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Author Topic: Highest Berserk Killcount  (Read 35026 times)

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Highest Berserk Killcount
« on: October 27, 2006, 19:54 »

This is the thread to post your berserkers :-P. I'll start with a realy weak count, top me :

Code: [Select]
---- Berserk! (DAY 7) Post Mortem of Anubis ----
  STR: 16  DEX: 14  END: 10  WIL: 10
  Speed: 109  HP: -17/100  EN: 100/100  Weight: 10
  Base damage: 2d6+7  Weight: 10
---- Weapons left ----
  Cannon (1/2)  Crossbow (6/12)  Bombs (3)  FairyDust (2)
---- Kills (167) ----
  22 bulldemons
  118 beasts
  9 mandagores
  15 hunters
  3 monsters
---- Achievements ----
  Fought on                : Town
  Max kills in one turn    : 2
  Longest killing sequence : 7 kills in 5 turns.
  Survived for             : 680 turns
  Reason of death          : killed by a mandagore
« Last Edit: December 05, 2007, 15:58 by Malek Deneith »
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2006, 18:04 »

Well, here is my current record.

Code: [Select]
---- Berserk! (DAY 7) Post Mortem of Fingerzam ----
  STR: 15  DEX: 13  END: 12  WIL: 12
  Speed: 108  HP: 0/120  EN: 16/120  Weight: 12
  Base damage: 2d6+6  Weight: 12
---- Weapons left ----
  Knives (5)
---- Kills (560) ----
  71 bulldemons
  377 beasts
  28 mandagores
  20 nightmares
  62 hunters
  2 monsters
---- Achievements ----
  Fought on                : Forest
  Max kills in one turn    : 8
  Longest killing sequence : 10 kills in 3 turns.
  Survived for             : 1957 turns
  Reason of death          : killed by a hunter
« Last Edit: December 05, 2007, 15:58 by Malek Deneith »


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Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2006, 10:27 »

I decided to try a willpower based character, and it just rocks! You're berserking more than half of the time and you have 100% energy all the time, which means you can run and sweep everything all the time! I found this energy feature after killing about 100 monsters, but I'm not very far from Fingerzam's record.

Code: [Select]
---- Berserk! (DAY 7) Post Mortem of Glo ----
  STR: 13  DEX: 12  END: 10  WIL: 24
  Speed: 107  HP: 0/100  EN: 170/170  Weight: 10
  Base damage: 2d6+4  Weight: 10
---- Weapons left ----
  Cannon (0/1)  Crossbow (0/3)
---- Kills (446) ----
  57 bulldemons
  300 beasts
  21 mandagores
  10 nightmares
  54 hunters
  4 monsters
---- Achievements ----
  Fought on                : Forest
  Max kills in one turn    : 3
  Longest killing sequence : 6 kills in 5 turns.
  Survived for             : 1775 turns
  Reason of death          : killed by a hunter

By the way, knives are hunter killers while you're in berserk.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2007, 15:53 by Malek Deneith »


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Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2006, 20:31 »

I know the Kills aren't too impressive, but this was my first try, so I guess it's not that bad after all. :-)
Code: [Select]
---- Berserk! (DAY 7) Post Mortem of pcentella ----
  STR: 14  DEX: 14  END: 11  WIL: 12
  Speed: 109  HP: -4/110  EN: 107/115  Weight: 11
  Base damage: 2d6+5  Weight: 11
---- Weapons left ----
  Cannon (1/0)  Knives (4)  Bombs (1)  FairyDust (2)
---- Kills (240) ----
  16 bulldemons
  174 beasts
  11 mandagores
  4 nightmares
  35 hunters
---- Achievements ----
  Fought on                : Fields
  Max kills in one turn    : 6
  Longest killing sequence : 7 kills in 2 turns.
  Survived for             : 1114 turns
  Reason of death          : killed by a beast

Gah, died with 2 FairyDusts. I was trying to get the most out of my Berserking, but a beast critical-hit me and killed me.

