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Author Topic: Stars & Salvage PBF - IC Thread  (Read 58606 times)


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Re: Stars & Salvage PBF - IC Thread
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2010, 05:14 »

When the rest of the crew was busy chattering about with the ship's AI, Morgov went to park his ATV in the destroyer's hangar. After a while he came back, fiddling with keys ringing silently.
"Ve might azzume zhat I'm done wif inztallation.", he comments, smiling. "A ??????? hangar ve have, ??."

S.K. Ren

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Re: Stars & Salvage PBF - IC Thread
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2010, 09:09 »

Evedro spent the first few hours performing routine check-ups on the ships various systems. Despite what the stupid A- , what 'Carrion' said, he wasn't going to fly around in this thing unless he was sure he wouldn't be vented due to a rusty bolt or weak shielding plate. Everything seemed to be up to acceptable levels, although there was always room for improvement.
  "Well everything looks to be in working order," he said, returning to the bridge. "I'll have to bring in 'Charon' later after we have left port. Tell me when you are ready to leave so I can prepare."
(6:50:00 AM) Simon-v: How do you live in a world where Everything's Trying To Kill You?
(6:50:23 AM) xander_morhaime: Briefly.

Malek Deneith

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Re: Stars & Salvage PBF - IC Thread
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2010, 12:50 »

After Carrion's last comment something resembling a laughter could be heard coming from Doran, though it quickly was replaced by a coughing fit, which ended almost as quickly.

- "Well that's a pragmatic AI if I ever saw one. Let's go to the bridge then, I'll need to learn more about this ship if I am to command it."
« Last Edit: August 28, 2010, 12:52 by Malek Deneith »
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Xander Morhaime

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Re: Stars & Salvage PBF - IC Thread
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2010, 18:45 »

"Statement: Of course, captain. The stairs leading up to the bridge are on the fore and aft sides of the control tower," Carrion instructed.

The bridge, once found, presented a much more impressive sight than the rest of the ship. While the previous owners apparently didn't care much if their wall plating was dirty and its colours didn't match, the bridge was fitted with some very up-to-date tech. Near the front was a command chair and a holographic interface console, as well as four secondary control stations lining the room's sides. No windows, but the walls and roof were lined with a display screen that flickered on to show the docking bay outside. Behind the helm was the main access terminal for the ship AI, with a tag (the sort you'd see on dead bodies in a morgue) attached reading "Carrion: 20:46, 5th Feb 2785, Gulo II ACNF".

The holographic display was switched to show a rotating layout of the ship as Carrion explained the various elements.

"Explanation: We are currently in the conning tower, located here," a fragment of the display on the top of the ship flashed red. "As you can plainly see, the ships control systems are located here. Crew quarters are located here," twelve rooms lit up on the display. "The ship can accommodate a larger crew, but the previous owners saw fit to convert the fore staterooms into recreation and social rooms, leaving the aft rooms for quarters. Weapon systems are located here," this time, four pods on the sides of the ship's hull lit up. "This ship as at its disposal two fore dual CairoCorp Pulsar-300 series turrets, and two aft CairoCorp Lancer-450 series turrets, customised to provide greater accuracy. Power plants and propulsion systems are located in the aft pods," the display lit up the two large structures at the ship's rear. "The medical facilities are located at the base of the conning tower, while the engineering bay and hangar are in the aft. You will note the remainder of the ship has been given over to cargo space," this time, about half of the ship display flashed to show the spacious hold.

"Additional: Should you have any further questions, or any orders for me, I await them with great anticipation."
12. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.


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Re: Stars & Salvage PBF - IC Thread
« Reply #19 on: August 28, 2010, 22:52 »

Vince started to grow restless.  He had already spent far too long in one place than he would have liked.  This discomfort had been growing ever since he set foot into this empty metal vessel, but had been abated slightly by the presence of the A.I.  He couldn't quite explain it, but he felt more of an affinity toward the synthetic intelligence than the rest of his "friends." 

The military types couldn't be rushed, he may as well find the medical facilities and distract his mind somehow from this lingering unease.  First, however...

