Radio again broke the silence.
'Control to Faust's squad: Welcome home, people' you heard, as the reinforced gates swung open, letting you in.
Karski Outpost was not a very glorious sight. Build over the levelled town square, it consisted of a few small, sturdy buildings which housed all the facilities the base could possibly need, mecha docking/repair bay, landing pad for A-Pod vehicles, and, of course, the hospital, one of the main recovery sites for NEG soldiers in the region. It also housed an psychiatric wing, operating under the auspice of Ashcroft Foundation, where those touched by Aeon War Syndrome where treated.
You made your way inside the mecha docking bay. Interior, lit by several high-power lamp looked as every other hangar you have seen, with tons of spare parts, tools and machines scattered around- however, in organized fashion. You could not see many people inside- apparently, there was no work to be done now.
With a little bit of hassle, you managed to put your mecha in their bays, and, finally, leave the cockpits- or control capsules.
You were greeted by familiar sight. Propped against one of the boxes, a girl in her late teens rested. Her skin- and hair- were snow white, contrasting with orange workcrew uniform. You knew her well- she was your outpost own military brat, a daughter to chief engineer of the entire base, and, if it was not obvious from the start a white xenomix. The girl- around sixteen in her age- shared mechanical inclinations with her father, and as such, was nearly official part of the workcrew, trusted so much that she was even allowed to help with mecha repairs.
This does not mean that she was widely liked, though. Whites were usually rather not easy going people, and it was doubly true for her.
'Welcome back, bug crunchers' you heard her voice as you were climbing down from your machines. 'Any problems with mecha? Damage?'