I was mostly running around the level, which may not be the best idea against hunters, but I found it more fun. :-) I liked the game Kornel, it's great fun (and although I don't post too often in the forums, I'm really interested in the next version of DoomRL).

I found an important bug, though: the berserk bar charges (or uncharges, if it's active) for every action you do, even if it takes no time: for example, starting to fire but cancelling the action, or hitting the run key. I didn't take advantage of the bug in my game, 'cause it was obviously a bug, and I wanted to see how far I could go in normal conditions. :-) But this basically allows you to turn on/off berserk mode if under 50% health whenever you wish, by holding down the run key.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2007, 15:48 by Malek Deneith »


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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2006, 03:48 »

---- Berserk! (DAY 7) Post Mortem of Getix ----
  STR: 12  DEX: 12  END: 15  WIL: 15
  Speed: 107  HP: 0/150  EN: 124/150  Weight: 15
  Base damage: 1d6+3  Weight: 15
---- Weapons left ----
  Cannon (1/2)  Crossbow (9/60)  Knives (5)  Bombs (3)
---- Kills (96) ----
  7 bulldemons
  70 beasts
  2 mandagores
  17 hunters
---- Achievements ----
  Fought on                : Fields
  Max kills in one turn    : 1
  Longest killing sequence : 4 kills in 4 turns.
  Survived for             : 576 turns
  Reason of death          : killed by a beast

First time.. not so bad.. gonna try again :D

---- Berserk! (DAY 7) Post Mortem of Getix ----
  STR: 12  DEX: 10  END: 17  WIL: 20
  Speed: 105  HP: -2/170  EN: 185/185  Weight: 17
  Base damage: 1d6+3  Weight: 17
---- Weapons left ----
  Cannon (0/2)  Crossbow (12/60)  Knives (5)  Bombs (1)
---- Kills (74) ----
  10 bulldemons
  57 beasts
  3 mandagores
  4 hunters
---- Achievements ----
  Fought on                : Town
  Max kills in one turn    : 7
  Longest killing sequence : 7 kills in 1 turns.
  Survived for             : 395 turns
  Reason of death          : suicide

The luck of the n00b has already exipired.. :(
« Last Edit: December 17, 2006, 03:52 by Getix »
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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2007, 04:06 »

Not as great as those posted above, but my best nonetheless :P

Code: [Select]
---- Berserk! (DAY 7) Post Mortem of Adral ----
  STR: 11  DEX: 13  END: 14  WIL: 16
  Speed: 108  HP: -1/140  EN: 8/150  Weight: 14
  Base damage: 1d6+6  Weight: 14
---- Weapons left ----
  Crossbow (6/27)
---- Kills (244) ----
  30 bulldemons
  178 beasts
  7 mandagores
  2 nightmares
  26 hunters
  1 monster
---- Achievements ----
  Fought on                : Fields
  Max kills in one turn    : 9
  Longest killing sequence : 10 kills in 2 turns.
  Survived for             : 1045 turns
  Reason of death          : killed by a nightmare

I got pretty much mobbed without Energy, so I hadn't got lots of things to do:P
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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2007, 12:22 »

Ok, i have it. I'm not good yet, but after some 10 games i finally i beated my 233 kills highscore:

-- Berserk! (0.8 RC 3) Post Mortem -----------------------------------

  Character name  : Andell
  Game type       : Endless
  Nights survived : 3
  Monsters killed : 254

  STR: 15  DEX: 11  END: 12  WIL: 10
  Speed: 106  HP: -4/115  EN: 110/110
  Base damage: 2d6+6  Weight: 12

-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------


-- Weapons left ------------------------------------------------------

  Cannon (0/1)  Crossbow (0/54)  Knives (10)  Bombs (5)  FairyDust (1)

