Other Roguelikes > Berserk!
Highest Berserk Killcount
Not as great as those posted above, but my best nonetheless :P
--- Code: ------- Berserk! (DAY 7) Post Mortem of Adral ----
STR: 11 DEX: 13 END: 14 WIL: 16
Speed: 108 HP: -1/140 EN: 8/150 Weight: 14
Base damage: 1d6+6 Weight: 14
---- Weapons left ----
Crossbow (6/27)
---- Kills (244) ----
30 bulldemons
178 beasts
7 mandagores
2 nightmares
26 hunters
1 monster
---- Achievements ----
Fought on : Fields
Max kills in one turn : 9
Longest killing sequence : 10 kills in 2 turns.
Survived for : 1045 turns
Reason of death : killed by a nightmare
--- End code ---
I got pretty much mobbed without Energy, so I hadn't got lots of things to do:P
Ok, i have it. I'm not good yet, but after some 10 games i finally i beated my 233 kills highscore:
-- Berserk! (0.8 RC 3) Post Mortem -----------------------------------
Character name : Andell
Game type : Endless
Nights survived : 3
Monsters killed : 254
STR: 15 DEX: 11 END: 12 WIL: 10
Speed: 106 HP: -4/115 EN: 110/110
Base damage: 2d6+6 Weight: 12
-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Weapons left ------------------------------------------------------
Cannon (0/1) Crossbow (0/54) Knives (10) Bombs (5) FairyDust (1)
-- Kills (254) -------------------------------------------------------
26 bulldemons
153 beasts
7 mandagores
25 imps
5 phasehounds
35 skeletons
3 wraiths
-- Skills (3) --------------------------------------------------------
Ironman (level 1)
Sweep attack (level 2)
-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------
The beast dies!
You evade.
You hit the beast!
The beast dies!
You hit the beast!
The beast dies!
You hit the mandagore!
The mandagore hits you!
You die!...
Press <Enter>
-- Achievements ------------------------------------------------------
Max kills in one turn : 10
Longest killing sequence : 10 kills in 1 turns.
Survived for : 980 turns
Died on : Fields
Reason of death : killed by a mandagore
I stupidly tried to kill the mandragore when i had 4 HP :/
Omg, I can't stand it. Just look at my score:
-- Berserk! (0.8.5 ) Post Mortem -------------------------------------
Character name : ReaCto
Game type : Endless
Nights survived : 1
Monsters killed : 18
STR: 16 DEX: 11 END: 10 WIL: 10
Speed: 106 HP: -2/105 EN: 100/100
Base damage: 2d6+7 Weight: 10
-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Weapons left ------------------------------------------------------
Cannon (1/1) Crossbow (3/24) Knives (5) Bombs (1) FairyDust (2)
-- Kills (18) --------------------------------------------------------
1 bulldemon
14 beasts
3 imps
-- Skills (1) --------------------------------------------------------
Ironman (level 1)
-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------
The bulldemon charges!
You evade.
The bulldemon hits you!
You evade.
You evade.
You evade.
The bulldemon hits you!
You die!...
Press <Enter>
-- Achievements ------------------------------------------------------
Max kills in one turn : 5
Longest killing sequence : 5 kills in 1 turns.
Survived for : 114 turns
Died on : Bridge
Reason of death : killed by a bulldemon
That's my first time. Simply BAD! Tell me how to do better?
Malek Deneith:
A good start would be reading Fingerzam's Survival guide - it should have most if not all info necessary for improvement. And remember - practice makes perfect ;)
OK, I'm sure I'll find time to read it. Training make's perfect? Dude, I'm playing this game all the time!
When I'll get some sensible highscore, I'm gonna show you.
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