Other Roguelikes > DiabloRL

Crash/bug topic

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Skeleton King crashes the game. Avoid him if you can. Sorry for that bug, me could not test all the issues by myself.

The recharge cost for unique staves and sorc's starting staff does not include the price of available charges.

I managed to kill Skel King somehow with Holy Bolt (which was said to be bugged - but I did not face any problems here).

Another possible problem (cannot recheck because save was lost):

4. I broke the barrel next to monster and it exploded. Monster was damaged/killed in the process and the game crashed.

My guess is that Skeleton King Crash bug occurs when the said King spawns a minion. Since the spawning seems to be a random event, I lived through the fight by means of save'n'load (the cheater I am). Save after each successful hit, load if crashes. Hope that helps.

5. Ogden almost always starts every conversation (when you get back to town from dungeon) with wall of text "Thank goodness you've returned! blah blah blah (...)". One time is not enough?

6. Another crash: when you give tavern sign to Ogden and save, game crashes during save creation - and save becomes corrupted.
Check out save file (before giving sign to Ogden).

7. "the <monster> <monster_action>". For example:
"the hidden appears"

Should be "The", as this is the start of a sentence.

Harlequin Crest crash on save confirmed. Thank you for your report.


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