-- Kills (254) -------------------------------------------------------

  26 bulldemons
  153 beasts
  7 mandagores
  25 imps
  5 phasehounds
  35 skeletons
  3 wraiths

-- Skills (3) --------------------------------------------------------

  Ironman (level 1)
  Sweep attack (level 2)

-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------

 The beast dies!
 You evade.
 You hit the beast!
 The beast dies!
 You hit the beast!
 The beast dies!
 You hit the mandagore!
 The mandagore hits you!
 You die!...
 Press <Enter>

-- Achievements ------------------------------------------------------

  Max kills in one turn    : 10
  Longest killing sequence : 10 kills in 1 turns.
  Survived for             : 980 turns
  Died on                  : Fields
  Reason of death          : killed by a mandagore

I stupidly tried to kill the mandragore when i had 4 HP :/


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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2007, 09:05 »

   Omg, I can't stand it. Just look at my score:

-- Berserk! (0.8.5 ) Post Mortem -------------------------------------

  Character name  : ReaCto
  Game type       : Endless
  Nights survived : 1
  Monsters killed : 18

  STR: 16  DEX: 11  END: 10  WIL: 10
  Speed: 106  HP: -2/105  EN: 100/100
  Base damage: 2d6+7  Weight: 10

-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------


-- Weapons left ------------------------------------------------------

  Cannon (1/1)  Crossbow (3/24)  Knives (5)  Bombs (1)  FairyDust (2)

-- Kills (18) --------------------------------------------------------

  1 bulldemon
  14 beasts
  3 imps

-- Skills (1) --------------------------------------------------------

  Ironman (level 1)

-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------

 The bulldemon charges!
 You evade.
 The bulldemon hits you!
 You go BERSERK!
 You evade.
 You evade.
 You evade.
 The bulldemon hits you!
 You die!...
 Press <Enter>

-- Achievements ------------------------------------------------------

  Max kills in one turn    : 5
  Longest killing sequence : 5 kills in 1 turns.
  Survived for             : 114 turns
  Died on                  : Bridge
  Reason of death          : killed by a bulldemon

That's my first time. Simply BAD! Tell me how to do better?

Malek Deneith

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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2007, 10:02 »

A good start would be reading Fingerzam's Survival guide - it should have most if not all info necessary for improvement. And remember - practice makes perfect ;)
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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2007, 10:12 »

 OK, I'm sure I'll find time to read it. Training make's perfect? Dude, I'm playing this game all the time!
When I'll get some sensible highscore, I'm gonna show you.

Madrik Rimesorrow

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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2008, 05:28 »

A somewhat side topic: What's the max kills anyone's got in 1 turn?
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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2008, 09:16 »

A somewhat side topic: What's the max kills anyone's got in 1 turn?
I had 15 last game, no idea for total.

Madrik Rimesorrow

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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2008, 04:54 »

I got 17 with one bomb!! Skelies and beasts.
They shall tremble, shall despair.
Forth the chill that hangs mid-air.
Anger, anguish, damage share.
Go now! Follow Terror's heir...

Jerry Swain

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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2008, 08:12 »

What rot?! 17 in one turn! With a bomb?! =O


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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2008, 11:55 »

My highest killcount so far. Also, guess what? I managed to COMMITT SUICIDE! HAHAH!!! (Not that I should be proud of it :P)

Code: [Select]
-- Berserk! (0.8) Post Mortem ----------------------------------------

  Character name  : Sachiko
  Game type       : Endless
  Nights survived : 3
  Monsters killed : 234

  STR: 12  DEX: 12  END: 12  WIL: 12
  Speed: 107  HP: -9/110  EN: 117/120
  Base damage: 1d6+7  Weight: 12

-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------


-- Weapons left ------------------------------------------------------

  Cannon (0/2)  Crossbow (12/60)  Knives (8)  Bombs (1)  FairyDust (1)

-- Kills (234) -------------------------------------------------------

  18 bulldemons
  161 beasts
  11 mandagores
  24 imps
  4 phasehounds
  15 skeletons
  1 wraith

