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Author Topic: Mortuary and Arena training 101, with saves :HUGE Spoilers:  (Read 2803 times)


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I hope this isn't against the forum rules, and if it is feel free to remove this post.

This post is to help the newbie player (which I am myself in a way) get used to/practice a couple of the more bitched about levels in DoomRL. It's not to show how great I am (I'm not) or to let people cheat their way through ranks/player profiles. It just gives a new player the equipment and abilities to practice these levels so that they can feel less intimidated by them when they go for their own runs through the game. I suggest that you use these saves in a fresh install of DoomRL, in a different directory from your normal copy to stop these saves destroying your own personal player profiles.

Each save is called save_*level_*difficulty_*buildtype.  Remove everything after "save" in the filename to use these. Keep a copy somewhere if you want to practice them a few times. You'll only be able to use one at a time, just select "Continue Game" on the main menu.

Firstly a save for Ultra-Violence Hell's Arena.

Filename:  save_arena_hard_intuition.
Hell's Arena on Ultra-Violence

You start with two combat shotguns, some spare shotguns for switching/corner shooting, a chain-gun, some health and a bit of ammo. It's quite easily do-able, just grab some cover and blast away. The build is aiming for intuition (cheap and cheesy) with juggler already gotten to make it a little easier on you. Or go for a non-master build if you want. You start on 60% health, so that's the only real downside to it.

No things to do, no glory to win. And a funny/weird build to make it easy.

Things to Learn: Juggler/corner shooting, and learning how to hit multiple targets with a shotgun. And maybe which targets it is/isn't worthwhile using a chaingun on. I wouldn't bother continuing through the game with this one.......


Secondly a very easy save for the Mortuary

Filename:  save_mortuary_easy_AoMC_ammochain.
The Mortuary on Angel of Max Carnage with an Ammo-chain build.

It doesn't get any easier than this. You start with 20+ turns of invunerability. And a firestorm packed Plasma-Rifle. And power/agility-modded Onyx Armour. And a missile launcher. And a bulk modded BFG. And alot of ammo. And a combat shotgun just for giggles. This is just to get rid of the fear that a lot of players seem to have of the Mortuary. You can actually take out the level with just the combat-shotty if you want. It really makes you cry when the game throws this much good stuff at you on an easy difficulty.

For bonus points, clear the Mortuary and take out the rest of the game with a non-AotD assault shotgun. Still very doable. Or go completely close combat for the rest of the game. You should get level 12 easily by the end. 16 hours of play time too. I went out for a day and left it running.............

Things to Learn: No fear. The joys of weapon/armour modding. Restock-retool-rebuild your character mid/late game if you want.  Just how good exotics/uniques are. You CAN take on the end-game with fists/knives and some health packs.


Thirdly the Mortuary on Angel of Shotgun with an Army of the Dead build. Hurt Me Plenty difficulty.

Filename:  save_mortuary_med_AoS_AotD
The Mortuary on Hurt Me Plenty, Angel of Shotgun, Army of the Dead build.

Again, it can't get much easier for a shotgun build. You have an assault shotgun already (which you can abuse with the shotty-man trait full reload) and a firestorm packed double barrel shotgun. 2-3 turns of invunerability (to phase if you want) and some ammo/health. You don't have much armour though, there's plenty on the level though.

Just to practice both open area shotgun fighting and let people REALLY learn the spread of their shotgun. It also highlights just how beautiful a level the Mortuary is for restocks of virtually anything you could need late game. You should never skip the level in my opinion. No 100% possible, I went to the Wall without thinking.

Things to learn: not much. A little bit of shotgun work. Taking out groups, learning how handy the "Run" button is in an active combat environment. Working monsters against each other.  Target priority. If you finish off the game then you'll learn a good bit about shotguns in late game and what you can take on with health/armour defence and what you'll need "active" defense against (moving/running like hell).


That's it for now. These are meant to be easy, just for training/learning purposes. You've got just about everything you could ever need. Don't abuse them for kill-counts/mode-unlocks. They're not that good for that anyway.

Have fun, learn lots.