"Carrion, I'm interested in hearing more about... yourself."  Smiling slyly, he imagined the faces on his companions to be quizzical.  "Tell us about your functions and capability, and anything else you may feel like sharing."
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Xander Morhaime

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Re: Stars & Salvage PBF - IC Thread
« Reply #20 on: August 29, 2010, 17:48 »

"Recitation: I am responsible for maintaining the smooth functioning of all ship subsystems on the Blue Crow, and as such have access to all control routines. Furthermore, if precision control is required, I can take over gunnery of a number of the ship weapon systems or handle evasive maneuvers. Proud statement: I also possess a number of other skills, but for various reasons the previous crew were not willing to indulge me in their use," Carrion rattled off.

"Is there anything else you wish to know?"
12. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.


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Re: Stars & Salvage PBF - IC Thread
« Reply #21 on: August 29, 2010, 22:35 »

"Rest assured Carrion, I am quite interested in... " Dr. Shelder glances at his companions and corrects himself. "We are interested in your full capabilities and will surely utilize them in the near future."

"Tell me, just what sort of skills went unappreciated by the former crew?  Members of my group have expressed interest in this ship's history, so feel free to share what you would like about the former owners."
« Last Edit: August 30, 2010, 00:12 by UltimateChaos »
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Re: Stars & Salvage PBF - IC Thread
« Reply #22 on: August 30, 2010, 05:16 »

'Sorry, but I think I'll just try to take some rack time now...' muttered Elizabeth, picking up her bag again, and descending from the bridge.

Making her way through the dimly lit corridors of the destroyer, she reached her appointed cabin. With a sigh of relief, she opened the door, and slipped inside.

The room was pretty bare, furnished with little more than narrow bunk, a steel locker and worn down table, but compared to some other place in which she had the questionable pleasure of spending her rack time, it could be almost considered luxurious. She did not have to share it with fellow soldiers, for one.

Slowly, she begun to unpack her luggage. To the locker went her rifle and armour, along with sealed box of ammunition. Autopistol, properly locked and unloaded landed on the able, next to a stray magazine for it. She dug deeper in the bag, unearthing of more personal importance. Box of various mementos from years past, Bronze Star wrapped in grey package paper, holo of what appeared to be her family.

Yes, she was a sentimental person to the bone.

Finally, she stuffed her now empty bag beneath the bed. Mere seconds later, she was in deep sleep.
And greater honour is well due to them
when they foresee (and many of them foresee)
that in the end Ephialtes will appear,
that after all the Persian shall break through.

Xander Morhaime

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Re: Stars & Salvage PBF - IC Thread
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2010, 13:50 »

"Proud statement: I believe I could handle precise medical operations quite adeptly. I have spent some time honing my skills with high-output lasers for mining purposes, and I am quite confident that scaling down to a laser scalpel and a different target would not be a problem," Carrion went on. "Additional: The previous crew would not let me participate in the preparation of food either. I cannot see why, as from what I observed the process is not difficult at all, and in fact looks inefficient and could be streamlined..."
12. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.

Malek Deneith

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Re: Stars & Salvage PBF - IC Thread
« Reply #24 on: September 02, 2010, 12:20 »

- "Err... thanks Carrion, we'll think about it." - Doran tried his best to keep a poker face - "In the meantime, how about we take the ship out for a test run?"
Inquisition - saving your soul, one bolter shell at a time.
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Xander Morhaime

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Re: Stars & Salvage PBF - IC Thread
« Reply #25 on: September 03, 2010, 08:44 »

"Statement: Certainly, captain. If you will take your place at the helm, I will take us out of dock," Carrion said.

The holographic display switched from a view of the ship to the intricate set of ship controls - though for now they seemed to be running themselves as Carrion handled the undocking. Plenty of numbers flashed by - power system readings, engine operation parameters, trajectories, authorisation codes, proximity readings... the usual work of the shipboard computer. After about a minute the ship lurched slightly as the docking clamps were removed and the hull lifted off from the docking bay floor, carefully swinging around towards the docking bay gates. As they began to open, the Blue Crow accelerated, gliding swiftly past them out into the far more spacious docking tunnel, and from there out into the void of space...

The screens mimicking windows had changed to a view of the "sky," with sparse stars able to be seen through the light reflected off the gas giant Parthia IV, while an extra display showed up on the holoscreen - a view of the system as a whole, with a blinking beacon marking your current position.

