Thanks for the positive feedbacks ! I'm glad you like the idea.
Hey, I'm sure this shameless advertisement belongs to this forum ! What roguelike player wouldn't like the idea of such a brutal game ? ! Anyway, thanks for your mercy :)
EDIT : I just realized I added (ugly) tags in the topic name. Bah, I wanted something funny, but... I'm afraid it would have been quite obscure without those. So, since forum is "off topic" anyway, I opted for a non-ambiguous topic name.
You can choose another bonus by clicking on those stupid social buttons (**** this), but currently it needs a click at every game, which is, to say the least, annoying (I didn't want that !)
Also, it's just -1 speed, so it won't change much, but I'll PM you some solution :p
We'll release the easy/hard difficulties soon, they aren't completely ready yet but it might be what you are looking for
Also, after having a few feedbacks, I think I'll add something like "maintaining mouse click doubles ball speed temporarly (and gives some points)".
I have to implement and test it before putting it in production, but it definitly sounds like an interesting idea.