PS I've never even seen a firestorm pack before these games. Then I got them both for these saves. You REALLY don't need them, but it doesn't half make these easier training tools.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 00:12 by Sambojin »

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Re: Mortuary and Arena training 101, with saves
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2010, 10:29 »

Filename:  save_arena_hard_intuition.
Hell's Arena on Ultra-Violence

You start with two combat shotguns, some spare shotguns for switching/corner shooting, a chain-gun, some health and a bit of ammo. It's quite easily do-able, just grab some cover and blast away. The build is aiming for intuition (cheap and cheesy) with juggler already gotten to make it a little easier on you. Or go for a non-master build if you want. You start on 60% health, so that's the only real downside to it.

No things to do, no glory to win. And a funny/weird build to make it easy.

Things to Learn: Juggler/corner shooting, and learning how to hit multiple targets with a shotgun. And maybe which targets it is/isn't worthwhile using a chaingun on. I wouldn't bother continuing through the game with this one.......
I can probably cook up a better save if you want, specifically one with more med-packs and health to start. Fin->Jug is a great way to start if you only want to use the combat shotgun, but unfortunately a chaingun without SoB is rather lame. Ideally you'd want Jug, EE, and SoB for Hell's Arena, but that's too many traits already. Probably be best to make three saves: combat Jug, combat Shottyman, and chaingun SoB/EE. I'll do what I can to get some ideal starts.

Filename:  save_mortuary_easy_AoMC_ammochain.
The Mortuary on Angel of Max Carnage with an Ammo-chain build.

It doesn't get any easier than this. You start with 20+ turns of invunerability. And a firestorm packed Plasma-Rifle. And power/agility-modded Onyx Armour. And a missile launcher. And a bulk modded BFG. And alot of ammo. And a combat shotgun just for giggles. This is just to get rid of the fear that a lot of players seem to have of the Mortuary. You can actually take out the level with just the combat-shotty if you want. It really makes you cry when the game throws this much good stuff at you on an easy difficulty.

For bonus points, clear the Mortuary and take out the rest of the game with a non-AotD assault shotgun. Still very doable. Or go completely close combat for the rest of the game. You should get level 12 easily by the end. 16 hours of play time too. I went out for a day and left it running.............

Things to Learn: No fear. The joys of weapon/armour modding. Restock-retool-rebuild your character mid/late game if you want.  Just how good exotics/uniques are. You CAN take on the end-game with fists/knives and some health packs.
No kidding that this is easy. The Firestorm rifle allows you to one-hit the Viles, making it more of a point-and-click adventure than a roguelike. You can pretty much go any way on this one, however, given all the weapons available (although ammunition is somewhat lacking for some). I like it, good way to get used to Mortuary if you haven't gotten your feet wet before. (I can't say that newbies should practice until they've been there, though...ruins the surprise and tension.)

Filename:  save_mortuary_med_AoS_AotD
The Mortuary on Hurt Me Plenty, Angel of Shotgun, Army of the Dead build.

Again, it can't get much easier for a shotgun build. You have an assault shotgun already (which you can abuse with the shotty-man trait full reload) and a firestorm packed double barrel shotgun. 2-3 turns of invunerability (to phase if you want) and some ammo/health. You don't have much armour though, there's plenty on the level though.

Just to practice both open area shotgun fighting and let people REALLY learn the spread of their shotgun. It also highlights just how beautiful a level the Mortuary is for restocks of virtually anything you could need late game. You should never skip the level in my opinion. No 100% possible, I went to the Wall without thinking.

Things to learn: not much. A little bit of shotgun work. Taking out groups, learning how handy the "Run" button is in an active combat environment. Working monsters against each other.  Target priority. If you finish off the game then you'll learn a good bit about shotguns in late game and what you can take on with health/armour defence and what you'll need "active" defense against (moving/running like hell). surprisingly difficult. The problem with Mortuary lies in making your way to a corner or side, and then working your way toward the center: if you stay in the middle from the get-go (unless you are WELL endowed) that's just asking for trouble. With Intuition, you're able to pick an opening; with AoMc, you can usually blast your way through; in most other cases, it takes some phasing to really get a handle. Homing phases are perfect, even if they don't get you to your favorite corner, since you get a little fort to hold down until the side's good to go.

