another brick in the wall"
Take a look to the sky just before you die it's the last time he will!!!

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Re: [flavour] Various death messages in mortem.txt
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2010, 14:32 »

".. Got burned from the other side" (Nightmare Imp)
".. Lost his mind" (Any Nightmare creature)
".. Was boned" (Revenant)
".. Wasn't just seeing things" (Nightmare Demon / Spectre)
".. Met his worst nightmare" (Nightmare Cacodemon)
".. Joined the hells army" (Arch-vile)
".. Rode a rocket" (Cybie)
".. Got outsmarted" (Spidermastermind/JC)
".. Has no body to count bullet holes from" (Spidermastermind)
".. Stood in in the awe of the spider demon" (Spidermastermind)
".. Found out its not a milf" (Spidermastermind) 

".. Had his bones rolled by Heresiarch" <--- fat chance. 
i dont even know anymore


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Re: [flavour] Various death messages in mortem.txt
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2010, 15:00 »

...lived by the sword, died by the sword (AoB, killed in melee by Baron or Knight)
...fell to berserkerbane (killed in AoB by former sergeant)
...was not worthy to carry the sacred artifcat (AoB, died in UC, not by AoD)
...fought the ultimate battle and lost everything (AoB, killed by Cybbie)
...met the Reaper face to face (AoB, killed by AoD)

And bonus: special message for those, who YAAMed various challenges:

AoMr: was the only one remaining in town
AoMs: it's not he who feared pain... It was them!
AoPt: patient hunter got his prey
AoH: was fast, yet throughout
Ao100: emptied entire Hell
AoSg:  kicked ass indeed
AoPc (:D): cheated the reality
AoB YAAM on HNTR: proved worthy of Valhalla
AoB YAMM on HMP: became a warrior of legends
AoB YAAM on UV (100%): became the God of War
AoB YAMM on N!: even the God fears him now
And greater honour is well due to them
when they foresee (and many of them foresee)
that in the end Ephialtes will appear,
that after all the Persian shall break through.


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Re: [flavour] Various death messages in mortem.txt
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2010, 07:33 »

I think i know a message for wall death

"All and all he was just another brick in the wall"
What an original thought. But you've been beaten to it.
Under a pale grey sky, we shall arise.


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Re: [flavour] Various death messages in mortem.txt
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2010, 08:26 »

AoB YAMM on N!: even the God fears him now
Yeah, good luck with that.

AoI YAAM - They told him that patience is a virtue, but he proved them wrong.
AoMC YAAM - crushed dice as well as demons.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2010, 12:13 by ZZ »
Put a chainsaw in my coffin. If I go to Hell, I'll need to do some cleaning there.


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Re: [flavour] Various death messages in mortem.txt
« Reply #15 on: May 19, 2010, 09:54 »

"telled"?!  I think you mean "told"...
I computed, therefore I was.
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