Parthia wasn't an especially crowded system. Orbiting the smallish green star were a total of five planets. Parthia I, closest to the star, was an irradiated airless rock that hadn't even caught the attention of any prospector. The reason for this was the Parthia asteroid belt between the first and second planet, a wide band of space debris, not much in the way of valuable minerals according to Federation surveys, but there were plenty of stories about individual prospectors chancing upon a treasure trove of rare minerals in one exotic asteroid or another... and even more stories of prospectors who'd lost (or almost lost) their ships and lives to what was assumed to be pirate activity. Parthia II was likewise a rather dull rock with a few captured asteroids orbiting it in place of moons. The less armed or more cautious prospectors usually turned their attention there, though profits from such operations had been historically rather sparse. Parthia III was a cold desert planet with a surface equally hostile to colonisation attempts and mining efforts and a small moon that wasn't any more welcoming. Parthia IV was a gas giant with quite a few moons, though the main point of interest there was the refuelling and refining station you'd just left. Finally, Parthia V was another gas giant, smaller than IV though with a set of rings to make up for it, and a handful of moons.

The system map also marked out the two jump gates present: the Lyskel gate leading (eventually) back to Federation space, and the Estiad gate leading further out into the fringe territories. There were no natural warp points, according to Federation surveys.

It took another ten minutes or so to pick up Evedro's own little ship, but once that was sorted and everyone who wasn't sleeping was once again present on the bridge, Carrion spoke up again.

"Statement: Awaiting further instructions, captain. If you wish to perform a test of the sensor suite and other ship systems, I can plot a course for the asteroid belt to try it out there. Alternatively, if you already have a destination in mind, simply tell me and I will suggest an optimal course."
12. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.

S.K. Ren

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Re: Stars & Salvage PBF - IC Thread
« Reply #26 on: September 06, 2010, 11:38 »

  Having successfully docked 'Charon' with the 'Blue Crow', Evedro laid down in his personal cot onboard 'Charon'. Sure he had his own room, but it would be some time before he would get used to it. Unfortunately 'Charon' was the only Ship's Boat on the 'Blue Crow' meaning he would have to relinquish it as some point for use on jobs. With a defeated sigh, Evedro drifted off to sleep.
(6:50:00 AM) Simon-v: How do you live in a world where Everything's Trying To Kill You?
(6:50:23 AM) xander_morhaime: Briefly.

Malek Deneith

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Re: Stars & Salvage PBF - IC Thread
« Reply #27 on: September 06, 2010, 15:52 »

- "Well we got a ship now, but we're going to need funds to keep it... and us... going. So unless anyone has any brilliant ideas on how to earn money I think we should spend some time browsing hypernet in hopes of finding job adds fitting our capabilities."
Inquisition - saving your soul, one bolter shell at a time.
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Re: Stars & Salvage PBF - IC Thread
« Reply #28 on: September 08, 2010, 11:18 »

"Yes, after all, we're all nearly broke.  It may also be wise to do as Carrion suggests and test the sensors, although we couldn't afford replacing them if they were faulty.
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Re: Stars & Salvage PBF - IC Thread
« Reply #29 on: September 09, 2010, 14:13 »

Carrion was silent for a minute or two before speaking up again.

"Statement: I have completed a review of the offers available within the immediate area. Listing follows.
Option 1: All settled systems within this sector possess orbital facilities that must be supplied with reaction mass and fabricator raw materials to continue functioning - these are frequently used as a reliable source of income by private craft with the capability and capacity for large-scale mining, as stations will most often happily pay for whatever theycan use, though the prices are not too great.
Option 2: Cargo transfer contracts are also available at all settled locales - however, given the bulk amounts involved, the Blue Crow may not be the best-suited for this work. Numerous passenger transfer contracts are also available, but these are either high-risk assignments or low-pay assignments.
Option 3: Sector authorities are offering bounties on known pirate vessels. However, trying to hunt any down would be a very high-risk assignment.
Option 4: This is a recent posting, captain. The Federation is offering substantial bounties for information leading to the whereabouts of several ships that have gone missing in or around the Parthia system. The size of the bounties suggests a high-risk assignment, however.
12. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.
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