I had to play this one a few times before winning a couple. Even with the massive damage coming from the shotgun, enemies pop up much faster than you kill them. It really is necessary to move from one side to the other, rather than from the center outwards. You can TRY to run the gauntlet, but man, it's pretty rough if you don't get lucky. Honestly, Fireangel and a double shotgun would probably work better overall, if only because you can run through with much more ease (naturally, you'd pick the left side for a power-modded assault). Also, it's fun to kill stuff via enemy fire.

I can TRY to get a normal Mortuary game on HNTR, but it might take a while before it's a solid amount. Ideally I'd like to come in with a rapid-fire build complete with plasma rifle, a few phases (and/or a single homing), BFG with cells, and a missile launcher with rockets: this kit is what I suggest in my guide, and it's what I consider the safest strategy (ie, it's the build you want for N! Mortuary). Normally, I'd throw in Ammochain as well, but it's a better training save if you're working with limited ammo.

Overall, I like these saves and would recommend them for training use only. Unfortunately, there's nothing to stop a newbie from using these to get some easy badges, either. Maybe they belong best at the Wiki, where people are already expected to be spoiling themselves.
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Re: Mortuary and Arena training 101, with saves
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2010, 15:11 »

I managed a collection of UV Hell's Arena training saves, just like the ones mentioned in the previous post.

save_U_HA_rapid contains a SoB->EE build with chaingun/shotgun. There are also three med-packs and an extra armors, as well as a spare chaingun in case reloading is a problem. This one should be pretty easy in general: a small number of shells are left for scouting, so you aren't inclined to switch to winning solely with a shotty.
Levelup should be placed in SoB.

save_U_HA_jugg contains a Fin->Jug build with a crapton of shotguns. Probably the hardest to accomplish, but quite doable with the supplies provided. Without a combat shotgun and limited ammo, your objective is twofold: lure enemies into close range, and use the six med-packs and three armors to practice footwork. If shells do become an issue, there are another 32 or so when the Barons show up.
Levelup can go wherever, really. I suggest Fin if only because it fits the shotgunx2 combo so well.

save_U_HA_shotty contains a Rel->Rel->SM build with a combat/shotgun, and only those two weapons. You have tons of shells to work with, so this can either be taken as a practice with Shottyman (using mostly the shotgun) or corner-shooting and scouting (using mostly the combat).
Levelup should be placed in TaN or HR, with intention for a shotty master trait.

Mortuary's gonna be a lot harder, but I'll see what I can get done.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2010, 15:14 by Game Hunter »
I'm just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.

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Re: Mortuary and Arena training 101, with saves
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2010, 23:57 »

The first save for mortuary is meant to be easier than easy. Almost to the point of not being able to lose. It's a confidence builder really. I don't think I'll EVER get that setup of equipment in another game. It always happens when you don't need it......

I guess you're right with the second mortuary save. It's not easy, but it's not actually that hard. Most other builds than shotgun/AoS aren't that bad in the mortuary. A few extra (homing) phases and armour or easier difficulty would make it a lot simpler.  Then again, I find it a bit better to learn shotgun skills on HMP or UV as they're about the level that shotguns start to become tricky to use. ITYTD and HNTR tend to be blast, kill, repeat. There's a fair bit of skill in fighting in the open or mini-base defending on higher difficulties. The skills transfer for the arachnid lair as well. Just hit "run" with every health-pack/globe you use, the assault shotgun is amazing speed/ammo/reload wise and the DB really does pack the damage/spread you need if you start getting swamped. There's health and armour aplenty on the level, so go get it (with that probably being the hard part). Of course, if you do use your phase and end up next to some Viles, the firestormed DB shotgun does wonders.

Other than having the jackhammer and some more phases/armour I can't think of an easier shotgun run for the mortuary. What Fireangel does for damage prevention, AotD does for damage causing. And you need to cause damage in the mortuary to stop getting swamped. Just press "run", move a bit and pretend you have fireangel anyway. The amount of dodging you do is pretty amazing, with a lot of baddies dying to friendly fire :)

The arena save isn't the perfect save, but it gives you a few options for how you want to fight (EE for chaingun, juggler for shotguns). It just lets people give quite a few things a go to see what works and what doesn't. That's the main thing, finding your own style. I'd whack a nicer one up, but you've done so anyway. Cheers
« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 00:22 by Sambojin »
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