I'm not sure if this has severely annoyed anyone else, but it's been a constant bother to me in every incarnation of DoomRL and I'd like to open it up for discussion.
Why, oh why, can't we use the look command to examine things that a computer map has displayed? I understand that in most cases it is moot, everything can be easily identified by knowing the color and symbol of the object. However, what about exotics and uniques? They are all the same color and have to be examined up close. Large healing globes can't be distinguished from berserk packs.
The real kicker, however, is that when under the effects of an envirosuit, berserk, or invulnerability not even the color is available to identify objects. I can understand that it's a very pretty graphical effect and it's true that it adds an extra element to gameplay. I still think it makes little to no sense that you can't distinguish many objects from their similarly shaped counterparts when "under the influence."
With the graphical version of DoomRL somewhere on the horizon, all the objects will have individual tiles and be distinguishable with a computer map anyway. That gameplay advantage alone is a good enough reason to play the tile version over the ASCII version.
Well, what does everybody think?