-- Skills (3) --------------------------------------------------------

  Running (level 1)
  Sweep attack (level 2)

-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------

 The bulldemon dies!
 The beast dies!
 The bulldemon dies!
 The beast dies!
 The beast dies!
 The phasehound blinks!
 Choose target, b to
 You hit the mandagore!
 You die!...
 Press <Enter>

-- Achievements ------------------------------------------------------

  Max kills in one turn    : 11
  Longest killing sequence : 11 kills in 1 turns.
  Survived for             : 916 turns
  Died on                  : Fields
  Reason of death          : suicide

If you ever use cheat-mode, I'll go for you and kill you while you sleep.


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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2008, 13:43 »

"Sachiko was looking too good until he killed himself." (Quote from Unreal Tournament)
[18|7|3|0|0|0] [MED:13/43] [SPE:36/67] [ASM:11/40]

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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2008, 20:21 »

Code: [Select]
-- Berserk! (0.8) Post Mortem ----------------------------------------

  Character name  : Korimyr
  Game type       : Endless
  Nights survived : 6
  Monsters killed : 550

  STR: 16  DEX: 13  END: 10  WIL: 10
  Speed: 108  HP: -1/100  EN: 12/100
  Base damage: 2d6+7  Weight: 10

-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------


-- Weapons left ------------------------------------------------------

  Crossbow (9/39)  Knives (10)  Bombs (4)  FairyDust (1)

-- Kills (550) -------------------------------------------------------

  29 bulldemons
  321 beasts
  30 mandagores
  1 defiler
  52 imps
  18 phasehounds
  69 skeletons
  3 wraiths
  1 spore
  19 scavengers
  3 foresters
  4 treants

-- Skills (6) --------------------------------------------------------

  Sweep attack (level 3)
  Whirlwind attack (level 3)

-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------

 You go BERSERK!
 You evade.
 Choose target, b to
 You hit the beast!
 The beast dies!
 The beast dies!
 The beast dies!
 The beast dies!
 You die!...
 Press <Enter>

-- Achievements ------------------------------------------------------

  Max kills in one turn    : 9
  Longest killing sequence : 10 kills in 2 turns.
  Survived for             : 1981 turns
  Died on                  : Forest
  Reason of death          : suicide

Starting to show a little improvement here.
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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #17 on: December 25, 2008, 19:06 »

Looks like I'm winning the thread so far. :V

Code: [Select]
-- Berserk! (0.8.5 ) Post Mortem -------------------------------------

  Character name  : Malfeasance
  Game type       : Endless
  Nights survived : 7
  Monsters killed : 635

  STR: 16  DEX: 12  END: 12  WIL: 12
  Speed: 107  HP: -1/110  EN: 120/120
  Base damage: 2d6+7  Weight: 12

-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------


-- Weapons left ------------------------------------------------------

  Cannon (0/2)  Crossbow (9/36)  Knives (2)  Bombs (4)  FairyDust (1)

-- Kills (635) -------------------------------------------------------

  6 demons
  56 bulldemons
  368 beasts
  33 mandagores
  4 defilers
  74 imps
  21 phasehounds
  26 skeletons
  3 wraiths
  5 spores
  30 townspeople
  3 ice devils
  5 yeti
  1 blizzard

-- Skills (7) --------------------------------------------------------

  Running (level 1)
  Sweep attack (level 2)
  Whirlwind attack (level 1)
  Impale attack (level 2)
  Jump attack (level 1)

-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------

 The blizzard freezes you!
 The beast evades your blow.
 The blizzard freezes you!
 The blizzard freezes you!
 You evade.
 You miss the yeti.
 The blizzard freezes you!
 The yeti hits you!
 You die!...
 Press <Enter>

-- Achievements ------------------------------------------------------

  Max kills in one turn    : 5
  Longest killing sequence : 8 kills in 8 turns.
  Survived for             : 2378 turns
  Died on                  : Snow
  Reason of death          : killed by a yeti

I lost this one because I was too stupid to use my fairydust. :/


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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2009, 06:54 »

First of all: Kornel thank you for the GREAT game!

