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Author Topic: Sachiko's suggestions to the lovely, bucolic, and happy world of Berserk!  (Read 8221 times)


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Hello, fellow male and female berserkers! Today, I'm making a list of suggestions of my own crop for Kornel's game, BerserkRL.

First off, some monster suggestions of my own, because, let's recognize it, the true point of the game is the monsters. Each one is a world, and has a behaviour and a strategy to follow in order to destroy them. Here, I submit a list of monsters I propose, after making sure no one has suggested them:


The weakest monster of them all, bust also the most numerous. They don't have any special abilities, they just try to swarm you, or serve as support for beasts and other monsters. Some of them may be riding other monsters, even!


A fierce demonic steed, probably a bloodthirsty demon wolf, or a monstrous boar, or some other man-eating quadruped. Fast and resilient, its bite may only sting a bit more than goblins, but it can prove being annoying.


A goblin riding a steed. They share the speed and strength of a steed, but when killed, the goblin jumps out of it and keeps fighting!

-Blood Knight:

A human turned into a vampiric knight by the powers of darkness. It is clad in armour, unlike most monsters, and wields a sword that sucks your blood when it hits you, stealing some hit points from you and giving it to its owner... Or even draining the blood from the floor or the corpses! A pretty dangerous creature if it comes late in the level, when there is a lot of signs of bloodshed.

-Stone-skinned Stalker:

It appears in mountain levels. At mere sight, it look like a simple rock... but if you ever get near it, it reveals its true aspect and attacks you by grabbing your arm hard so you can't get away from it! This, obviously, has the direct inconvenient that you can't move for a while, and can get easily swarmed by other, nastier critters...


Appears in towns and, if implemented, in castles. It is a headless undead knight wielding a very big sword like the one you have. It can do impaling attacks, meaning it can attack you without even needing to approach you, and even if there's another monster between you and him.

-Fallen Angel:

She looks like a gothic lolita girl... But as she approaches you, you notice the red eyes, fangs, claws, batlike wings... She can throw highly damaging, but fortunately highly inaccurate, unholy bolts at you, and if you allow her, she can use her powers to revive the dead as ghosts, although she can't create them as fast and in such a mass-production feeling as the wraith makes skeletons.


An revived corpse, like skeletons, except this one packs a weaker punch. On its advantage (And your disadvantage), it has the fact that it is incorporeal, meaning it can evade many of your blows before it falls. Fortunately, the Fallen Angel can't create ghosts as quickly as a wraith can create skeletons.


A forest exclusive. The unholy cross between a human and a beast, probably fruit of a rape. Its beast blood gives it the killer instict of one, and also a lot of agility. Its ability to stand on two legs gives it skills a regular beast lacks, like making a feint over you both to dodge your attacks and counterattack you.


A heavily armored marine creature. Normally, it dwells in the bottom of the sea, but sometimes, when it doesn't find food in the abyssal dephts, it goes to the surface by night, looking for prey, whether animal or human... Beware!

And I could keep going and going with monster ideas, but I think you get the message, right?

Next in the list, new terrain suggestions!


A shore nearby the sea, the perfect place for romantic snuggles by the moonlight... And also the perfect place for hellish creatures to surface out of the water, looking for victims...


The interior of a large castle, full of passages. It once was a powerful human fortress, but the servants of Hell slaughtered all the people in there, and now, only the shadows of those who once were their guardians lurk around the dark corridors, with only one mission in mind: Destroying any living being they find, for the greater glory of their new masters, the masters of Hell.

And, as a dessert, suggestions for game modes:

-Endless Wave Mode:

This is like Endless Mode, except that, every night that passes, you face only ONE kind of monster. With every night you survive, a new type of monster appears to challenge you. If you are lucky enough to survive all monster types, the cycle repeats itself ENDLESSLY, except that, every cycle, the monsters get stronger, and stronger, and stronger...

-Panic Mode:

This is like Massacre Mode, except that your Berserk Gauge is replaced by a Fear Gauge. When it fills up (It fills up the same way as the Berserk Gauge), you PANIC! and your abilities get nerfed! Pain makes the Fear Gauge fill up faster, and lower HP = less fear required for PANIC! Basically, it is the opposite of Berserk.

-True Berserker Mode:

Again, this behaves like Massacre Mode, except that you're PERMANENTLY BERSERKED! You have no powerups whatsoever, meaning you have no knives or Fairy Dusts, and of course, even if you had the arm cannon, the bombs or the crossbow, you couldn't use them. Not a single powerup to save your sorry hide, only your lust for BLOOD!

And there you have it. More suggestions soon. In the meantime, tell me what you think about it, okay?

And, just in case you're wondering, the title is sarcastic. XD
If you ever use cheat-mode, I'll go for you and kill you while you sleep.

Kornel Kisielewicz

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The point is that unlike all the other chaosforge games I have a VERY strong connection to Berserk, and try to make it as accurate towards the Manga as is possible within playability's grasp. Most of the proposed things (apart from terrain) don't have anything to do with Berserk, and the PANIC mode is violently unBerserkish :P
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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Sachiko sighs in self-disappointment.

Please forgive my ignorance, Kornel, for I practically don't know a bit of Berserk. But, who knows, the monsters may still be useful for some other games, so, not all is lost. :P
If you ever use cheat-mode, I'll go for you and kill you while you sleep.

Kornel Kisielewicz

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I absolutely suggest you try to find out what Berserk is :)
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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And I will follow you suggestion. XD
If you ever use cheat-mode, I'll go for you and kill you while you sleep.


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I recently came to conclusion about ultimate way for a character in a game. Go after programmer who made him into all these endless fights. He may meet her in game appearing as some 'caring' character, full of help and so called affection. But he would gladly show her a 'finger' telling about hypocrisy of being 'so loving', while at the same time throwing him into different kinds of hell. He could as well experience bliss in peace, but hasn't even been given a choice.
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