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Author Topic: [Input Request] New TCG: Rules Complete (v1.2), Card Ideas (and more) needed...  (Read 3399 times)

S.K. Ren

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So I've been working with a new rule set for magic and after much tweaking it's turned into a TCG style game. I'm happy with that but I lack the creative genius and brainpower to start making a balanced set of cards to play around with. I also would like input on how to revise and clarify my new rule set. So without further ado, I give you...

Wizards Did It!A TCG by S.K. Ren

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Special Abilities
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Deck Composition
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Game Play
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*Requires better wording

Edit: Well I've reduced the more complex parts of the rules. Still needs some tweaking so give me your thoughts.

I hope that's everything. Please, give me your thoughts.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2011, 21:57 by S.K. Ren »
(6:50:00 AM) Simon-v: How do you live in a world where Everything's Trying To Kill You?
(6:50:23 AM) xander_morhaime: Briefly.


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careful with the use of the word 'draw' as it can very easily confuse players

So far this appears to be a bit to complex for wide appeal. Netrunner is a perfect example of a great game that died because there was just too much to learn before you could even play a basic game. MTG started much more simple and developed it's complexity after it had a player base.

You may want to read some of MaRo's old design articles and look over your plan again.
v.997 [16/5/2/0/0]

S.K. Ren

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I agree I may have a little bit too much in at the moment. I'm thinking about dropping the current corruption/misfire mechanics but I do want that in there in some form. Blocking also needs to be simplified and I intend to improve it. But really you should have seen the original version, it was ridiculously complex.
(6:50:00 AM) Simon-v: How do you live in a world where Everything's Trying To Kill You?
(6:50:23 AM) xander_morhaime: Briefly.
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