I've just registered on forum to show (I've beat my personal barrier of 1000 kills)
Code: [Select]
-- Berserk! (0.8.5 ) Post Mortem -------------------------------------

  Character name  : Malek
  Game type       : Endless
  Nights survived : 10
  Monsters killed : 1166

  STR: 15  DEX: 16  END: 10  WIL: 10
  Speed: 111  HP: -1/145  EN: 12/100
  Base damage: 2d6+6  Weight: 10

-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------


-- Weapons left ------------------------------------------------------

  Cannon (1/0)  Crossbow (3/60)  Knives (3)  Bombs (2)  FairyDust (1)

-- Kills (1166) ------------------------------------------------------

  9 demons
  67 bulldemons
  538 beasts
  73 mandagores
  7 defilers
  83 imps
  38 phasehounds
  258 skeletons
  14 wraiths
  1 spore
  24 scavengers
  4 treespirit
  8 treants
  20 townspeople
  10 ice devils
  8 yeti
  4 blizzards

-- Skills (10) -------------------------------------------------------

  Ironman (level 9)
  Sweep attack (level 1)

-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------

 You evade.
 You evade.
 The mandagore misses you.
 You hear a howl!
 You evade.
 You hit the mandagore!
 You evade.
 The bulldemon hits you!
 You die!...
 Press <Enter>

-- Achievements ------------------------------------------------------

  Max kills in one turn    : 24
  Longest killing sequence : 24 kills in 1 turns.
  Survived for             : 4006 turns
  Died on                  : Fields
  Reason of death          : killed by a bulldemon

I've get about 900 kills with willpower-based character, but dexterity based characters seem better to me - dex gives optimal balance of atack and defense at least with my playstyle.
So I play with Str 13 and all other points in Dex. Str15 in post is because at last 2 nights i was sure that will be killed - so don't want to waste a point.
And Ironman is a nice skill on high levels - most time i run from crowds, so don't have enough Energy to use Sweep Atack.

My english isn't very good so sorry for possiple mistakes.

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2009, 07:40 »

OMG, Ironman level 9 O.o
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2009, 11:02 »

Code: [Select]
-- Berserk! (0.8.5 ) Post Mortem -------------------------------------

  Character name  : Skynet
  Game type       : Massacre
  Monsters killed : 291

  STR: 10  DEX: 17  END: 10  WIL: 10
  Speed: 112  HP: 0/115  EN: 100/100
  Base damage: 1d6+5  Weight: 10

-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------


-- Weapons left ------------------------------------------------------

  Crossbow (12/21)  Knives (10)  FairyDust (1)

-- Kills (291) -------------------------------------------------------

  2 demons
  21 bulldemons
  168 beasts
  8 mandagores
  32 imps
  5 phasehounds
  43 skeletons
  2 wraiths
  10 townspeople

-- Skills (3) --------------------------------------------------------

  Ironman (level 3)

-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------

 The beast dies!
 The beast misses you.
 You hit the beast!
 The beast dies!
 You evade.
 You hit the beast!
 The beast dies!
 The beast hits you!
 You die!...
 Press <Enter>

-- Achievements ------------------------------------------------------

  Max kills in one turn    : 9
  Longest killing sequence : 10 kills in 2 turns.
  Survived for             : 985 turns
  Died on                  : Town
  Reason of death          : killed by a beast

I normally use balanced stats, but I decided to try just Dexterity this time, with all my skill points in Ironman. It made all those imps a lot easier to kill, and really helped out once when I had 5 firing at me from all different directions.


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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2012, 06:46 »

Code: [Select]
-- Berserk! (0.8) Post Mortem ----------------------------------------

  Character name  : Gutts
  Game type       : Endless
  Nights survived : 8
  Monsters killed : 874

  STR: 14  DEX: 13  END: 12  WIL: 12
  Speed: 108  HP: -1/110  EN: 24/120
  Base damage: 2d6+5  Weight: 12

-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------


-- Weapons left ------------------------------------------------------

  Crossbow (3/0)  Knives (5)  FairyDust (1)

-- Kills (874) -------------------------------------------------------

  43 bulldemons
  492 beasts
  71 mandagores
  10 defilers
  100 imps
  45 phasehounds
  64 skeletons
  3 wraiths
  4 spores
  35 scavengers
  2 foresters
  5 treants

-- Skills (8) --------------------------------------------------------

  Running (level 3)
  Sweep attack (level 2)
  Impale attack (level 3)

-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------

 You hit the skeleton!
 You hit the imp!
 You hit the bulldemon!
 The beast misses you.
 You evade.
 You hit the bulldemon!
 The beast hits you!
 The phasehound hits you!
 You die!...
 Press <Enter>

-- Achievements ------------------------------------------------------

  Max kills in one turn    : 10
  Longest killing sequence : 12 kills in 8 turns.
  Survived for             : 3108 turns
  Died on                  : Fields
  Reason of death          : killed by a phasehound

Didn't use my god damned fairydust. Tragic waste of human life.


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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #22 on: April 17, 2012, 04:22 »

Code: [Select]
-- Berserk! (0.8) Post Mortem ----------------------------------------

  Character name  : Gatts
  Game type       : Endless
  Nights survived : 11
  Monsters killed : 1346

  STR: 16  DEX: 12  END: 12  WIL: 16
  Speed: 107  HP: 0/110  EN: 33/140
  Base damage: 2d6+7  Weight: 12

-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------


-- Weapons left ------------------------------------------------------

  Crossbow (6/15)  Knives (5)

-- Kills (1346) ------------------------------------------------------

  85 bulldemons
  644 beasts
  107 mandagores
  10 defilers
  140 imps
  58 phasehounds
  206 skeletons
  10 wraiths
  3 spores
  38 scavengers
  8 foresters
  37 treants

-- Skills (11) -------------------------------------------------------

  Running (level 3)
  Sweep attack (level 3)
  Impale attack (level 3)
  Jump attack (level 2)

-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------

 The beast evades your blow.
 The beast hits you!
 The beast evades your blow.
 You hit the beast!
 You evade.
 You hear a howl!
 The beast evades your blow.
 The beast hits you!
 You die!...
 Press <Enter>

-- Achievements ------------------------------------------------------

  Max kills in one turn    : 16
  Longest killing sequence : 17 kills in 2 turns.
  Survived for             : 5556 turns
  Died on                  : Fields
  Reason of death          : killed by a beast



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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #23 on: September 26, 2018, 03:27 »

I'm a bit late to this thread, but I just discovered it.  My highest kill count has got you all beat.  1995!  :D

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Apostle Chaos Lt. General (
Check out my Youtube channel for videos of me playing DRL!  :)


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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #24 on: November 17, 2019, 10:28 »

I beat my old record by a considerable margin, thanks to lots of bugs.  :P  23407!

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Check out my Youtube channel for videos of me playing DRL!  :)

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #25 on: January 12, 2020, 16:48 »

Tormuse, WTF?!?
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2020, 02:33 »

It was this game here.  :)  Fix the bugs, so I can't do that, Kornel!  :P

My first theory was that the crashes are related to simply having too many creatures on the map at the same time, but in the above linked game, the crashes eventually started happening consistently every time at the end when the Demon spawned, even if I cleared swaths of enemies with bombs and cannon fire beforehand.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2020, 02:34 by Tormuse »
Apostle Chaos Lt. General (
Check out my Youtube channel for videos of me playing DRL!  :)
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